Goldsboro Daily Argus from Goldsboro, North Carolina (2024)

The National Bank or eouMBOKO. Waato yar will gUd 10 UAoraorrwpoadvlUro c.o ton K. J. BX8T, Tto-riMidMi Ih8 National Bank I Hlf iatloa Ml tMkla win nnul eioi. sokwooo, jb, nwt 0.0 KORVXQAT, Cukla.

"This Abqus 'er the people's rights Doth an eternal vigil keep; No soothing strains of Maia's son Can loll its hundred eyes to sleep." i VOL XXXVI GOLDSBORO. N. TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 7 1902 NO 1 COMMISSIONERS COURT. and accepted and ordered enrolled TO-DAY'S MARKET. Hessenger Opera House.

ONE NIGHT ONLY. Friday October 10th. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM DITEBS SOURCES. by a Neck." She "Wins Although not possessing iauy nas received ner tull share of admiration by judiciously enhancing other charms which Nature has bestowed upon her such as a perfect Neck, incomparable Arms or beautiful Hands. (lagan's Magnolia Balm will do this because it removes all blemishes or discolorations and gives a pearly-tinted, velvety smoothness to the skin.

It overcomes rough or reddened hands and arms and is a constant delight to the user. Price 75c. At all druggists. MAGNOLIA BALM Is a Liquid and can be easily applied, gives natural tint that cannot be detected, leaves no Ucky feeling after using; and Is as harmless as water. COTTON and TOBfGOO Are both hifrbr, but Furniture.

Crockery and all house furnishings remain cheaper than evr at our mammoth double store. Therefore don't fail to call in anl supply your wants, and not miss the money. We are making special prices now to make room for goods to arrive. as follows: To the Board of Commissioners Wayne county: of I hereby tender my resignation as Register of Deeds of Wayne county, to be effective on and after Oct 13, 1902, Allow me in this connection to thank you for the many kludnesses shown me during your administra tion, and to wish each one of your HonorableBoard the fullest measure of success. I beg to remain, Very Truly, U.

C. Kornegay Upon motion of Commissioner Smith Col. J. A Washington was elected to fill the unexpired term of Register of Deeds. The Board then adjourned.

Published by order of the Board, (i. C. Kok.nkcay, Clerk, etc. TYRANNY OF TEARS. Will Appear Here Next Wednesday Night, Octobar 8.

Speaking of The Tyranny of Tears which will have the boards of the Messenger Opera House Wednesday night of this week, the Richmond Times of Saturday says: "The Tyranny of Tears is well palled a ay of temperament. It certainly deals with the temperament of four persons in the there are only six in the cast. Mr. Chambers, though supplying few characters in the piece, has drawn each of them well. He has at least made two of them very human, for them are represented types which may be met every day.

Mr. Clem ent Parbury is ruled by a wife who always gains her point by weeping. To use an expression very common describing such a state of affairs, he was "henpecked." At last the wife reaches the point when, her bKnotnlnkiTpafieiice liatflcoased be a virtue. She wishes that his secretary be dismissed. Her reason for this is that she has seen the young woman gazing lovingly at Mr, Par-bury's photograph.

Parbury refuses to yield to his wile and the latter returns to her fattier. To make long story short, when Parbury discovers the cause of his wife's action, he understands the situation, and the matter all ends happily by one of the chums ofhis bachelor days falling in love with the secretary and becoming engaged to her. "Paul Gilniore ayed Clement Parbury and portrayed the part well. Miss Grace Hobart Hanson, as the weeping wife, was excellent, while both Miss Dorothy Gilbert and Mr. Charles Bet ram were clever.

Mr. Henry Rich did a capital piece of work as Col. Armitage." REGISTER TO-DAY. It is very important that every Democrat register. It is necessary for all to register anew, as under the Amendment a new registration is required.

The sooner you register the better. Register to-day; why put it off? The following are the places of registration in Ooldshoro for the sev end precinct: 1st Precinct Don Scott, Register, at Bennett's stables. 2nd Precinct- -J. M. Hollowell, Register, court house.

3rd Precinct E. A. Humphrey, Register, Arlington Hotel. 4th Precinct Walter D. Creech, Register, at Creech's store.

