Pim's Diary - ClydeSwob - Smiling Friends (Cartoon 2020) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

It was a delightful day filled with poised and beautiful laughter. However, as lovely as this day was, Pim was feeling like a stick in the mud. He walked into the office with a mild look on his face, he opened the breakroom door to be welcomed by Allan and Glep. He put on a fading smile and took a seat at the table. He then opened his laptop and began to type in a filled doc.

Charlie comes in late (as per usual) and takes his seat next to Pim whom was aggressively typing. Charlie had one of the toughest nights of all time—even though he thinks that way about almost all of his nights, last night could be a mixture of all of his bad nights put together on steroids. He couldn't help but turn his direction towards Pim, who looked pretty tired himself and not packing his upbeat attitude he usually has every morning. 'That's good for me then.' Charlie thought, because he didn't want to get a headache so early in the day.
Charlie then heard a little sniffle come from Pim, he thought nothing of it though, yet he couldn't help but feel off—even though he didn't need to hear 'HELLO CHARLIE!" or "Good morning, Charlie! How was your night?" He would have loved to. He knows he can act a bit pessimistic at times, but fighting through his daily headaches with each job he does with Pim makes him wanna keep going. Maybe he was thinking too deep into it, so he put his head down and closed his eyes.

There had been a quick stunt in Pim's typing as he took a deep breath in and another breath out. "Morning Charlie." He said in a mono, low tone: so low that not even a mouse could hear and reply back.

Charlie opened his eyes and batted them towards Pim "Hm—M—Morning." He stuttered in response.

Pim looked down at Charlie who had his head resting in his thick arms and smiled. Charlie smiled back at him but stopped as Pim's smile receded, and he had brought his scribbly eyes back towards his screen.

Suddenly, you could hear the tapping of dress shoes from the hallway. "Howdy boys! Today's job I'm gonna need all four of y'all to deal with these UNHAPPY clients we have." Mr. Boss announced making himself known.
"Since this is a big job including the four of you, you can take the SMILING FRIENDS MOBILE!! Ifyoucrash*twedonthaveinsureancesoitscomingoutofyourpaychecks!"

"What was that last part—" Allan asked but was cut off by the Boss's unhinged laughter.

With that, they made their way to the—wait, where the hell was this "SMILING FRIENDS MOBILE" anyhow?

Charlie gulped lightly and perched his lips"Uh, B-Boss not to be alarmed—or, well, more so perplexed, where the heck is the car—"

"Mobile." Mr. Boss corrected.

"Y-Yeah, Mobile."

"Well golly fellas! It's in the garage as all!" He chippered and showed them where this "garage" had been.


"I've never seen a door leading towards here—" Charlie spoke.

"Yeah, me neither I always just thought that door was a hanging in there cat poist-er." Allan said also.

Glep made his way to the Mobile and began looking around it.

"Welp have fun boys! Remember what I said earlier!" Mr. Boss said as he tossed the keys towards Allan before taking his leave.

"Man, can't you believe it, Pim? A-A garage just hidden in the back of this building—crazy huh?" Charlie nudged Pim.

Pim had stayed completely quiet and zoned out until he felt another nudge from Charlie.
"Eh—Y-Yeah...that's, that's insane." He whispered.

Pim quickly walked towards the mobile and sat on the right side of the back seat. Charlie followed him behind and sat on the left side of the back seat. With Glep sitting next to Allan who was driving.

"Let's get this pedal on the mettle, I suppose." Allan chirped as he started the mobile and left the garage of their work building.

Charlie stared down at Pim, who kept whipping his eyes, he didn't want to ask— but it wasn't hard to tell that he was trying to wipe away his tears.
"Pim what's up?" He mumbled towards him.

Pim shook his head and uncovered his face, as he turned the window to look away from Charlie.

"Pim, do you hear me talking to you?!" He said, picking up the volume of his voice.

He quickly looked up as he noticed he got the attention of Alan and Glep.

Allan would ask if everything was alright and he'd see Pim quickly nod his head "yes" through the rearview mirror, and Charlie shrugged both of his shoulders in a pissy way.

Allan also shrugged and kept driving.

After a long, awkward ride to their destination, they all got out of the mobile and went inside to what had looked like a crack den, yet when they walked in, it looked like a wonderland.
What the group had thought would be an excruciating and painful service, turned out to be an extravagant time.
All they had to do was paint a family who can't smile (due to a condition) into smiling and the rest of the time they were treated to a day full of delight.

