The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

1 Moves Upward; Trading Amex Wednesday, January 20, 1971 THE CINCINNATI ENQUIRER 47 Sales Sales Neti Sales (hds.) High Low Last Chg. (hds.) High Low Close Chg. (hds.) High Low Close 80 Horn Hardrt 18 18 18 Pratt Rd .25 36 Hoskins PrentHall .68 24 39 9 Hospital Affil PresRit .80 .32 Host Ent .231 Preston .50 105 House Vis Fabric Price Capital 39 House .44 Proir Stl 19 20 Hubb pfB1.75 45 45 Prov Gas .64 10 10 Hubb pfA1.75 10 45 Prud Resres 267 10 A 507 Prud Bdg .24 62 HudB OG .50 PrudFnds .10 18 Huffman .60 PSColo pf4.25 z177 63 63 Hudson Leas 18 12 12 Pubco Ptl .15 77 9 Husky Oil ,15 PuntaGord is Huyck Cp .48 34 Puritan Fash Hydromett 8 PutnamsS .34 Hycon Mfg .10 Food Ramer Ind 20 HygrdFd pf 4 Ranchrs Ex 13 14 Hygrad Rapid Am wt 68 I-J-K Rath Pack .30 Ray Resres 36 9 28 IdealToy 1f 116 27 RB Indust Eq 13 IHC Inc Reading Ind 24 24 IllusWor Enc Real El 1.40a 16 IMC Magnet RityinTr 21 .60 15 ImocoGy Recrion Corp 24 23 8. 6 5 9-16 5 9-16 5 9 16-1-16 Corp Imprioil 26 Ind 25 ..36 12. 12 Idian Hd wt 8.

12 Reeves Telec 18 .70 8 IndpisPL pf 4 7230 55 Reli Ins 2.20 z750 38 5 InfightP 26 6 6 Rem Ar 3. lexco Oil 97 Remco Ind 12 Inland Credit Rep Mtg 1.80 19 19 Instron Corp RepMigin wt 84 5 5 Instrum Sys .08 81 37 14 It Controls 47 Reserve 0G 178 9 138 Int Cont A wt 35 3 3 Resistoflex In Protein .10 53 Resortsintl A 914 6 Int Stretch 174 13 Rex Noreco 193 Interphoto 26 Restau Assoc 115 Interstate Un 61 Rib et Prods 11 Intersystm Richford Ind 17 InvDivB .45 10 10. Richton. 1.07t 32 27 Invt Fdg RicoArg Mng IvDiv A 1.80 Riker Maxs A Iroquois Ind Riker Mxn pf 2 8 ISC Irvin Ind Indust 74 25 6 RittFinB RioAlgom .40 24 6 12 Itel Corp Robintech 2 2 ITI Corp 26 31 3 3 Roblin Ind 178 9 Jaclyn Rogers Corp 20 102 Jameswy 24 24 3 Rollins Intl 38 19 165 856 Jeff Jeannette Pet GI 22 Rolls Rolls Royce 260 1 5-16 1 5-16 Lak Roy fn 201 3-16 1 3-16 1 3-16 Jeffersn Strs 12 12 Ronco Telepr 40 11 11 6 25 Jervis Corp RooseRac .80 Jetronic Ind Rosenau Bro 2 2 15-16 2 15-16 2 15-16 1-16 John Pd 10 32 RownDri 270 86 JS Industries 18 Royal Amer 29 2 2 12 Jupiter Cp 32 9 Indust 22 3 3 Kaiser In .38 130 PGE 6pf 1.50 14 24 18 Mill Cst Prop 32 Kalvex 31 Kane wt PGE pf 1.37 11 Kay Jwly PG PG rdpfA1.25 4.80pf1.20 26 104 Kavanau Kauf Brd wt 26 26 PG Rd pf1.25 13 Kaneb PL .80 5pf 1.25 19 19 Kenton .32 60 15 18 18 PG 4.50pf1.12 10 Ketchm 12 12 Hold 15 16 28 Kewanee .90 Hold pf1.20 Kewanee pf 2 PG 4.36pf1.09 16 16 103 Key Co PG 9.28pf2.32 209 37 Keyst Kilemb Ind 1.50e .40 28 Pac Pac Lt Lt pf4.75 260 Kin Ark pf4.50 z120 65 65 65 17 17 King Radio Corp 48 Pac Pac Lt Lt pf4.3 pf4.40 2.50 Kingsford .16 z100 63 61 63 KingsLaf 1.60 301 NwTel 1.04 30 173 21 21 538 8 Pantasote Kirby Ind .36 SwstAir wt 40 Kinny pfc .05 Mfg 28 8 Pac PL pf 5 z25 Kit Kleer Vu Ind 3 PacSLoan ..30 12 26 26 14 .30 Knott Hot 14 14 Pall Corp A 15 Kleinerts 26 .60 24 Parmont Pkg Kollmrgn .40 Park Ele .471 Kysor Ind Inc 12 L-M Parklan Hos 17 Parkwy Dist 11 LaBarge Inc Parsons 20 20 Lafay Radio 23 Pat PPap .36 LAigion Appl 6 6 Pato CG 8 Lake Shore Peab Gal 23 23 LaMaur .36 Peel Elder Langley Cp Penn Eng .60 16 Larwin Penn RIE .85 12 LaPoint 9 PenobSh 13 19 Lilli Ann Cp Pentron Ind LaSalle Deit RoyBusn Lea Roni .28 Pep Boys .96 Leader LaTour Intl Bick 3 Rupp Royaltnn Indust Am 79 Leas Data wt Rusco Ind 50 Lee Ent RustCraft .40 22 19 Lee Natl Russeks Inc 14 128. Leh Press .56 17 RussiMil 22 9 Prd .36 51 LeslieFa .80 39 26 LernerStr 71 S.T Lerner St wt 141 Sabn Roy .40 Leisure Tec 10 Safegrd Ind 20 124 Levitz Furn 14 71 Salem StJhnTrk Corp .90 LibtyFab 39 34 Sambo 80 Levin Town 69 36 E-F Liberty Leas 292 Die SanCarlo pf.90 13 13 13 58 Ling LilyLynn TVgt A wt DieG pf9.84 118 118 118 Lockwd Die pf Logistic Ind SJuanR 2.18t 32 26 LTVElec Die pf.88 17 17 17 LTV Aero wt Sanitas .12 49 LTV Aero .80 Sargent Ind 16 LTV Ling Alt Saturn Airwy 116 LTV Ling wt 30 Sargt pf2.25 25 25 25 15 11 Loews The wt 278 Scam Instru 165 35 32 35 LTV Ling pf 14 Sayre Fishr 118 Macoid Ind 318 Savoy Ind Macro Chat Savin Mch Magna Oil SchenuitA .40 Mallory Ran Sav AStop .24 33 12 Magmf Data 8 Schiller .16 15 Me PbSv 1.16 Science Mgt 15 8 Lynch Corp Scient Atlan Mansf TR .50 ScottysH 14 .60 Scurry Rain Mangel Mangood St .30 8 8 SbdAlMill .30 MamMrt Sea Contain 9 Lundy Elec Seabrk SbdPlywd Fds .10 13 8 Marinduge Sealectro 8 Sears Ind Cp .44 21 Marlene Ind Marley 47 Season All 9 Marshal Ind 19 Sec Mtg Inv 113 20 Masland .40 SelasCorp .40 16 350 Mater Re Sellg Ltz 11 2550 Maul Bro .20 Semtech Cp 67 21 wt Sequoyah Ind 41 McCror wt Service Cp In McCrory McCull 1.12t Servotronic 10 12 .30 Servo Corp 169 Servisco 228 McDongh MedcoJwly SGL Ind 1.19t 18 18 MediaGen .52 Shaer Sh ..36 Medalist Shattck Denn 14 MEM Co .72 SheffWat 13 5 Menasco 53 SheltRes 59 Merrill Isid 23 1 13-16 -1-16 Sherwod Med 23 MerleN 25 22 Sifco Indust Microwave 11 Sierra Ind Mich Gel 3n0 Sigma Inst Mich Ch .20 SignetCp 8 8 8 Mich .10 Sterl Extrudr Sug Simkins .50 Mich Sg pf.24 Simplex Ind 10 10 Midind MidMtg Co 1.24e .20 Simplex 14.