DANCING SCHOOL. Prof. E. S. Massey, of Norfolk, is conducting a dancing school at the Armory for ladies and gentle men.

Monday nignt at 8 p. Tuesday evening 3 o'clock, Wednes day night, Thursday afternoon, Soiree rriday night. Sin-cial hut urday eveuing for children and ladies. $150 Reward. The Board of County Commission ers of Wayne county, In regular session, directed their clerk to advertise that the Board will pay a reward of one hundred aud fifty dollars for the arrest and delivery of Frank: Winn, indicted for the murder of Charles Winn, to the sheriff of Wayne couuty.

By order of the Board. Geo. Kornegay, Clerk, etc Oct. 6, 1902. WANTED Boy not under 13 years of age to work as telegraph mes-, senger at $8 per month, must write good legible Apply 'to J.

K. 8tvcn9, Miinngor Western Union Office. rarniahed by private teJ.G.aUer, Mgr New York, her 7, 1902. COTT n. Ova.

Cloa. Jon July Augual October KM 841 November Ms December JEM 864 January 3 get February 1........ W8 March 6i 840 niw tosi STOCKS. Open. iw 1'2H Southern Paotflo Onion Paolfllo Manhattan Southern Southern Hallway prafofed LouuvUleA 197S llrooklyn Rapid Traaatll.

mi hVpubllcS'eel SI Ui'a HIS Kenubtlc Steel Pennsylvania Ry 161', Atohleoa 87 Aluhleon preferred loo lrns, 'ft. 117 tan MS ioh lulls mi lU-i tb 10BJ4 it. Paul ivo Krle D.8. Steel i V. S.

Steel preferred Reading i Copper i Tenn. Coal and 1 81 Ontario 4k Weetera. 34 vt MiMonrl Paeldo i HUH People Oai 103 Welters Union I Ulii Norfolk JtWeitern j. 74 New York Central I Metropolitan American Cotton Oil. 4 Anaconda Copper Chesapeake A Oh I' 50 Baltimore A Ohio li fijj, Va Caro Chemical CO Chicago Grata ind Provisions.

Ooen Cloa. Dec Wheat 68), May VI hunt W4 T0T4 18 1140 10.1 1700 Deo Corn Miy Corn iZ Deo. Oata Oct. Rita Out. Lard.

.1 1024 Dot Pork ITCFING WIT "nxr Complete External and Internal Treatment, One Dollar CUTICURA The set, consisting of Cuticora Soap, to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thick ened cuticle, Cuticura instantly allay itching, irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and heal, and Cuticora Resolvent Pills, to cool and cleanse the blood, and expel humour germs. A Single Set, price $1, is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood humours, rashes, itchings, and irritations, with loss of hair, when all else fails. MILLIONS USE CunccRA Soap, aesUted Ciiticuha Ointment, the (rreat akin cure, for preserving, purifying, aud beautifying the ekln, for cleansing the acalp of cruaU, acaleit, and dandruff, and the ttnpping of falling hair, for eoftenlng, whitening, and aoothlng red, rough, and eore handa, for baby ranheo, Itching, and chaflnga, and for all the purpocs of the toilet, oath, and nuraery. Millions of Women uae Cuticuka SoAr In the form of hatha for annoying Irritation, InflnmmatlotiB, aud ex. coiiutlons, or too froe or oflenalvo pertplr-atlon, In the form of washes for uli cmtWe wsaknesKeii, and for many sanative, antiiteiitle purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, especially mothers.

CUTICURA RI80LVENT PILLS (Chocolate Coated) area new, tasteless, odourless, economical sulMtitute for the celebrated liquid Cutiodha RHsoiVKHT.Mwell as for all other blood purifiers and humour cures. Put up In pocket vials, doses, prloe, 26c. SW(hrHirkntllwrM. BrttWi Doti-, CharlirlHniM Bo rmek IMpoti I Haas la Mi, Pottib llant ass taut. Oar, not fray, Buoe.

U.S. A. flEflDflGHES fin FEYE4ISM11ESS GURBD Bf I I 7 1 Sold at all draggUta. Pay Your City Taxes. 1 axes ior me year ivm are now due.