Pim took his eyes off of his coworkers and began walking towards the front door.
"Pim! W-Where ya going?! You're gonna miss some of Mrs. Smiley's famous cherry pie!" Charlie asked startling Pim.

"Ima—I'm just gonna start clocking out early ya know?" Pim responded with his arms crossed.

"Want me to drop you off?" Charlie asked with deep concern.

He was annoyed at Pim for being such a bummer, out of all the days! Although simultaneously he couldn't help but feel upset because Pim won't open up to him. He wants Pim to hug him, cry into his hoodie, and confess what has been keeping him feeling like sh*t.

"Yes please." He accepted.

As they both got into the mobile, Charlie began driving back to the headquarters and cleared his throat ever so slightly.

"I'm sorry...Charlie. For ruining your guy's fun." Pim choked out pulling on his button up.

"Man, would you tell me what's been bugging you?" Charlie scolded.

"It's—it's nothing Charlie... I'm just having an off day. I promise it's nothing you should worry about." Pim choked and started pulling on his collar.

Charlie sighed and continued to focus on the road. Once they got back to headquarters Charlie watched as Pim walked into the building. That gave him enough time to have a smoke break, he knows how much Pim doesn't like seeing him smoke. He best keeps it outside though; he doesn't want the boss ringing his neck for stinking up the car—'mobile'.

As Pim walked into the break room, he fell to his knees and began to break out into uncontrolled tears. He cried as much as he could—for he thought that Charlie wouldn't come back for a while; that he went back to their clients.
"I'm so stupid...why can't I just be n-normal?" Pim whines gripping the sides of his head.

He was crying in the dark, with the only ray of light coming from the static Television.
He managed to get up from the floor and began packing up his things, but he couldn't help but sit there as he attempted to get his laptop. He curls up in his seat and begins to let out more unwanted cries.

"C-Come on Pim? Why do you have to be so weak when you don't have them...I can do this—w-without my..." He whimpered to himself.

"I couldn't even have fun—out of all those blasphemous clients—right that's when I was..."happy"..." Pim muttered once more.

It felt as though someone had been weighing on his back and screaming into his ears. Every single prettifying word you could think of, every sentence, any slur they thought to call him. He thought back to the memories he often tries to keep locked away, but that only brought him more pain.

"Hey Pim, I think I can take you home and head back—" Charlie's eyes widened as they darted onto Pim.

He saw Pim's ugly crying face, the endless muck coming down from his nostrils, how much he was shaking, and his fading scribbly pupils.

"T-THIS—This isn't-C-CharLIE—" Before Pim knew it, he was wrapped around his coworker's arms and squeezed lightly against his chest.
Pim could feel the brim of his head being kissed and was stuffed into Charlie's hoodie with only his head peeking out.
He couldn't help but burn up from this tension—he's never been this close to his dearest friend before! His face went from raw pink into a deep carmine, and it didn't help that his heart was racing too.
"C-Charlie-I—Please..." No matter what or how Pim muttered to put him down, and that he 'was alright', Charlie ignored this and walked outside and into his car, with Pim. It was a long and quiet ride, Pim began to feel drowsy from all the crying he did—he hasn't truly had a nice car ride in a while.

Charlie felt Pim snore on his chest, he sighed deeply and parked his car in the lot and got out, holding the sleeping Pim in his hoodie.

"Finally." He exhaled as he opened the door to his apartment.
It looked just how he left it: hollow, sad and a bit junky. After he closed and locked his door, he walked towards his couch...he didn't bother sitting on it—he didn't even bother to turn the lights on. He just grabbed the remote and turned it to his favorite channel.
Before dozing off, he kissed Pim's precious head. ‘f*ck…I was planning on spending the night somewhere else…but I'm back in this sh*t hole. At least, I can cry with him…we can deal with our bullsh*t together since he doesn't want to open up.” Charlie thought to himself as he closed his eyes.

“...Hmm…” Pim moaned, waking up from his slumber. His eyes slowly adjusted to the light from the TV.

He had forgotten…that he’s with Charlie.