Wire 20 3. Ru SincVenOil 2 2170 27 27 16 Midwst MidwsFin ..32 128 21 23 Sitkin Smilfg 104 12 Elect 87 SkaggCo 40b 72 26 Milgo MilirWohl .30 12 Sky City Strs 44 11 11 20 20 22 13 Slick Corp 50 12 Milton MilIOnyx Roy Slick pfA 1.75 15 MoBeefPkr 15 SMD Ind 10 Mite 107 Solitron 141 Can Sonder Bract 26 Corp Mohawk Air 40 412 Soundesign A5 Molybd Modern Maid Soest Cap .64 103 Mon pf4.40 2100 62 SCE pf8.70 113 113 113 21 Mobile Home 69 15 SC SC 5.20pf 5.80pf 1.45 22 21 Mov Star .50 6 11 11 11 1.30 24 12 Mt Vern 1.50 15 23 22 23 SC 4.78pf 1.19 17 13 Movielab 3 SC 4.32pf 1.08 MPB Cp .30 10 SC C4.08pf 4.24pf 1.06 MPO Video 16 6 1.02 Mouldings Sou Rea Uf MottsSMk .16 Sou Roy 1.20 13 Morton .32 Swst For Ind 155 17 Morse El Pd 14 14 awn Inv .70 70 14 2470 68 Mon pfC 4.50 210 58 58 58 Specity Rest 19 24 MultiAm 13 13 Spector Ind 338 13 Nat. Bellas 31 Spectro .18 19 140 MWA Co 1 Sped Spencer OP Cos .211 10 10 10 10 N-O SSP Ind 18 Std Allian .80 Napco Ind Sid Containr 12 Nat Nat Ind wt Std Metals pf1.60 2100 16 20 20 20 Nat Alfalfa PEES Std Dred Muter Co StdCoosa 1.30 Gen wt 103 StDred 10 Nat Hith Ent 31 Std Mot A .75 72 32 Nat Gen wt 537 Std Pac Corp 57 G-H Nat Spining 26 Std Prod 1.20 67 Realty .80 25 Sid Shrs 106 Semicondt 105 22 Std Thomsn Nat Systems 50 14 Stanley Avia 13 NBO Ind Stanwick Cp 3 3 Newidria Mn StapMach .80 New Stardust .48 Newcor .90 Star Smkt .60 15 Needhm Pk Statham Ins. 32 Neisner .20 Stein 202 15 145 Nelly Don 13 13 Steelmet Inc 65 19 NewPark Mn Stellar Ind Proc -11 Stepan Ch .52 22 Eng Nucir 15 15 15 SimcoStrs .20 Hamp Ball Silicon Tran x79 Nestle LeM Sterl Electr 48 NY Times .60 24 24 Sterl Pre 126 27 25 27 NiagFSv .049 Stern Met .25 39 37 Nort So RY. 16 16 Sternco A 13 22 22 12 13 13 13 NMS Indust Stratton Grp 20 Nortek 13 Struthr Wells 11 NoA Mtg 68 Summit Org 35 93 24 Nor Am Roy 14 SunElec .40 34 20 Nor Cdn Oils 507 8 7 3-16 7 Sunair Electr 6 6 No AmSug Stop Shop .90 31 35 10 10 Noeast Airlin STP Corp .60 47 NNG Mob 63 3 Suave Sh 17 Nowst Ind 128 Supercr Novo Corp 23 10 Sup Surg Mf Nuclear Am 426 Superscope InPS pf4.25 2200 60 60 60 Supronics Nuclear Data 42 30 30 Susquehana Nytronics 288 Susqueh pf 1 113 Nytronics wi 58 Sutro MI Offshore Co 26 25 26 Synalloy Ohio Brass 2 35 35 Syntex .40 541 36.

