The Register News-Pictorial from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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The Register News-Pictoriali

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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2 SUPPLEMENT TO THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN REGISTER RIDAY OCTOBER 1 1880 with regard to balls at rata BOb at ante an at present rad against the tnsotee at inooiveocv antea ectnal poraeeian wm taM by tte aanaa hoidiDg th but at ate Ha UkmwM Uutt wm unfair where (he bill at ante wm far valuable eoaetdarMioa and tee perfeotiy agreed wab tte Mito toe tomodyiag the tow bull toe though that the Attorney tknarai bad fates mto an erne a mafang every toll at ale valid provided fa wm duly Mawtaed MaadMaiy it wm given Twa enact at that would be that an mteaasmi ttmoirett aught the day before ten mootreocy give a tall at ante ora the whole at ton ecacta a fnottd and white he woald bo ttabto to pnueteaant tor giving traodutau preferenc that would hardly piu cha money icw the crodium poctel He purposed then to aoggnt an alteration providing that talte at sate tea vaiuatto aannderaswa given ai the una at the execution at tha deed should in valid and duly ngntarod but that tails at mte al a preceding data a for other than valuable norwirrauon should bo Invalid it given witton ninety days pnor to tba adjudi cation at taonivency even tf rwaioeed la ctauoa 80 he taw that the AttorneyGensnl gave effect to a pruned otatoawnt bang aaot to each erodnor which tee Uwnght would oonautnie a very groat raiwnvraont on ttoe existing practtc Clauae he would cause a very impurtant alisramja tion nrabira would be aware of new dacneacDt which had lately enoes in fweekabte poeero of auornoy The Attoraey Ueoerei ctonaa 1M toad made the provtawaal orders fraodutent and rad He thought the deuce would work well and bo an aanntage to Un bunnea ocnmnuty Under tte coed of Maigomeni there were not many altera tkera from the teat Btli before the Monee He would intern that a letter which appeared tn one erf our daily paper made reference io the tact that the debut wee altowwi to reum hta own truatoe and objected to the 3tU on that aoeoaM He would point out that crodiwee were a pony to tbappoortaiem and they etnid elect anotbet trustee that Um otoccttocof the eiUac want for oouung He tally tgiood with the aartaung and providing tor lodging muorye in the Bank bat cImlm 127 wm a together toe Hnngent ataced that the wustoe should piece ail the money ho roceivod the Bank do haul being pieced on the sum ao that if a trustee bad to collect very email aaxxmt to would be babto antooe be at once sent them to ttee Bank He thought the troMoe ought to be allowed to hold J) for a penud of not more than tan day ano be wouM like to ere provioo to that elect (The UuDy GDeraj "I shall not object to lt" He trusted the Hom would peaa th BUI raedily so that uno would be even lor no beuui earned through the other branch of the Lrgatoiure as be wm rare it would bo a gnu Lera to the whole the cucnmunity (Hoar hear) It afforded a speedy reteare to the untur tunate haemt debtor mher by daofr at resign mane under which he could obtain a quick reieaae ar by the Court by which bo would tie Jiachaiged three month At tho aaao tune the creditor were protected againct careMoo twekteesnreo and culpable bcgigeiKc by the purer to wiihhoid the discharge tor two yar Tune and opportunity wm afforded tor tho inveMigrtirwi of oatatoa wharo duttety ustod aa to whether tbe insolvency wm Um mult at guaiatiuM and sarnie proving) vm made tor the pwtuaharent of ttee triuitalont debtor attar lral by Jury in the Mme manner aa tor any other doacnpuori 4 fraud Ttee Hid provided for a more epoody and effieaaoos meaao of reatamg and dannbuung ttee state while also providing tor a ecmp eie ayatem of odiciai record and audit Ho wuuta have much pleasure in aupporung the oecood iniitnifl and amount Ute Attorney itaomi to Otfry tt throigb Uommttee (Hear boar) Mr aaid ho had not much to object to clause 24 but danae 13 provided that aa tneoivent could retain any eorptaa and there fore might happen that a tninoe with the we? riven in ttee Bill might dechoe to take over cprufital4e properly and the mud would that the mauiveai wouid get everything cmutm tho tiuMM waa oouued bet xe ctoucg the inaoiveocy to throw up any contrecta and the debtor would ultimately be entitled to auy turpiua He hoped the Attorney General would erpiaio thia mauec Ke gardmg the bdl of Mie be thought that wm a matter that should ue very carefully conoid ere 1 and bo beid that the but of vale should not data niurty day hef re A given but should have to be rtgtvtered that pctui iwforehauL He would 1 ke to tuow if there war anything in the Bill to provide tor the dvwteeg wita tbe eauue uf a man who staht die mooivcut With tbe exrexi of these tew potato ho believed ibe Bid would re aaMfaettoo