Pim's Diary - ClydeSwob - Smiling Friends (Cartoon 2020) [Archive of Our Own] (1)

Pim's Diary - ClydeSwob - Smiling Friends (Cartoon 2020) [Archive of Our Own] (2)

Pim's Diary - ClydeSwob - Smiling Friends (Cartoon 2020) [Archive of Our Own] (3)

Pim's Diary - ClydeSwob - Smiling Friends (Cartoon 2020) [Archive of Our Own] (4)

Pim's Diary - ClydeSwob - Smiling Friends (Cartoon 2020) [Archive of Our Own] (5)

Pim's Diary - ClydeSwob - Smiling Friends (Cartoon 2020) [Archive of Our Own] (6)

Pim's Diary - ClydeSwob - Smiling Friends (Cartoon 2020) [Archive of Our Own] (7) Pim's Diary - ClydeSwob - Smiling Friends (Cartoon 2020) [Archive of Our Own] (8)

Pim's Diary - ClydeSwob - Smiling Friends (Cartoon 2020) [Archive of Our Own] (9)

Pim's Diary - ClydeSwob - Smiling Friends (Cartoon 2020) [Archive of Our Own] (10)

Pim's Diary - ClydeSwob - Smiling Friends (Cartoon 2020) [Archive of Our Own] (11)

Pim's Diary - ClydeSwob - Smiling Friends (Cartoon 2020) [Archive of Our Own] (12)

Pim's Diary - ClydeSwob - Smiling Friends (Cartoon 2020) [Archive of Our Own] (13)

Pim's Diary - ClydeSwob - Smiling Friends (Cartoon 2020) [Archive of Our Own] (14)

Pim's Diary - ClydeSwob - Smiling Friends (Cartoon 2020) [Archive of Our Own] (15)

Pim's Diary - ClydeSwob - Smiling Friends (Cartoon 2020) [Archive of Our Own] (16)

Pim's Diary - ClydeSwob - Smiling Friends (Cartoon 2020) [Archive of Our Own] (17)

Pim's Diary - ClydeSwob - Smiling Friends (Cartoon 2020) [Archive of Our Own] (18)

“It's— it's really stupid Charlie.”

“Dude! That doesn't explain anything—”

“I know! I know… I just…” Pim looked away from Charlie.

Charlie calmed down and rubbed Pim's back. “I guess we're both having a sh*tty day, huh?” He mumbled to himself.

Pim looked up at him perplexed. “I thought you were having fun—I suppose it was hard to do that because of me…I screwed up everything I guess…” Pim stuttered back.

Charlie whipped his neck towards him. “What—Dude no, gosh…heh, m-my girlfriend cheated on me.” Charlie said, pain filling each crack of his voice.

Pim's eyes widened and gasped feeling completely slack-jawed.

“That's why I said…do it, ya know? Being kissed all over would probably numb me more than the Tylenol I'm taking.” Charlie then said.

“O-Oh Charlie…I'm so sorry” Pim slugged and wrapped his arms around his warm neck.

“Yep, I saw her doing it last night after I got back from work…on my couch. S-She said I wasn't adventurous enough for her, or f*ckin’—Ugh…” Charlie began wiping his eyes before he continued to speak.

“She said I was boring, Pim…and that I can't be loved because I'm unbearable to be around.” Charlie choked out.

Pim felt Charlie's hands against his head. “That's why I was…kinda hoping to see you this morning. Your happy smile, the cuteness in your eyes—Your upbeat voice and how you don't give up on me…you don't give up till you see a smile on my damn face.” He rambled on and on until Pim couldn't take it anymore!

Pim grabbed ahold of Charlie's cheeks and locked eyes with him. “Charlie, I think you're more than adventurous, I think you're fun and I'll never see you as boring…” He spoke as he began to kiss Charlie's cheeks.

“You're funny, smart, amusing—stupid!”

“Didn't you just say I was sma— pfft Pim!” Charlie chuckled as Pim continued to kiss up and down his face and towards his neck.

“I’m sorry Charlie…I'm sorry I wasn't your usual “Happy, jolly Pim!” He taunted his joyful tone.

“Nah, man—it’s not your job to make me happy. I—I was just surprised, Pim. I've never seen you like this before.” Charlie confronted Pim.

“It's…Would you hate me if I told you that I cheat every day to become happy, that something helps put me in the mood to be ever so cheerful.” Pim asked, dilating his eyes.

“N—No Pim…of course not.” Charlie replied.
Charlie patted Pim's head and kissed it. “It isn't cheating if you're doing it to be happy.” He said once more.

“It is Charlie…it makes me weak and now I'm going through bloody withdrawals!!” Pim cried.

“'f*ck Pim—You medicate?!” Charlie asked surprised.

“I uh…I've been prescribed to—” Pim muttered.

“Dude! That isn't cheating, that's medicine, it's supposed to help you.”

“Supposed to help me be like everyone else…every normal person who doesn't need it. Who can fit in easily and make friends and have a happy family…” Pim spiraled. “Why must there be something wrong with me Charlie?! Why do I have to be the damaged one trying to run in a race that's not worth winning? To fight when I'm too small to defend myself, to walk and constantly be tripped by society?” Pim continued with bitter tears rolling down his face.