21 OKC Corp .80 16 System Eng 119 14 Ormand Ind Tasty 16 17 149 5. Oxtd Originala Fst .30 8 Tech Aerofo Elec 48 11 Tamar Overs Secur Tech Sym Cp OverhdDr .60 Technic Oper 27 87 OxfrdEl pf.56 2500 Technic Tape 20 34 Ozark Airline 12 Techn icolor 85 1258 OSullivn .50 12 91 Technitrol Oxford Elec 24 Teleflex Inc Indust 13 Telepromtr 14 Olla Ind 14 17 Tenna Corp 28 Old Town Tenneco wt 28 Over Okonite Ship wt Gr 12 2 2 Tensor Tesoro Cp Pet 5 38 38 19 193 338 20 20 Tenney Eng 20 20 P-Q-R Teradyne Inc 3 Ter Hud 39 67 3 Pepconin .40 TX PL pf4.56 2300 64 PEPI 1.301 16 28 46 Perini Corp Texstar wt 3 8 8 Textron Permaner 55 Inc 16 Petrie Str .55 Va IFI Co -15g 13 PhilLgDis .91 Va ThorMkt .60 1625 0 20 12 20 12 Phillips Phoenix Plasecki Pickwick StI Scr Airc Intl 3 Va Tol Tonka Tokheim Ed Thriftimart Cp pf4.25 .40 z175 43 14 62 62 14 3 41 Pier Imprt 27 38 Torin Cp 8 Va Tool Res 48 Pioneer Plas 124 Total Pet NA 19 8 3-16 7 15-16 8 6 PionerSy 26 Total pf .70 10 Pittway 20 Town Trans Cntry Carib 33 PitDesMoin SEE 52 PitWV 'Tr .48 Tran Lux .60 98 22 30 30 30 PKL Co 19 5 5 47 Place 1.200 wt 85 8 Transogrm Plant Ind 131 Tri Cont wt 71 71 TWA Plaza Group 6 Tri State Mot 6 Va 3 ym Rub A 41 Tubos Mex 11 Ply Gem Plym Rub 41 27 2 15-16 2 13-16 2 15-16 Triang Pneumo Dy 106 Tyco Labs 44 37 Poloron 14 Polych 19 U-V 27 27 27. Polymer Cp 2750 30 Potter Inst 45 Udico Corp 273 Prairie Oil 113 UIP Corp 122 31 7 VA 2 433 Pratt Lamb Unexcelled 21 4 Eases Net! Sales Chq. (hds.) High Low Close Un Fini 8 Un Invest .70 13 18 Un StOm Unam Tr wt 114 Una MT 43 20 UnAircPd .50 2 Unit Unit Bd Asb Cart 34 6 4 1-16 3 UnBrands wt 556 UnDollrSt .42 Unit Foods 89 Un Natl Corp 200 UnNat Cp wt 37 2 2 Un Nat pf.70 17 8 Dye 139 Un Refin .15 154 US Cerm US Filter 18 21 USHome Nat Dev 13 US Rsrc 51 US Radium 20 US 1.40a 9 Smet 10 RU US wt 60 Unitrode Cp 51 Cigar Univ Marion 144 Uris Bldg wt 81 URS Utah Systems 12 IdSu .80 Un Valles .161 Cont Stk Valley Valmac Met Ind Van Valspar Dorn ..30 18 15 Veeco Veniceln Instru 38 Vernitron 20 Va Vetco Vesely Co 26 Offshr 412 35 Inc Ent 68 Vikoa Vintage 14 8 9 Viewlex 291 VLN Corp 305 Vol Mrch .20 59 Voplex Corp Vulc Vulc Corp .10 Inc ..30 7 W.X-Y-Z Wabash 81 8 Wacknhut .28 52 Wadell Equip Walco Waltham z250 Ward In Fds wt 16 Wards Co .20 Watsco Inc Weil McL ..50 32 Weiman .521 15 Weld Tu Am Wellco Ent WellRGr x17 17 17 Wentworth 20 West Ch Pd 1 Westates Pt 8 Westby Fsh 26 Wn Nuclear 24 Wstn Fin 6 Westrn Orbis Westrans Ind Whelab 30 30 Whippany .60 11 10 Whitaker 50 Whitehall El Whiting 1.50 23 23 Whittakr wt Willcox Gibb Wmhouse 23 Wilshire Oil WilsonCo 1.35 24 Wilson Co wt 15 5 Wilson Br .60 13 Wilson Ph .12 .60 Wilson Sp wt Winkelmn .40 Wisc pf4.50 z10 Wolv Indust 12 Wood Ind 12 Wool Ltd 11 13-16 1 13-16 1 13-16 Work Wr .60 22 12 Wrather Cp 9 Wright Harg 39 1 5-16 WTC Air 15 Wyand Ind 8 Wyle Labs Wynn Oil 14 31 Wyomising 14 7 Yates Ind 73 Yonk Ra 16 16 16 Zero Mfg .05 103 Zim Hom .24 212 Zion Foods ANNOUNCEMENTS W. Mack Johnson Funeral Homes WALNUT HILLS 1309 E.

McMillan St. WO 1-0474 MADISONVILLE 6111 Madison Rd. BR 1-0203 ANDERSON FUNERAL 415 Ludlow 281-0421 8611 Winton Betters de Sahad, me. FUNERAL HOME 3412 CLIFTON 281-4543 -BAMBERRobert Bamber and John R. Bamber FUNERAL DIRECTORS 3011.


GOOD FUNERAL 2620 ERIE AVE. 871-3433 GUMP-HOLT FUNERAL HOME 3440 Glenmore at Herbert -Cheviot MO 1-0690 Hodapp Funeral Homes Hamilton Elkton 7401 Vine St. KI. 1-1040 1-0805 MIDDENDORF, JOHN N. SONS 917 Main.

Ky. 431-1718 1 E. 12th. Kv. 431-0096 Muehlenkamp-Erschell 261-8093 Newport, Ft.

Thomas. Dayton THE JOHN J. RADEL CO. Henry J. Radel, Pres.

652 State, Ave. 921-0365 2562 North Bend Rd. 541-4200 822 York Newport CO 1 8560 4122 Glenway Ave. WA 1-4512 1005 Madison, Covinaton HE 1-4185 Rebold Funeral Home 1712 QUEEN CITY AVE. 3700 GLENMORE AVE.

MO 1-6200 -Busby Established 1836 24 W. 9th St. 241-0932 WEIL FUNERAL HOME 3901 READING ROAD Journeg'a End. ALLEN John beloved husband of Mrs. Anna Lee Allen (nee Harvey), father-in-law of Mrs.

Arlene Allen, also survived by many nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends; Monday, January 18, 1971; residence. 3523 Bevis Ave. Friends may call Thursday, January 21 from 6 10 9 P. M. at the Thompson Funeral Home, 820 Lincoln where funeral services will be at P.

M. Friday. Rev. Wilbur A. Page officiatinq.

Interment, United American Cemetery. BECK Richard age 46 years, beloved son of the late Marcus and Anna Beck (nee Emsick), beloved brother of Mrs. J. (Hilda) Amann, Mrs. E.

(Lillian) Dossenback, Charles Beck and the late Margaret Daniels, dear friend of Henrietta Eichold; Tuesday, January 19, 1971; residence, 539 Kotter Ave. Friends may call at the Busse and Borgmann Co. Funeral Home, Central Pky. and Clifton Hills Wednesday from 4 to 9 P. M.

Mass of the Resurrection, St. Augustine Church, Thursday, January 21, at 10:30. BICE Bessie J. (nee Rogers), beloved wife of the late Samuel Bice, devoted mother of Mrs. Ray (Mildred) Bowman, Jack, James, William and Homer.

Bice, also survived by 16 grandchildren and eight greatgrandchildren; Monday, January 18, 1971: residence, 6539 State Route 132, Goshen, Ohio. Services, Monroe-Copher Funeral Home, Milford, Thursday, Visitation January Wednesday 21, 4 at 9 P. P.M. to BOWLES Susan D. (nee Haimerl), wife of the late John R.

Bowles, dear mother of Charles Bowles of Hamilton. Ohio and Mrs. Anna Lab of Alliance, Ohio. dear sister of Andrew Haimer! of Cincinnati, and also survived by. two grandchildren: Sunday.

January 17, 1971; at Alliance, Ohio: age 87 vears. Friends may call at the Chas. A. Miller Sons Funeral Home, Hamilton Ave. at dav.

7 to 9 services Knowlton WednesThursdav at 1:30 P. M. Journey.a End BRENNER Anna Recknagel; age 90; beloved wife of the late John H. Brenner, sister of Mrs. William Holl Selinsarove.

Pennsylvania. Emil Recknagel of Springfield. Ohio. formerly of 4601 Erie Sunday, January 17, 1971. Friends may call at the W.

Mack Johnson-Dunn and Lashbrook Funeral Home, 6111 Madison Madisonville, to 8 P. M. Services Wednesday, January 20 at 2 P. M. REOCK Frank Lloyd, beloved husband of Frances Reock, passed away Sunday, Jan.

17, 1971, at his home St. Petersburg, Florida. Formerly associated with the Kroger Cincinnati. Burial Friday, Jan. 22, Frankfort, Ky.