Please come forward and settle. Respectfully, W. II. COLLINS, City Tax Collector. HOUSE FOft KENT fleven room two story house on Blocumb street adjoining the premlseg of T.

W. Slocumb. Has barn, stables and outhouses. Apply to M. J.

Best. BUGGY FOB SALE You can buy a good, top used short while only, in excellent condition, by applying to Huoiptirey-Oibson Octo i -AA GoDUdlne Wayne County Commissioners Court Held Sept 29th, and Oct 6th. The Board met In called session, present C. F. Herring, Chairman, J.

P. Smith and Elijah Edwards. The resignation of W. D. Adams as tax collector for New Hope town ship, was read and accepted, and Rufui Mozlngo, was elected to the office.

October 6, 1902 The Board met in remilar session, all the members present Accounts were audited and allow ed to: Jno Lane, stock law fence $2 00; Parker, bdge grd, 1 00; Emily Wallace, pau, 1 00; Edgerton, bdge luin, 19 13; Sykee, convict grd, 12 00; Johnson, convict grd 9 00; Rollins and Nobles, bdge lum, 11 38; A Sasser, bury pau, 6 00; Lucas, convict overseer, 25 00; Drs and Spicer, health supt, 28 33; James Barnes, haul lum, 50; Mrs Williams, pau, 1 A Grantham, bdge work, 29 60; Phelps, haul, 55; Mrs Lucas, sewing for convicts, 3 55; Crocker, bdge work, 5 75; Sherard, bdge ac, 6 00; Parker A Falkener Co, for poor house, 11 00; Julia Hamilton, tax error, 96; Win Mann Co, Iadex, 16 25; Kor- negay, ac nleu, 37 ul; wm fear- son, bdge ac, l)r Thoa mil, Cor, Elizabeth Pritchett inquest, 19 30; Golds Pub Works, for jail, 3 00; Golds Argus, monthly salary, 12 50; I Ormond, CSC, ac filed, 9 55; Blount Co, cloth for convicts, 48 73; Tom Brown, fence ac, 3 00; Coggswell, registers ac, 52; Golds Hard Co, nails, 1 73. Scott, Sheriff, and and Blind Asylum, 123 35; Strickland, bdge grd, 2 00; Barnard Co, reg ister docket, 17 00; Jerre Jenkins, pau, 60; Wm Thompson and wife, County Home, 87 Best AThomp- son, county sup, 19 23; Her ring, bdge grd, 3 50; Mitchell, fence supt, 5 00; MS Witherington, horse hire, 6 Uaugh pauper, 100; Brock, pauper. 50; Nash Brothers, tax books, 26 00; Andy McKlnne, pauper 1 00; Mary Cox; pauper 50c; A Royall, constable 8 47; Best, lumber 1 06; A Snipe stock fence 3 00; Ijevl Combs, pau per 1 50; Head, September Poor House ncct, 61 59; Taylor Barberry, for county 6 85: A Pow ell, medicine 1 00; A Teachey, bridge guard 1 67; II Sasser, brdg guard 3 33; Mazlngo, constable 50c; Holland, fence acct 3 00; 13 Cox, pauper 1 00; EE Horton brdg guard 3 38; Musgrave bridge lumber 55 47; Watson, bridge timber 25 00; Grantham, wagon hire, 3 00; Troy Hinnanl, Fork fence 7 50; Joe Smith, pauper 1 00; Lane, bridge acct 15 50j Eliza llin- son, pauper 1 00; Rose, bridge aeot 15 50; Richardson, pauper 00; Scott, shff acct filed 282 65; Bettie8mith, pauper 1 A Parks cash to paupers 184 25; Slaughter Co, acct filed 18 70. Nahunta township, road petition granted and the sheriff instructed to lay off same according to law. John Rouse, Jas Long Jr, and Bowden were granted pedlers' license.