Charlie hugged Pim and let him rest on his chest as they both kind of just sat there and lightly sobbed.
“So what? So, what if you take them. That just means you're stronger than people who don't take them.” Charlie broke the silence.

“Strong? How so?” Pim muttered.

“Well, any “normal” person wouldn't be able to do the crap we do every day, Pim and even if they could—they wouldn't be doing as good as you. Heck, I bail out most times when I think the job gets too out of hand, but you have this unbridled will to help everyone around you, to give them something you wish you wanted to—to stop them from making the mistakes you almost made, at least that's how I think of it.” Charlie stated.

“Wow, Charlie…I've never thought you could read me like that.” Pim mumbled, feeling flustered.

“Heh, well you're an open book most of the time, so it's hard to not analyze ya.” Charlie smiled, rubbing the back of his head.

Pim pressed his fingers against Charlie's chest hairs and felt his subtle breathing.

“You're a pretty strong person too Charlie…” Pim replied softly.

“Yeah, I guess you could say that.” He smirked and felt Pim lightly punch him which made him laugh.

“Say Pim, I know this is a stupid question but- why do you take them, the meds?” Charlie asked.

Pim was quiet for a moment and didn't know how to answer Charlie's question, he exhaled deeply before taking another breath.

“It's—Personal.” Pim whimpered.

“Right, right. Sorry.” Charlie quickly replied.

“Gosh, Charlie it's getting late I think, do you want me—to leave?”

“God no! I-I mean I was hoping you'd stay the night. I mean I have your stuff from work—and you could wear one of my hoodies or T-Shirts—sh*t I'm rambling again, huh?”

Pim giggled lightly before kissing the brim of Charlie's nose.

“Are you sure though Charlie? I, uh, don't want to mess up your clothes.” Pim muttered.

“Yeah, go ahead, just don't touch the shirts hanging to the right of my closet.” Charlie said, while getting up from the floor. He then grabbed the remote to turn the TV off.

Pim was still being cradled by his counter and was lugged into what seemed to be Charlie's room. It wasn't as messy as Pim thought up to be—however it was still cluttered and a bit vile. With soda bottles cluttered on his nightstand and two empty pizza boxes on the floor, sitting next to the stand.

“Say, Charlie? Do you mind if I take a shower?” Pim asked.

“Hm—go ahead I don't mind, Pim.” Charlie responded.

He sat on his bed allowing Pim to crawl out from his hoodie and on to his mattress—Pim never thought he'd be on Charlie's bed before. It smelled like lavender (oddly), it was nice.

“The bathroom is over there next to my sideboard.” Charlie demonstrated.

“Why would you—have a sideboard—Is it filled with china?” Pim inquired.

“Yeah, it was my grandma's. I kept it because I knew my family would try to pawn it.” Charlie answered, getting up from his bed.

“Oh? Why that's nice of you Charlie, I'm sure your grandma is proud watching over you.” Pim lightened.

“More like watching under me.” Charlie mumbled after Pim's sentence.

“Under?” Pim quickly questioned.

“Nothing— uh here, and you can use these too.” Charlie passed Pim a towel and some bunny slippers.

Pim's dimples grew as he grabbed the bunny slippers, they felt soft against his fingers and looked a bit too big on him but will definitely help not get his feet dirty and the floor wet.

“Thank you, Charlie, thank you for everything. I know it's pretty weird having to see me like this…it's stupid—”

“No worries, man, but ya know it rattles me whenever you don't tell me something or open up to me—”

After Charlie said that he could feel a foot go down his throat. He knows that kind of hypocrisy was gonna counterattack him, because he acts like that half of the time when he's around Pim—how dare he say Pim has the right to tell him what's going on with him or what's happening in his life when he wants him too.
Charlie rubbed the back of his neck, still being faced towards his closet. He felt a ball of saliva go slowly down his throat and turned to Pim who was solely awaiting his gazed.

“I-I just don't want you to WORRY Charlie. I know you deal with a lot every day and I don't like burdening others with my pain. Besides, I keep it all written down in my special outlet journal.”

“You can't just lock everything away in a journal Pim. And I know I'm always somewhat in a “bad mood” sometimes, but I-I want you to know that even if I may not seem like it…I'm here to listen.” Charlie settled down back on his bed, next to Pim.

“You sound like you're actually taking your job seriously, heh. I didn't know I was a special occasion to you Charlie?” Pim softly spoke.

Charlie's cheeks flushed out of embarrassment, and he looked away from Pim.