Rogers Funeral Home in charge. Memorials may be made to your favorite charity. BURNS Ruby (nee Ellis), boloved wife Fred C. Burns, beloved mother of Mrs. Charles E.

(Dolores) Frey of Cleves, Ohio, beloved grandmother of Miss Catherine Frey, beloved sister of Mrs. Florence Emmes, Mrs. Hallie Brownfield and Lawrence Ellis and the late Mrs. Bessie Mason; Sunday, January 17, 1971; residence, 733 Elberon Ave. Relatives and friends call Wednesday from 4 to 9 P.M.

at Ralph Meyer Funeral Home, 4164 West Eighth St. at Kreis Lane. Funeral services Thursday, January 21, at 1:30 P. M. BURNS Claude, beloved husband of Janet Burns (nee Anderson), dear father Burns; residence, Walton, of Laura Ann and Andrew Cameron Burns, dear son of Lillian Walker Jan.

19, 1971. Visitation Thursday, Jan. 21, at Chambers Grubbs Funeral Home, Walton, after 4 P. M. Funeral services Fri.

Jan. 22 at the Smith-Rees Funeral Home, Cynthiana, Ky. CAUDILL Janice Lynn, beloved daughter of Ruth Ann Chrisman (nee Neal) and James T. Caudill, dear sister of Randy and Larry Chrisman, Deborah. James and Christopher Caudill, dear granddaughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Earl Neal and Mr. and Mrs. James Caudill: Sunday, January 1971: at her residence. 10311 September Cincinnati, Ohio: age nine years.

Services Thursday. January 21. Conniev Bros. Funeral Home. 11 E.

Southern Visitation Latonia, 4 at 10 A.M. Wednesday. to 9 P. M. COPPINGER Frank beloved husband of the late Alice (Daisy) Frey Coppinger.

Father of the late Marion Zuflucht. Suddenly Saturday, January, 16, 1971. Residence, 2846 Markbreit Ave. Mass of the Resurrection at St. Cecilia Church, Thursday, 9:30 A.

M. No visitation. Witt Good and Kelsch Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Remembrances may be made to your favorite charity. CROMER Mrs.

Opha, age 68, passed away Jan. 19, 1971, in Somerset City Hospital, Somerset, survived by her husband, Luster, mother of James E. Mize, Loveland, 0., Mrs. Edna Smith, Reading, 0., Carl Mize, Reading, 0. and Roger Mize, Loveland, Douglas Mize, Lockland, 0., one stepson Virgil Cromer, Fairfield, 0.

Funeral service Jan. 22 at 2. P. M. at Blue Spring Church of Christ.

Burial in Lakeside Memorial Gardens. Visitation Thursday after 4 P. M. CURTIS Lucy Mae Irons, beloved wife of the late Howard S. Curtis, mother of Captain Mrs.

Ann Stevens, Mrs. Evelyn Poynter, Mrs. Carolyn Krebs and Charles Louis Stanley and grandmother of 25 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren, sister of Mrs. Hazel Lightner, at her residence 769 Rivert Rd. Bromley, Monday, Jan.

18, 1971, age 66 years, service at the Allison Rose FUneral Home Robbins St. Madison Covington, Ky. Friday, Jan. 22, at 11 A.M. Interment Wesleyan Cincinnati, Ohio.

Friends may call from 4 to 9 P. M. Thursday. Orville, beloved father of Mrs. Imogene Knierim, Mrs.

Dolores Patten, Mrs. Ruby Vogt, Mrs. Emma Miller, dear brother of Shilo and Clarence Dozier, 15. grandchildren; passed away Monday, January 18, 1971: at Veterans Hospital; formerly of 1209 Republic age 61 years. Requiem High Mass.

Thursday, St. Francis Church, 8:45 A. M. Friends may call at the Riedlinger-Lemen Funeral Home, 19 Green 5 to 9 P.M. Weanesday, ESHMAN Cancer Society, FLETCHER Edward beloved husband of Harryet Eshman (nee Dieckman), devote ed father of Mrs.

Nancy, Hessler, brother of Mrs. Thelma Broderick of New York, also survived four grandchildren; Monday, January 18, 1971; residence, 4372 Grinnell Kenwood. Friends may call at the Thomas Memorial, 7500 Montgomery Kenwood, Wednesday, 5 to 9 P. M. Mass of the Resurrection, St.

Vincent Ferrer Church, Thursday, 9:30 A. M. If desired, memori. als may be made to the Heart Fund. FINE Eleanor J.

(nee White), beloved wife of Harry Fine, devoted mother of Mrs. Ruby Meyer, Mrs. Georgiana Newbauer and Mrs. Helen Kennedy, sister of Cecil White, also survived by 4 grandchildren and great grandchildren, Monday, Jan. 18, 1971; residence 2316 Indian Mound Norwood.

Friends may call at the Vorhis Funeral Home 5501 Montgomery Norwood, Thursday, Jan. 21 from 9:30 A. M. until 10:30 A. M.

service time. desired sympathy may be expressed by a contribution to the American Ora, beloved mother of Jonathan Vinegar, devoted sister of Harrison, B. K. and Theodore Vinegar, Gertrude Reece, also survived by other relatives, Jan. 17, 1971; residence 629 Richmond St.

Friends may call Wednesday from 6 to 9 P. M. at Metropolitan Baptist Church, Central Parkway 15th where funeral service will be held Thursday at 1:30 P. M. Rev.

Morris Fleming pastor. Burial Hillcrest cemetery. Jamison Jamison in charge of arrangements. GADDIS Mrs. Lillian age 66; of 1500 N.

E. 50th Ft. Lauderdole, passed away Monday in Ft. Lauderdale; year residence in Ft. Lauderdale, by formerly of Cincinnati; survived husband, Charles W.

Gaddis a daughter, Mrs. Beverly Knouse of Ft. Lauderdale, three sons. Ronald Zapf of Bronx, N. Robert Zapf Cincinnati, and Donald Gaddis of Cincinnati, also 14 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, also survived by four ters, including M.

Meacham of Cincinnati and Mrs. E. Hill of Cincinnati, also a brother, G. Horton of Cincinnati. Services will be Thursday at 1:30 P.M.

at the Jor. dan- Thomas Funeral Home, Ft. Lau. ferdale. GRESHAM Nellie, at residence, 1501 Blair beloved wife of Mr.

Wiliam Gresham, dear mother of Mr. Albert Gresham, devoted sister of Mr. Jimmie Kemp, Mr. William Kemp, Mr. Charley Gibson, Mrs.

Carrie Mae Walker, Mrs. Elizabeth Oliver. Miss Susie Gibson. Mrs. Emily McCall, fond grandmother of Ellen Gresham and Roger Gresham, dear great grandmother of Teresa and Michael Gresham, also survived by nieces, 18, 1971.

Friends may call Thursnephews and other relatives, Jan. day from 6 to 9 P.M. at the Glenn-Hall Jordan Funeral Home, 3411 Burnet Ave. where funeral services will be held Friday at 11 A. M.

Rev. A. L. Fuller officiating, Interment, Spring Grove Cemetery. GRIFFIN Calvin, beloved son of Christine Curry and Joseph Griffin, dear brother of Glen Edward Curry, devoted grandson of Mrs.