Commissioner Smith was ap pointed to act with a committee of Thos Ruffln Camp in selecting a home for disabled soldiers. Rufus Mozingo, Jr, gave bond as tax collector of New Hope township approved by the Board. Petition for a new road in Groat Swamp laid over. The Board directed advertisem*nt to be made that the county will pay $150 reward for the arrest of Frank Winn, charged with the murder of Charles Winn. The following jurors were drawn for November term of Superior Court: Herring, Benjamin Herring, Jackson Daniel, Hines, 8 Strother, Kornegay, col, Peele, Floars, II Moore, Jack Brown, Joel Rhodes, John Greene, col.

Johnson, Borden, A Hollowell, II Burch, Mo Elngo, Hatch, Hollowell, Richard PCox, OC Moore, MT Braezeale, Langston, Grimes, George QLewis, Thomf i Grady, col, Best, Thompson, Lewis Crawford, Peele, Aaron Winn, col, Roberto, WB Cox, TBGurley, Baker. 1' The resignation of George 0 Kor negny Register of Deeds was read; in in to a The Beautiful Emotional Aotresi, Miss Freda Gallick In the Superb American Play, "Life's Great Lesson' BV CLARENCE 1IAIKO, Sri'I'OHTKl) HY A SPECIALLY COMPANY. SpecinI cenery. Elegant Costumes. Prices- 25, B0 and 75cts.

Siits mi wile ut Hill's Drug Store. Millinery Opening, Fall Season 1902. uesdau Oct. 7. Wednesdau Oct.

8. J. W. BIZZELL CO. Kv.rj ladj In (loldaboro ahuold mak II a rulnt to attend thli Opening, aa, wo bar.

aoma yery atiractlv. Hyt In liata and fabrlr tha vary lataat ereatlou and our FK1CBS araalt right. On Trloimar, Mlaa Uertrud. I'ala, of llaltimurr, will tw on hand to gWe her ldu whon needed. J.

W. Bizzell Co. East Centre Street. Messenger Opera Hoiisej WEDNESDAY NIGHT, Oct. 8th.

ules Murry Presents the Tal ented Young Society Actor. Mr. Paul Giimore In HadenCbambersdelight-ful Comedy of Temperament The Tyranny of Tears. 'It depends for its power on its fidelity to human nature." WANTED A Ixty to act as nlirht operator ut the Telephone Ex-ehange. Apply in writing to J.

E. Fount, Supt. Interstate Telephone anil Telegraph Kxcliiinui City. fi. E.

DEftNS, Address GOLDSBORO Care Sydney Deans. Administrator's Notice. Having uuiillflcil aa admlnlalratrlx of tb. atata nf I. Ilood.

draeiturA la herrbr given to all uerauna Indehied tn (tHlatn t. eonie ftirwatd Bettl Lh. Immedlali'ljr. Partlea holding olalrna agalnat nald eatat will preflnt them to the under 4lgnrd lor pajnient 01.

or liefore the tid day In bar nt their reoovery. i nia me nay 01 neneinDer i KUZt II. H()OI). AdiTilnlnratrli. Notice of Sale.

Shine, N. Sept. 1(, 1902. I will nell at the Court house door JoluiHton county, on the 29th of h-tober one tract of land known as the Simon (iurpanus land, eon- UilnniK acres, more or low, adjoin- ii(? tho latum of Mr. Need ham Steplieimon the south side of iNeuse river to the highest bidder for cash.

All lii.s heirw arc, notified to meet us there on day of sale. Wm. (JurganuH, Adin'r. O. SALE.

Southern Express Co. I'nlctiH orevionslv called Tor And all chargeH paid or otherwise disposed of mo Houinern express ioniany will sell at public auction to the highest Didder ior cn.sri un unclaimed matter that lias heen on hand at offices in the State of North Carolina for a ne. rlod ol six months or more. Sale will take place at Manner Warehouse in (ioiuMDoro, IN. i commencing at 10 o'clock a.

in. Saturday November wm. J.J. BOWLN, Atrent. W.

J. CROSS WELL, 8upt. W. K. LflNB.

PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 137 Weal Centra Street, North, Neat door to Dewey Broa. Two rooma abov. offloa lor rant. laoglnt DR. THEO.

GINN, Physician and Surgeon. Offlo. orr Olnn A Beafa Stora, OOLDBBOKaif.a News of the Stage, Social, PoUt. eal and Otherwise, Culled From Our Exchanges. FOB JOHN MITCHELL.