“Well yeah man—I-I sigh I care about you Pim. I got this job because it was the only one hiring Critters at the time-I thought of it being a hassle trying to help people, but you really make that possible Pim. I feel better knowing I can learn off of you—and actually make someone smile or well— try to at least.” Charlie hummed.

Pim's eyes glistened as Charlie's words hit his ears.

“Ya know…I got the job because it was the only one that was opened to Critters in my field. Since I went to a low-rate community college, my diploma wasn't any good for the job I wanted to pursue, so this job was kind of a blessing in my eyes.” Pim then said.

“What did you want to do originally?” Charlie questioned.

“I wanted to be a therapist slash family counselor. I know I-It's pretty silly.” Pim chuckled, now looking away from Charlie too.

“No man—I think you'd actually make a great therapist. You're f*cking amazing Pim.” Charlie purred.

Charlie placed his hand down onto Pim's, which made Pim dart his head at this newfound feeling. His cheeks brightened up as he snapped his neck back to his previous direction (away from Charlie).

“W-What did you want to be Charlie?”

“Uh, well I uh—wanted to be a podcaster, some kind of photographer or animation-filmmaker. When I was younger, I was inspired by a lot of beautiful cartoons. I was practically raised off of them, best damn parents I've ever had, compared to the assholes who would argue every day and get high.” Charlie elaborated.

Pim's hand grew closer into Charlie's, until his fingers were intertwined with his. He looked at Charlie. The look was filled with love. Charlie noticed this and faced back at Pim too. Their eyes locked in an intimate gazed.

“That's lovely Charlie—I didn't know if you were interested in such?” Pim perched his lips and smiled. “I believe you could pull it off though, you seem like a very artistic person and can see the beauty and artistic value in things that baffle me—I love that about you.”
“You do?”

“Yes, Charlie. That's why I'm so interested in learning new things about you-... I-I know you told me that it's creepy a—and weird but…I, did buy you something to give to you today, but I left it at home because I wasn't sure that you'd like it. Gosh, Now I'm feeling like a dummy.”

“Why's that?” Charlie asked.

“Because,... it was a sketchbook.” Pim responded.

The grip on Pim's hand became tightened and he could now feel Charlie's left hand on his cheek. This action made Pim feel heated—for Charlie was close yet again.

“You—P-Pim…why? Why care so much about me?” Charlie muttered.

“Because Charlie…you were the first person I could make smile. I felt like you were my very first patient when I was meant with your fixed, upset mood, but as time went on…you stopped laughing at my j-jokes, and then you gave your complete attention to your phone. I really thought that I screwed up, and every time I tried to fix it-I-It g-gets w-w-w—orce…” tears began rolling down Pim's face which startled Charlie.
“I-I c-can't even b-book a gosh d-darn hotel f-for our trip Charlie…” Pim cried in his shaky voice.

“Sniff, I…I felt selfish though…after everything. Maybe I am just an annoying twit who's better off in t—”

Pim was cut off by Charlie pulling him into a sloppy hug. It was tight, it was warm, and he didn't care if his hoodie got soaked by Pim's utterly fluids.

Their hands still stuck together.

“Shhhh…shut up Pim…before I tell you how much of an adorable psycho you are.” Charlie whispered.

Pim tried to calm his sobbing to not ruin Charlie's hoodie, but it only got worse, and he cried harder. Pim couldn't understand why Charlie was accepting him, why he was comforting him—he knew Charlie cared, but to this extent?

Charlie thought about every selfless thing Pim has done, and every selfish stupid decision he has made to make Pim feel unhinged.
He grew looser with Pim—more than usual. He could see how much pain Pim was in, and he'd never thought anything of his feelings because he keeps it inside and washes them away with medications.
Charlie rubbed the back of Pim's head and smoothed down his nerve ending.

He knew that it was his turn to be the bubbly one and let his partner let out everything he's been keeping in.

“I love you, Pim…you are loved A-And you're not a screw up man! I let my emotions get the best of me and lose my cool when dumb things happen—but we should have never given you that much responsibility to book both the plane and the hotel” Charlie soothed Pim, as he brought up the whole trip ordeal.

Pim's breathing routine returned to normal, and his tears began to fade.

“Y-You.. love me?...” Pim whispered.

“I'll say it again if you want: I love yo—”

Charlie felt a pair of soft, pink lips being pressed against his own. These lips left his after a second and onto his cheeks and around his nose—just simply all over.

Charlie was practically an orange critter by now.

You could hear Pim break into a light chuckle before he placed his head on Charlie's shoulder.