Irene Moore, Jan. 15, 1971; residence 217 W. 15th St. Friends may call Thursday from 6 to 9 P. M.

at Jamison Jamison Funeral Home, 437 Hopkins West End, where funeral service will be held Friday at 1:30 P. M. Burial Hillcrest cemetery. GROTLISCH James devoted son of James H. and Rose Mary Zwissler Grotlisch, brother of George P.

Grotlisch, grandson of George E. and Erma Grotlisch and Phillip and Felicita Zwissler; suddenly, Tuesday, January 19; age 19 years; residence, 6851 Stoll Silverton. Friends mav call Thursday between 4 and 9 P. M. at the Albert L.

Boehmer Funeral Home, 4617 Vine St. (near St. Clement Church) St. Bernard. Service Friday at 2 P.

M. Interment, Cemetery of Spring Grove. HARSCH Edward (Frank), husband of Ma: rie Good Harsch, devoted father of Mrs. Ann Goettelman, Mrs. Ruth Rath, Francis, Donald, Eugene and Barbara Harsch, also survived by 12 grandchildren; Sunday, January 17, 1971; residence, 528 Davis Lockland.

Friends may call at the Vorhis Funeral Home, 310 Dunn Lockland, Tuesday, 6-9 P. M. Mass of the Resurrection at St. Peter and Paul Church, Reading, Wednesday, January 20 at 10 A. M.

If desired. sympathy may be expressed spiritual bouquets or a contribution to the Heart Fund. Journeg'n. End Funeral Home, 2880 Boudinot Ave, at Queen City. Friends may call Thursday 7 to 9 P.

M. MARTIN Dora (nee Borneman), beloved wife of the late Edward F. Martin, devoted mother of Harry N. and Ed8 ward H. Martin, dear sister of Mrs.

Emma Widmer and Frederick Borneman, 4 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren, Monday, Jan. 18. 1971 at Ketterinq, Ohio; residence formerly Baltimore age 88. Visitation Wednesday 6 10 9 P.M. at the Bolton Lunsford Funeral Home, 3042 Harrison Westwood, where service will be held Thursday 2 P.M.

Italia, (nee Mirolo) beloved mother of Mrs. Louise Napolitano, Mrs. Gina Calvin and Alfeo Martina, grandmother of Terry Martina, Linda Seegert, Jan and John Calvin, five great grandchildren, sister of Umbert Mirolo of Columbus, 0., and Albina Passonetti of Italy, Jan. 19, 1971; residence 10693 Weil Rd. Friends may call at the Thomas Memorial, 7500 Montgomery Kenwood, Thursday evening from 5 to 9 P.

M. Mass of the Resurrection at All Saints Church. Time to be announced later. MERKLE Albert beloved husband of the late Frieda K. Merkle (nee Kreutzer), devoted father of Mrs.

William (Louise) Fritsch of Ft. Myers, Flori: da, Mrs. Royal (Ruth) Tucker of Hillsboro, Ohio, and Albert H. Merkle Jr. of Loveland, Ohio, also six grandchildren and one great-grandchild; residence, 1855.

Pheasant Hills Drive, Loveland, Ohio; Saturday, January 16, 1971; in his 81st year. Memorial service, St. Andrew Episcopal Church, Glen Moore, Pennsylvania, Friday, January 22, at 10 A. M. Craver-Hookom Funeral Home, Milford, Ohio, in charge of arrangements.

If desired, memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society. MOORE Enos, beloved husband of Mrs. Charline Moore (nee Fletcher), devoted Cincinnati, father and of Charles Victory Moore of Cleveland, Ohio, also survived by two sisters, eight brothers, many grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and other relatives; Saturday, January 16, 1971; residence, 1935 Webman Court. Friends may call Friday, Janvary 22 from 6 to 9 P. M.

at the Thompson Funeral Home, 820 Lincoln Ave. Alpha. Lodge No. 1 1. B.

P. 0. E. of W. service 8 P.

M. Funeral service 10 A. M. Saturday at the New Shiloh Baptist Church, 710 South Crescent Ave. Rev.

M. J. Mangrum, pastor. Interment, Spring Grove Cemetery, MOSS Eva wife of the late Charles Maclean Moss, mother of Evalyn West, Caroline Falck, and Harriette Mcnu*tt, six grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren; formerly of 3718 Woodland Hyde Park, January 18, 1971. Friends may call at the W.

Mack Johnson Funeral Home, 1309 E. McMillan Walnut Hills, Wednesday, 4 to 7 P.M. Services Thursday, January 21, af 2 P. M. In lieu of other rememberances the family requests memorials to the First Presbyterian Church of Covington, 1400 Highland Covington, 41011 or the charity of your choice.

MUENCH Della (nee Maresch), beloved wife of the late John W. Muench, ed sister of Mrs. Agnes Tillar, aunt of Walter J. Hupp, Norman J. Tillar Virginia Sicking; Sunday, January.

17, 1971, at Margaret Hall. Mass of the Resur: day, 9:30 A. M. visitation. rection, St.

Cecilia Church, WednesWitt-Good Kelsch Funeral Home. MYERS William, M. (Willie), brother of Robert and George Myers; January 19, 1971: at residence of newhew John A. Myers, 1466. Mears Ave.

Service at T. P. White Sons Funeral Home, 2050 Peechment Mt. Washington. Fridav.

January '22, at 11 A. M. No visitation Thursday. Leon, husband of the late Mrs. Oppie Henderson, son of Mrs.

Mary Henderson of Jackson, Georgia, brother of Tom Henderson and Mrs. Willa Mae Goodman, both of son, Georgia and James Henderson of Cincinnati, brother-in-law of Donna Henderson and James and Julia Jennings, uncle of Mrs. Yvonne Henderson Furr end La Neal, James Orlands, Alonzo, Pat, Edwin. Henderson; residence, 3138 passed away Sunday, January 17, 1971. Friends may call Thursday, January 21 from 6 to 9 P.

M. at the Andrews Funeral Home, 3602 Reading Rd. Funeral service Friday, January 22, 1971, at 1:30 P. M. at Metropolitan C.

at 1:30 P. M. at Metropolitan C. M. E.

Church, 2815. Stanton Rev. G. C. Glenn officiating.

Interment Union Baptist Cemetery. David beloved husband of Wilma Hockman (nee Robinson), dear father of Wilma Hale, David W. Hockman, and Sherry Fish, grandfather of Gregory Fish, devoted son of Harvey Hockman, brother of Mrs. James Nicholes; passed away suddenly Sunday, January 17, 1971; age 50; residence, 11143 Woodward Lane, Sharonville. Funeral from the Schmidt-Dhonau Funeral Home, 10980 Reading ville, Thursday, January 21, P.

M. Friends may call Wednesdav from 4 to 9 P. M. Yeatman Lodge No. 162 services Wednesdav, 8 P.

M. HAMAD Edward beloved, husband, of Clara Dattilo Hamad, brother of Isabel Pinero, Alice Misieh. Fadwa Abdallah and Charles Hamad: day. January 18. 1971: at his dence.