Chicago, Oct 6. "I am for John Mitchell, president of the mine workers of America for Governor of Illinois next time," Baid George E. Brennan, secretary of the Democrat ic state a group of 111! nois politicians at the Sherman house headquarters and all the others nodded assent. DR. WHITEHEAD DEAD.

Suffolk, Va Oct W. Whitehead, one of Suffolk's most prominent young physicians, died at 8 o'clock tonitrht aged 81 years, of gastritis. Concluding a funeral service at the Presbyterian church here tomorrow morning the remains will be taken to his former home at Scotland Neck for burial. MILITARY ORDERED OUT. Harrisburg, Oct.

6. Gov. Stone has ordered out the entire division of the National Guard for duty in the anthracite coal region. This decision was reached late this afternoon, but the official order was not promulgated until 10:30 tonight, after a formal conference at the executive mansion between Governor Stone, Major General Charles Miller, Brigadier General J. V.

Schwall, commanding the first brigade, Brigadier General J. P. S. Gobin, commanding the third brigade, who came here by special train from Shenandoah, and CoL Willis J. Hullngs, wiinA Aril gade in the absence of Brigadier General John A.

Wiley, who is attending the army manoevres at Fort Riley. PRITCHARD WASN'T LOST. Washington, October 6. Senator Pritchard is not lost, as many had feared. He was discoved tonight at the Ebbitt house for the first time since his arrival here Friday.

No one is able to give any information with reference to the senator's movements. It was stated tonight that he has been to New York doing missionary work with the Republican national committee. This evening Senator Pritchard called at the temporary White House and had a long talk with the president. The interview was Southern politics and referred to the North Carolina situation in particular. Senator Pritchard gave the president a very fevoroble report in behalf of the Southern Republicans.

He expressed himself as well satisfied with the situation in North Carolina. SALEM SHOTS. Those Coming and Going, nod Other Happenings of a Week Wrote up For Your Inspection. Mr. O.

K. Hodgins was calling on friends in Black Creek, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. John Thompson, of Society Hill, S. is on an extended visit to relatives here.

Mr. Elijah Baker, of Four Oaks, was visiting his brother Mr. Ed. Baker, last week. Miss Annie Crow, of your city, was lending her charm to the home of Miss Retta Edgerton, Saturday night.

Mrs. John E. Brown, of your city, was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Allen Singleton, near Salem church, one night last week.

The rain Sunday was very much needed, but not so highly appreciat ed by some of the young people in our neighborhood. Mr. O. W. Edgerton visited his parents Sunday afternoon on his return from Hood Swamp, where he filled his regular appointment.

Salem, Oct. 6. LOREN Bf88. NOTARY PUBLIC. Also gives lessons in stenography and typewriting.

Office with Capt J. B. Edgerton, at Edgerton 4b Hol- lowell's sale stables, 2SJ East wai out Street, a beautiful face, many ut our store whether tliev trade or bundlec, uiet your friend aud be will ty you highest prioes for co'ton Suitable for all ages. our kind, the kind that made to last. Furnishings are here.

f. LEADING CMUHIBK AND HABBSDA8HKH. FHONI 1TY fl. N. HUMMBI Out of town people are welcome not, make it headquarters, leave your hom*o hi re.

Parker Faulkner Foitire Go- P. 8. -The Parker Cotton Co Office in our Htore. 6arolinajioi Plates. For Sate By Grocers TRY THEM A most wholesome and nutritious and easily digested food.

Ask your Grocer For Them. Exclusively Manufactured in Goldsboro. WHEN sss You put your boy in new clothes put them in are guaranteed our $2.50 suit or $10 suit is Fall Hats Shoes and f. OOLOSBOKO'8 HNDKHBOTRLKINNON. D.

W. HURTT. Hurtt Hummel, Merchant Tailors. Under Messenger Opera House. Repairing a Specially.

White Press Peaches suitable for preserving or sweet pickling can be furnished by C. F. Griffin on short notice at 25c pet pock. ALL WORK GUARANTEED;.

Goldsboro Daily Argus from Goldsboro, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.