“S-Sorry Charlie.” Pim muttered.

“Stop being sorry Pim…I'm sorry if I'm so harsh or oblivious towards you…—God, I just feel weird opening up to you like this.” Charlie then said.

“W-We can take it slow Charlie…we don't have to rush—I guess we both just really need to work out some things and communicate…” Pim brushed Charlie's strands of hair.

Charlie lightly grabbed Pim by his waist and pulled him off of his body. “You should, uh, take that shower now.” Charlie mentioned.

Pim flushed at being held by his waist in such a manner, alas, he cleared his throat and managed to crack another smile.
“R-Right! Hehe, completely forgot…um Charlie?” Pim tugged on the sleeve of his hoodie.


“You're a great friend.” Pim answered, hugging the bunny slippers.

“N-No problem, man—friend…yeah.” Charlie chuckled.

He seemed kind of disappointed hearing the word friend, like deep down he wanted it to be something else but couldn't and didn't want to think about it. He loves Pim so much that the word “friend” couldn't describe it. However, he shrugged it off and told himself that he's crazy for thinking that and gave his attention to the small, pink man who was now unbuttoning his shirt.
Charlie could feel his hairs stand up a bit—I mean it's nothing he hasn't seen before, but the only thing that was different was that he's stripping in his place. He gulped and pulled out his phone to focus his attention on something other than Pim.

Once Charlie could hear the door shut, he turned his phone off and took a deep breath. He laid back on his bed and constipated.

“What the hell was that? “I love you, Pim”? God damn it whyyyyy” Charlie groaned, rubbing his hands against his face.
“Why am I acting so weird—I must be creeping the guy out? Hm…well, I should probably bring his bag in here while he's in the shower.” Charlie thought up.

He brought himself to the living room and grabbed Pim's work bag that had been lying against the front door next to their shoes.
Charlie looked at the size difference between the pairs of shoes and smiled. He wondered if Pim had to get his shoes and clothes tailored to his liking—or if that was probably too hard for him to afford.

Once he made it back into his room, he tossed the bag onto the floor next to his bed, but then heard something as he did. ‘f*ck’ he mumbled and walked back to the bag to see what fell out of it.
It was a thick book, it looked like it could be a novel. When he had opened the first page it greeted him with “Pim Pimling’s Life Journal.” and below that “I hope to smile one day with a loving family and friends, and to help others smile too!” Charlie grows skittish, as he realizes he's holding Pim's vent diary.

He shortly calms himself and turns to the closed bathroom door then back to the book. He lightly gulps and thinks “I'm sure this must be wholesome at least?” He sits on his bed and flips to the next page. Man, there was a table of contents and everything! Charlie thinks that Pim should be an author too—with the way this personal journal is organized.
He doesn't bother reading the chapters on the contents and flip to the next page. He was met with beautiful, yet sloppy handwriting and a header that read “Hello Diary!” Charlie attempted to giggle.

He continues to read.

Hello Diary!

I'll start off by introducing myself. I suppose I'm Pim Pimling. I was given this book from my sister on my 10th birthday! I'm using it after a month now. I uh—I want this book to be an outlet; a place where I can go when nobody else wants to listen. I guess I should start off by talking about the real reason why I'm writing right now. To anyone whom happens to find this one day and reads it without permission or thought, I hope that may—perhaps you could relate to it,... or not, it's fine if this book somehow falls into dirty, untrusting hands. However, I feel as though I'll keep this book till the day I retire into my next destination, whether that be the pearly gates in the sky or the dark merciless pit that welcomes the sinned.

A few hours ago, I was sitting at the dinner table eating with my mum, sister, and my baby cousin. It was stagnant and only one light cast over us, for everywhere else in the house needed to be replaced with new lightbulbs.
My dad was gone that night, I had assumed he was working, but deep down he might have been doing something else. I thought this because my mother had been muttering endlessly out loud, and I couldn't ignore it.

“He’s cheating on me…” and “He's a damn brute”
I never want to believe that though, maybe he was working overtime, but my mum said if he was…there’d be new lightbulbs in each room of the house. It was hard not to believe her either.

I feel like, after my birthday things haven't been the same. What seemed so bright at the time is now dim and there's so little hope left.
I looked at my sister who sat across from me. She smiled and made a silly face at me. She knows they always make me smile

My sister is my light within the darkness. We make each other laugh and smile and we play silly games using our imagination whenever our toys get pawned!...We are not fairly rich nor are we like the children we see on the telly. My parents say that being a critter is challenging because we don't get a lot of attention in the work field.
However, I strive to be a critter who helps people and I'll make lots of money to help out around the house, and buy my sister lots of toys and nice things—and when my brother comes back from boot camp I'll buy him a nice house to rest his warry feet.