8708 Antrim Court. Funeral from the Gilligan Funeral Home. Woodburn at Lincoln, Thursday, Janvary 21. Mass of the Resurrection at St. Anthony DePadua Church, at 10:30 A.

Friends mav call Wednesdav after 4 P. M. HOWES William beloved husband of Mary Howes, dear father of Bonnie Sue stepfather of Darla Wuertenburg of Chicago, Illinois, Mary Haiek of California, dear son of Anna Mae Howes, also survived by 2 sisters and 2 brothers, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 1971; residence 5248 Ridge Ave. Friends may call at the Wrassmann Funeral Home 2625 Gilbert north of Taft Thursday 4 to 9 P.M.

service Friday, Jan. 22 at 2 P. M. HUBER Anna M. (nee Deierlein), widow of Jacob L.

Huber, beloved mother of Arthur C. and George W. Huber, dear aunt of Luella Ewald, also survived by five grandchildren and 13 great Sunday. January 17, 1971; age 94 years; formerly of North Fairmount. Friends may call at the Chas.

A. Miller Sons Funeral Home, Hamilton Ave. at Knowlton Northside, Wednesday, from 12 Noon until time of services at 2 P. M. Charter member of Fairmount Council No.

118 D. of A. KENNING Clem, beloved father of Herbert J. Kenning and dear friend of Nora Felix; Monday, January 18, 1971; residence, 3616 Homelawn Cheviot. Friends may call at the Simminger Funeral Home, 3050 Harrison Westwood, Wednesday after 5 P.

M. Mass of the Resurrection, St. Martin Church Thursday at 9 A.M. KUHN Leo beloved husband of Stella Dearing Kuhn, devoted father of Mrs. Agnes Wendt of Middletown, Ohio, dear grandfather of Specialist 5 Stephen Wendt of Ft.

Clayton, Panama Canal Zone, Mrs. Marvin (Carol). Pierson of Franklin, Ohio, also five great-grandchildren, dear brother of Mrs. Hilda Ireland, Mrs. Alma Huber of New Orleans, Louisianna and Mrs.

Alice Reynolds; Tuesday, January 19, 1971; at his residence, 5314 Laconia age 73 years. Friends may call at the Riedlinger-Lemen Funeral 1309 California Bond Hill, Thursday 4 to 9 P. M. Funeral service at convenience of the family. The family request that donations be made to the charity of vour choice.

Member of 7th Ward Republican Club, Bond Hill Civic tion, Federated Civic Association, American Legion Post No. 427, Veterans of World War Norwood Barricks No. 1432, Firemen Protective Association and the tional Order of Fire Chiefs. MALONEY Charles beloved husband of Marie Ruhl Maloney, dear brother of the late Right Rev. Msgr.

Richard Maloney, Matthew and Edmund Maloney; Monday, January 18, 1971; 7872 Gail Deer Park. Friends may call at the Nurre Bros. Funeral Home, 6050 Montgomery Pleasant Ridge, Wednesday, from 5 to 9 P.M. Mass of the Resurrection, Thursday at St. Saviour Church at 9:30 A.

M. Northside Council of No. 1683 meet Wednesday 8 P. M. MARDORF Albert beloved husband of Viola Mardorf (nee Hahn), devoted father of Mrs.

Marian F. Miller and dear grandfather of Robert, Dianne and Nancy Miller, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 1971; residence 3203 Werkridge Drive, Funeral service, Friday 11 A. M. at the Dalbert Woodruff MONUMENT SEARS, ROEBUCK CO 2900 READING GRAVE MARKERS AND MONUMENTS, 'a End NEW YORK (P) Prices on the American Stock Exchange eased higher Tuesday in moderate trading.

was off slightly from Monday's turnover of 4.41 million shares. Of the 1145 issues traded, 505 advanced, and 405 declined. Among the mo active stocks, 11 6 declined, and 3 were unchanged. The largest parcel traded Tuesday was 49,100 shares of Hudson's Bay Oil Gas at down The stock closed at Other closing included: Syntex, at prices, Resort International off at Cellucraft, up at Nytronics, down to Equity up to Guerdon Industries, ahead 1 at 20; VLN up at and Viewlex, ahead at Amex Index High $23.81 Low $23.46 Close or $23.66 Net Change: Up five cents, Cinerama Circle CitSv AR wt Citizens CityGsFla ClarkCbl Clarkson Ind Clarostat ary Corp Clopay .491 CMI Corp CMI Inv Cp Coburn Corp Coff Mat Cohen Hatfd Cohu Elec Cole Natl .44 Colecoln Coleman .40 Colon Snd Colwell Combustn Comine 1.40 All Comi Met Commodor ComP Sv 1.50 Compoind Comp Des CompuDyne Comput Eq Comput Instr Invst Comp Computest Comp Softw Conchemco Concord Fab Condec Corp Connily Con Connrex Conroy Inc Con Can Far Cons Dent Sv Con Nat Sh Con Oil Gas Con Refing ConsitDes .40 Cont Mater Cont Tel. wt Cook Elec .30 Cook Ind Pnt Var Cooper Jarrt Corrn .72 Cosmodyne Cousins Craig Corp Creative Mgt CreoleP 2.60a Crest Foam Crestmont Crompt 1.40 CwnCPt 1.22t Crystal Oil Cubic Corp Sales Net Curtis Math (hds.) High Low Close Chg.

CutterA .44 AberdnMf .40 3 10 CutterB Abran 13 5 Daitch Acme Hami 17 Damon Corp Acme Prec DamonC .40 Action Ind 17 17 Daniel Plast 9 Data Documt Adams Russi Daryl Ind Admiral Intl Data Control Aerodex Inc 5 Data Prod Aero Flo .30 Day Mines Aerojet 23 Daylin .24 Aeronca Daylin Aerovox Cp DCA Develop Affil Hosp .40 DeJur A AIC Photo Dearborn Cp Aiken Ind DC Tran AIM Cos Del Labs Airborne Frt Delta Cp Am Airlift Intl Deltona Corp Airpax Elec Deltn Fd Ajax Ma 26 Depositors 1a AlaP pf4.20 2150 60 60 DeroRsch Dv AinWood 1.60 26 30 Deseret Ph Alba Wal .24 48 9 Detecto Scal Alaska Airl DevCpA 2.391 Aldon Ind Devon Appar Alison DHJ Indust All Amer Ind Dillard Al eghy Airl 12 Diodes Inc AlleghAirl wt 8 8 Diversey Corp .50 Allied Art wt Dome Petrol AlleghyCp Dixilyn Allen El 69 17 Domtar AllianTR Dorsey ,10 Allied Contri DPA Inc Allison Sti .40 Drew Natl Ind Driver A Alpha tamil Drug Fair .40 Alter Fds .50 Duraloy Co Cp 3.75 Duro Tst Alcoa pf 2400 54 Amco Ind 44 Dynalectrn Ameco Inc 24 Dynell Am Agronom 88 A AutVnd .20 8 8 Am Biltrt .211 A BkStra Eagle Cloth AmBidgM .30 39 EriSchelb .48 A CentM .51 86 Earth Resres Am FinA 1.10 23 20 Eason Oil .30 AmFin pf1.50 Eastrn Co .96 A Fitch 1.68e 24 Eastn Frght Am Fitch wt Eckmar A Israeli 18 Ecologic Sci A MaizeA .33 Edgingtn Oil Am Mfg .20 Edmos AmMotinns Edo Corp AmPetr 1.05e 303 28 Egan Am Precisn Ehren Photo A RityTr Elco Corp AmSaf Equip Elect Assist AmTech I 1f Electrogra Ames DS 17 17 Eng Electron Amrep AndreaRa Corp .20 Elect Resch Comp Electron .60 viAndy Angelica Gar Electsp 1.25t .18 Elgin Nat wt Anglo Lautro EI Tronics Ansul Co Ind 10 10 Emenee Cp Anthony Empire Fini A0 Indust In .30 Apollo Indust Entron Inc Applied Data EpkoSho Applied Dev Equit Cp Aquitain Ltd 26 Equity pt 2 Arctic Ent 221 21 EquityNat In Argus Inc Ernst EC A ArizColoLd Ero Ind Ark Best .30 Esgro Inc ArkL Gas 1.30 28 Espey Mfg Arrow Elect Esquire Rad Arundel 45 22 Essex Chem Asamera Oi 212 15 Ets-Hokin Cp Ashl Oil Can Evans Ar Ind ASPRO .25 Execute .24 AssdBaby .60 21 Extendcare AssdFdSt .20 Fab Ind AsdM1g 2.52e 30 Fabien AsdProd .40 Fabrics Natl Astrex Inc Fairfid Noble Atco Chem Falcon Sbd Atico Fini .40 Family Rec Atico Mtg wt Fed Resrces Atico 1.18e 16 SESE: Fanny Fa le 1.20a 30 FedMart AtIC Min Felmont OIl Atlas Cp wt Felsway .32 Augat 13 22. Fibrebord wt Austral Oil Field Plastic Auto Bldg Fidel MI Automat Rad Filmways Auto Sw 35 FiltrDyn AVC Corp FinSanBa .20 AVEMC Avis Ind Fst Conn Avondl 1.20b 36 FirstNt! Real BagdCop FirstNtIRI wt Baker Ind .24 24 FstSL Bald DH 1.20 FstUn RE Bald Sec FischerP Bali Co Fishman Banff Oil Flight Safty Bang Pun wt Fla Capital Banister Cntl Flower Ind A BankUtil 32 31 32 Fluke Mf Barb Lynn Foodrma .30 Banner Indus Fly Tig wt wi Barnes Eng Ford Canda 2 Barnwel Ind Forest Cit .25 BarryRG .271 Barry Wr .30 FrankMnt .10 Bartell Med FrankR Barth Sp .33 FranksNu .60 BartonBr Frantz Mf $54 Bartons Cdy Fresnillo Baruch Fostr Friend Frost BarwickET Frier Ind .30 Behring Corp Frontier Air Bell Electrn 5 Front Air wt Belscot Ret Frye Indust Benrus Corp BergBrun .24 12 Berg pf1.15 Bertea Corp Gabriel Ind Berven Carpt 211 211 Garan Inc .36 Beth Cp 20 8 Garcia Corp Beverly Ent 152 Garland Cp BigBearA 201 GateSpGd .20 BinneyS .80 Ntl .30 Bloomf Bldg 271 Gearhrt Bluebird Inc 65 Gen A loys Bluebird wt Gen Battery Bohack Corp Gen Buildrs Bolt Beranek Cinema .40 Botany Ind Employ .24 Bowmar Ins Gen Interiors Bowne Co .16 GenMtgt Bow Vall .10 Gen Plywood Bradf Sp Genge Ind BradfCom Sy 66 25 25 Genisco Tech Branch In .50 13 Ins BranifAir wt 13 Giant Fd BrnfAirA .211 Gilbert Cos BrascanLt 1b 119 Gilbert Flex Braun En .32 16 16 16 Gladding Cp Breeze Glasrock Prd BroDart Ind Giant Yel .40 Brody Seatg 37 Glen Ger BrksPer .20 GlenDisB .40 Brown Co wt GlobeSec Sys BwnF A 25 25. 25. Goodway BwnF Gorin Str .50 Bruce Rober Gould Inc wt BTB Corp Granger As BTU Eng .28 Granite Mgt Buehler Cp Grass Val Gr Buell Ind -15r 11 Gray Mfg Bundy Corp GreatAm Ind Burns WJ .60 34 Gt Lak Chem Burgess .20 24 Basin Pet Burr JP 10 Gt Lake Rec Butler Aviat 5 Buttes Gs Oil 10 Greer Hyd C-D GRI Greyh Corp .16 Cablecom Gn 24 Griesdck Caldor .601 22 GrowChm .32 Calcomp 83 23 Gruen Ind CalHItCare GSC Enterp CalPrtCem 34 GTI Guardian Corp Camcolnc .15 133 MI Ind CampbChib 99 6 3-16 6 1-16 6 1-16 Guar CdnExp 49 4 3-16 4 1-16 4 1-16 Gulf Can .60 CampbM .30 6. 10 101 Guerdon Ind Cdn Homestd 45 7 9-16 GulfCan fn.60 CdnHydro .20 3 Gulf St Land Cdnint 1.

0 24 24 Gulf Wind wt Can Javelin 80 11 11 HalisMtr Cdn Marconi Hami ton Cos Cdn SuperOil Hampsh Des Canaverl Hampt Sh .32 Cap Ind Harland Career Acad Harnischfr Carnat 1.60a 108 HartAlfrd ,40 Caressa Inc 26 14 Hartfid Zody CaroPL pf 5 260 Harvard Ind Carousel Fsh 40 Hastings Castleton Ind 43 Harvey Grp Cavitron Cp 95 HealthM .60 CelluCraft 270 Hecks Inc .16 CastleA .80 Heinicke Inst CenMe pf3.50 z10 49 49 49 HelenaRu .76 Cen Secur 1g 20 Her Mai CentyEl 24 24 HiShear .40 Certified Cp Higbie Mf .80 Century Geo Hillhavn .16 Centryind .24 8 Hilton Hot wt Certron Cp 6 Hipotronics ChadMill Hotm Indust ChampHo .16 107 32 32 Hollingr 1.60 Charan Ind 12 Holly Corp Chatt Gas .68 121 410loph 1.20a Cherry Burr HomeO A .50 ChiRivt 1.60a HomeO .50 Christian Cos 184 Hormel 1.50 Net Chg. 5888 5 sas PIENING August H. beloved husband of Clara Piening, (nee Bryan) beloved father of August Dewey Arthur Mrs. Martha E. Panko, Mrs.

Luella Reed. Mrs. Eileen Rumsey, Mrs. Nancy Edwards, and Mrs. Charlotte Homer, also survived by 25 grandchildren and dear brother of Mrs.

Frances, Fluegmann. Mrs. Helen Apswich, Mrs. Jane Carnes, Arthur. Albert and Joseph Piening, Tuesday, January 19, 1971.

Residence North Bend Rd. Relatitves and friends may call at the B. J. Meyer Funeral Home, 3726 Warsaw Thursday. 4 to P.