“Psst! Pim! Fllllick!” My sister whispered and flicked an olive which hit my hand. I laughed and did the same back to her.
She giggled and so did I—we then broke out into a loud, giddy laughter.


We stopped…we got too loud again.

“AMY! STOP messing with your BROTHER you're always starting up things, ALWAYS giving me HEADACHES!”
Our mum screeched.

She's been blaming a lot of things on Amy too—and though she's six months older than me I don't understand why I don't get yelled at. Amy's smile vanished and she looked down at her plate of food.
I wanted to say sorry—I'm always getting her in trouble, I'm always so loud.

I had looked over at my mum for a moment and saw that she was drinking her special grape juice. When I asked her for some, she said that if I help out around the house and become a better man than my father, I could.
I never want to take dad's place, his head role in being the man of the house, but I really want some grape juice! We haven't had grape juice in so long now…

So after dinner we put our cousin to bed (he's only four years old). My sister said she could help me get some grape juice, she said surely since she doesn't have to be the man of the house that she could freely have some.

I wish she hadn't helped me…

She lifted my small body up from the tiled floor and helped me up on the counter where the grape juice had been sitting.

…we're always drinking tap water and mum takes up all of the juice for herself…we thought—I thought it would be okay. We were just going to share a cup.

After we poured some into a cup, I got down and we began taking sips from the cup.
It was nothing we've ever tasted before—It was strong and it burned my throat a bit, yet we kept drinking it because we haven't had juice in so very long.

When we went to put a little more in I slipped and dropped the bottle. The sound was loud enough to wake our mum up.

I tried to get my sister to leave so that she wouldn't get into trouble, but she wouldn't listen. As we heard our mother's footsteps we both quickly ran to our room.

“STEVEN?!...AHHH WHO THE HELL DID THIS!?!” I could hear her shout.

We were both hiding under our covers shaking.

“AMY, AMY!” She'd then scream.

We pretended we were sleeping…

Charlie noticed how Pim's handwriting began to become harder to read, and saw stained dots on the page…

I guess then she was dragged out of bed.

I heard Amy scream. I heard a loud slap across what could only be her face.

I jumped out of my bed and wrapped my arms around mums' legs and begged her to stop but she just kept screaming


The end of the page was filled with nasty scribbles. Charlie took a deep breath and flipped to the next page.

My dad came home after that, and the screaming only got louder. My sister wouldn't stop shaking, she wouldn't stop crying, the voices never stopped, and it was all my fault.

The last thing I saw was my sister's bruised face and her red, hurt wrists.

That concluded chapter one of Pim's journal. Charlie didn't know what to think or how to feel—he of course felt horrible for reading Pim's privacy thinking it wouldn't be anything but wholesome. He wasn't sure if he should read more, simultaneously he didn't WANT to read more.
He closed Pim's book as he heard the handle of the bathroom door wiggle.
He tossed the book across the room out of fear. ‘Idiot!’ Charlie whispered to himself.

“Huff! Sorry for hogging your bathroom, Charlie. Goodness the water felt so nice! I haven't had a nice, hot shower in a while because they're working on the plumbing in my apartment.” Pim spoke making his way towards Charlie's bed.

Charlie was lying on his back with a stone cold look on his face. Pim tilted his head at Charlie as he hopped up on the mattress. His body is still covered by a towel twice his size.

“Charlie? Are you alright?” Pim asked, crawling towards Charlie's side. “Are you tired?”

Charlie snapped out of his thoughts as he felt Pim's damped hand rest on his head. Charlie gazed at Pim, a Pim who needed clothes, a Pim who looked cute and tired, and a Pim who needed his love more than anything. Charlie sniffed and sat up.

“Y-Yeah, it's getting pretty late—Pim it's uh, we don't have work tomorrow.” Charlie said anew.

“Yes—we’re off tomorrow and Saturday, why?”

“So, you—Do you wanna hang out he f-for awhile-y-ya know?” Charlie stumbled out.

“I'd love to Charlie-t-thank you…” Pim thanked, his cheeks growing bright red.

Pim kissed the bridge of Charlie's nose and wrapped his arms around his neck. Pim had felt so soft and comfortable. Showers tend to do that—plus throwing up in the toilet after pecking your coworker on the lips.