M. Funeral Fridav. Mass of the Resurrection St. Lawrence Church at 9:30 A. M.

Otis D. beloved husband of Barbara Silcox Prewett, and the late Alice Clark Prewitt, father of Marie, Lassator and Otis D. Prewitt also survived by five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren; Tuesday, January 19, 1971: at his residence, 265 Deite Ave. Funeral serv ce at the Gilligan-Barrere Fuferal Home, 3734 Eastern Friday, January 22, at 2 P. M.

Friends call Thursday after 4 P. M. RHOADS Wednesday. SENTENEY Lee, beloved husband of the late Loucinda Rhoads, father of Ivo L. Rhoads, brother of Mrs.

Sadie Hopkins, Stanley and Raymond Rhoads; Monday, January 18, 1971; residence, Blanchester, Ohio, RR 1. Ser. vices at the Thompson Funeral Home, Mt. Orab, Thursday, January 21, at 2 P. M.

Friends may call at the funeral home after 4 P. M. A-B Mary, wife of the late Glen Senteney, beloved mother of Donald, Ruth and Tom Senteney, dear sister of Peter, David and Robert McKee, Mrs. Elizabeth Lowe and Mrs. Lucille Jones, also survived by nine grandchildren; Monday, January 18, 1971; residence, 931 Fairbanks Ave.

Relatives and friends may call at the B. J. Meyer Funeral Home, 3726 Warsaw Ave. on Wednesday from 4 to 9 P. M.

Funeral Thursday, Mass of Resurrection, St. Lawrence Church at 9:30 A. M. SCHULZE Lynn, beloved daughter of Willard R. and Nancy Galvin Schulza, sister of Roger and David Schulze and granddaughter of Dorothy Schuize end niece of Mrs.

James J. Hayes; Tuesday, January 19, 1971; at residence, 7300 Thomas Madeira. Funeral from the Gilligan Funeral Home, Montgomery at Galbraith Friday, January 22. Mass of tne Resurrection at St. Gertrude Church at 9:30 A.M.

Friends may call Thursday after 4 P. M. SIMMONS Albert, beloved husband of Nellie McIntyre Simmons, devoted father of Mrs. Alberta Penick, Mrs. Betty Sue Luster, Mrs.

Ruth Commer, and Joe Simmons brother of Mrs. Helen Stevens, 10 grandchildren, Tuesday. Jan. 19, 1971; age 58 years, residence 550 Lipscomb Covington, Ky. Service at the Swindler Funeral Home 214 W.

Southern Latonia, Friday P. M. Burial Floral Hills. Visitation 4 to 9 P. M.

Thursdav. SHAW Mayme, passed away Jan. 16, 1971, at Jewish Hospital. Friends may call at Houston Sons Funeral Home, 2813 Gilbert on Wednesday, Jan. 20 from 6 to 9 P.

M. a. K. A. sorority service at 8 P.

M. Wednesday. Service, Thursday 10 A. M. St.

Andrews Episcopal Church, Rector Miller officiating. Interment Union Baptist cemetery. SMITH Pearl (nee Malone), beloved mother of Mrs. Jean Gaffney, Gordon Newton, Lawrence Newton Malone, dear sister of Ashley, Howard Malone, Grace Waites, Anna Waites, Inez Taylor, Lucy Samuels and Irene Dallas, also survived by 3, grandchildren, 1 great grandchild, and other relatives, Jan. 17, 1971; residence 1076 Schumard, Lockland.

Friends may call Friday from 6 to 9 P.M. at Jamison Jamison Funeral Home, 3437 Montgomery Evanston. Funeral service, Saturday at 10 A. M. from Bethlehem Baptist Church.

Rev. Horatius Johnson officiating. Burial Spring Grove ceme- Rev. William Branch officiating. STREIF Clara M.

(nee Huser), beloved wife of William A. Streif, sister of Joseph Huser and the late Louis Huser; Monday, January 18, 1971; at her residence, 3713 St. Lawrence Ave. Funeral from the GilliganSiefke Funeral Home, 3671 Warsaw Thursday, January 21. Mass of the Resurrection.

St. Lawrence Church at 10:30 A. M. Visitation, Thursday morning 9 A. M.

until time of funeral Mass. VORWERCK Linton, beloved husband of the late Laura Lillie Topie Vorweruk devoted father of Linton G. (Bud) Vorwerck, brother of Mrs. Adelaide Walrath, also survived by two grandchildren; Tuesday, January 19, 1971 residence, 2373 Harrison formerly of 6628 Merwin. Friends and relatives are invited to the service at the Vielhauer Funeral Home, 2961 Madison Rd, Oakley Square, Thursday, January 21, at 2 No visitation.

Memoriais may be made to the charity of your choice. WADE Donald, beloved husband of Esther Williams Wade, devoted father of Mrs. Niel (Meredith) Buckley Jr. and James Wade, grandfather of Niel 111, and Deborah Buckley, Terry, Jennifer and Marcia Wade; Sunday, January 17, 1971; residence, 240 Oliver Wyoming. Friends may call at the Vorhis Funeral Home, 310 Dunn Lockland, Tuesday, 7 to 9 P.

M. Services Wednesday, January 20, 2 P.M. at the Wyoming Presbyterian Church. If desired, sympathy may be expressed by a contribution to your favorite charity. WARNER Wm.

beloved husband of Louise Warner, (nee Cook), dear ther of Mrs. Paul (Constance) Hillman and Wm. Warner 111, beloved grandfather of Barbara Jean and Wm. R. Warner IV, beloved brother of Robert W.

Warner passed away suddenly Sunday, January 17: age, 64 years: residence. 6311 Cheviot White Oak. Memorial service at the First Unitarian Church, 2901 Reading Wednesday, January 20, at 8 P. Memorials may be made to the Children's Protective Service or the First Unitarian Church, Dhonau Rosenacker Funeral terv. Dorsey of 3411 Wabash loving husband of Lizzie, beloved father of Shelia Ann Speight, dear grandfather of Dawn, Lynese and Adele Anthony Stillwell, dear brother of Mrs.

Elmira Jackson, Mrs. Lillie Barton and Mrs. Mamie Byrd, Floyd H. and Rudolph Speight of of Detroit, Michigan, Sunday, Jan. 17, 1971, Friends may call at Renfro Funeral Service, 647 Forest Ave.

(Avondale), Thursday, Jan. 21, from 5 to 9 P. M. where service will be held Friday, Jan. 22 at 11 A.M.

Interment Union Baptist cemetery. Home in charge. WUEBBLING Robert beloved husband of Esther Ballinger Wuebbling, dear father of Robert Linda and Janet L. Wuebbling, brother of Mrs. Joseph (Catherine), Neiheisel, Mrs.

Ralph (Mary Ann) Hungler, Mrs. Thomas (Marcella) Garnett, Bernard, Joseph and Edward Wuebbling; Monday, January, 18, 1971: in his 57th year; residence, 4721 Highridge Ave. Friends may call at the Vitt and Stermer, Funeral Home, 4619 Delhi at Robben Delhi Hills, Wednesday from 4 to 9 P. M. Funeral A service, Thursday, January 21, at 10 A.

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.