“Uh–oh-here dude.” Charlie passed him a clean gray hoodie that said “Big guy” on the front of the jacket.
Pim slipped it on and it covered his body, with a bit of his chest exposed.

“Do you want me to sleep on the floor- or couch—”

“Dude, gross my ex screwed someone on my couch. Two, why would I ever let you sleep on the floor man, you're bunking with me.” Charlie scolded, hugging Pim without warning.

“C-Charlie—you’re flattering me.” Pim mumbled.

He gripped Charlie's sleeve.

“Charlie? are you going to take off your hoodie; you're not gonna sleep in your day clothes, right?” Pim asked.

Charlie realized this and let go of Pim to take off his hoodie and jeans. He was now in his boxers with hearts designed on them and a white tank-top.
He'd lie back down next to Pim.
Pim made himself comfortable as he felt Charlie's arm wrap around him once more

They stayed like that for about five minutes.

“Say, Charlie, wasn't it pretty silly earlier that we had to ride that nice car considering the one we have already can hold about five passengers.” Pim broke the awkward silence.

“I just think he wanted to show off his expensive car.” Charlie responded to the little guy who let a few giggles leave his mouth.

“You think so? Pfft, he did say the business has been booming.” Pim perched, stroking Charlie's peach fuzz.

“Heh, right…Hey, Pim?”

Charlie sat up a bit, keeping his eyes on his pink counterpart.

“Yes, Charlie?” Pim furrowed his eyebrow, and tilted his head.

“Have you—what do you want to do after this job?”

“I—that's a good question actually…” Pim took a moment to think. “I'd like to have a family, I guess. A partner who loves me and kids-lots of kiddies.” Pim stated.

“What do you want to do before you do that?” Charlie then asked.

“I-I don't…I suppose go to a college that'll get me a degree worth my time, and then…leave.” Pim mumbled the word ‘leave’ as if he felt guilt overwhelmed him.

“Leave Smiling Friends?” Charlie queries.

“I'd still keep in contact with you all! Especially…you Charlie.” Pim staggered.

“What else before that?” Charlie asked again.

“I d-don’t know actually, heh. What is this supposed to be Charlie; Why're you asking me so many questions?” It was Pim's turn to question Charlie, and make him think heavenly about his future.

“I…I-before I do anything, I want to…to make YOU smile, I guess, I don't know—” Charlie said with haste as he found himself turning the other way out of embarrassment.

Pim could feel his cheeks flush and he stopped stroking his chin, and he didn't look away from Charlie. He admires him.

“‘Sigh’…I want you to, for real…for more than a second. I guess—f-forget about it, I'm being stupid.” Charlie battered.

Pim got on top of him, gaining his eye contact back. His eyes glimmering and his jaw slightly unhinged. He had gripped the collar of his tank-top and his chest hairs.

Pim made Charlie look at him—it was impossible not to.

“Charlie? What are you saying?” Pim asked once more.

Charlie blushed harder and got a bit angry, he didn't want to repeat himself! He didn't want to say those words and embarrass himself again…, yet at the same time he wants to be there for Pim.

“Charlie…you look like you saw a ghost? Is everything alright—did I,...do something wrong?” Pim mumbled.

“It's…nothing, Pim would you– tell me more about that show you like again?” Charlie replied.

The grip Pim had only became more tight as he began to put on a big grin. “REALLY? You'll watch it this time, promise! It gets really good Charlie!” The critter whined.

“Alright, Alright—does it air on Astro Space?/[AS]” Charlie asked.

“YES! I used to watch it late at night when I was a tweeny tadpole!” Pim staggered (When he was a tween).

With that, Charlie turned on his television that lay on his chifferobe and turned his lamp off. Pim wouldn't stop talking about the main character of the show after every commercial. He fixated so much that he felt himself grow tired and barely ten episodes in, he fell asleep.

“Heh, ya know I think that mental guy is my favorite character, he's got a rustic niche to him—Pim?” Charlie fumbled and looked over at the sleeping amphibian.
He smirked and turned the TV off, tucking Pim in after.
Many thoughts ran through Charlie's head, like how he read Pim’s journal—how he READ Pim's journal, OH GOD HE READ PIM'S JOURNAL.

He gulped lightly and slowly got up off his mattress so that the unfamiliar weight of the bed didn't wake Pim up. He went to fetch the journal and made his way into his bathroom, softly closing his door.

“Alright,...I can't stop now…I should, but it wouldn't hurt to know more of his interests...” Charlie made up an excuse—and opened up to where he last left off.

Pim's Diary - ClydeSwob - Smiling Friends (Cartoon 2020) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)
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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Author information

Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.