to ad and thought tbe mercantile eommutMty might congratulate tbemaeim it became law BTbo Hml CVLTuN thought that Mt only the tuercanule community but tho boont debtor would be reauy indebted to Um boa fjt Knot Adelaide for tbe great trouble he bad taken with regard to thia BUL The bon member tea watched A moot caret ally ami he intended to faUow him becauee Mr owler seeking to bene At the mercantile rommuntty would wnj Ui tecfMet debtor aa wed (Hear bear) Great coo aidgntwa wae always given to the man who gx into trouble through mialurtuoe but every ous wished to punish Uie fraudulent debtor an i tee wee prepared to go any leugih to meta ou justKe to him Thia Bdl wm a great unprwrmsut on Um OMtmg law and the Auoroey Genorai ni tbown gmt wisdom in withdrawing a Bdl which he aaw waa not practicable or suitable to tbe interests of Um comm aiuiy and eubotuuting for it thia measure There were tw or three matte which would bate to be carefully eou dered Cratmt re acd one of iteoM waa with reference to bdl uf sale It via moat important that btl a of should not beix me legal directly they were tigteX but 'hie notice should have to be given he knew that if be vm avare that a certain bill at sale existed over a partxuUr pron's property it would influence him in his traaa Uuct with th man who gave the lull of tale He bad td before ui the iuee that his flrm ha with ne txcepuw Dever taken a bdl of sale bu there wm a tian uf the community which took lltam at i ami thoee were one they vughl to kik after He would have much peaaure in KippcrtiLg the second reading Mr BBlUHT felt gratified that Bill of this imscitaoce wm airoiuted io the House aud beu ved it would meet the requirement of the cinuuiiy He wasp eased to hud ptuvtwxi was made for the fraudulent Jete being dealt with 1 ke another cntnioak fur be had often said that doru Uta past tew year nocaem of swindling had guoe lefor th Judges uf the supreme jar I tiial but the bad ail been decidwd the Invoiicccy Court He vai pleased such cases wire to to dealt with in the maimer pr poed by tie Bill lecauae it aouM have a deterrent effect upon debtor as to how ibey tried to swindle their creditor He had aivay (eeo of Um opinion th it was too much poser to pi scam Um bauds '4 any one itw vstoal aenietK oebtor to thie yean impnauomoL He UmMbt tbs th facility wuh vhch a map could declare iumel(inoiveut during th pas had duita a jaal deal id WJiry to the communvy Mr BKAY saxi Le believed mght re' no th etAament by teia teon colleague who bad got most careful mto the Rill that would be a measure which wrtild meet the requ remenU of th eosnmuimv He eomd support but there eould be a tew amendment! which he would bare to make unless a me ratiafactory erplauauon given by the Altrnev (ieneraL In cIsum 47 il wm provided that the debtor oe hi clerk or abouid mak out a of Ms creditor He dal rut know why that should tie co twcauM they knew man of ttee maol verts were unaMe to make mm such a has amt be UMtwfoee thought it would be quite sufficient if the insolvent had to sign it (lauae 42 Mated that a creditor thali Mt vote in respect of ai ewvect bti) of exchange or promis ee bole be by Lm under discount ulen he is willme io tbe Ldwlitv everv person wh is hable thereon antecedently to the He would like to know what tbe term ander dweount mcaok vurae ibis wm an saWely different mode of proving on acceptances and they would require to evaarw thia method carefully became under tbe present Act a man was al owed to prove to tbe full amount of the aeeeptaoee An acceptance ought to be treated an acceptance all through and it wm very 1 rtteult to sty when it wm under He thought would be well to sinks those wor ou Bagardtrg btlis of aale there was no doubt that the present a wu io a roost nnsatisfactory state I'erwca were not satisfied to accept of sal aa proper eroun tv and all aorta of reatdeuon arose which were Tide unrersssary The rrndple of ostensible pw awe which now existed ought also to be aet aside Tbeie was no qoesUoc that a bdl of mIs given under piopcr rewind wns ought to be a completeeouitv and a pct to wb'm it wm given ought to be abw to reta the BdL In etauM SO provision was made Uta ttee orders of discharge should not release mi tnadven from certain lebta One of (tease escepted deft wm liaNliuea to tbe rewu od tb fne irenc could not be ten fried not liaUe to tbese debts unless be pit certificate from the Treanrar nag ha ccDweni few the vcham of ttee debt knew ths re were esrrtain debt due to the Crown from which an tnarxveni ought not to be diachamd but bad to express his aatontahnMM what bad taken place tbe Isucal Court during tbe peat A amo bmeht tome sume from the ntuck ds and svaM uww afterwards declared himself lEafricnt Tbe debt he the stoc wm put down mte schedule bo: xnc hum after tbe mtn had prat through the (kmrt be wm sued for ttee nine of tbe stone abcut XI 1 which be resisted on the grotMtos of havirg hesn inaclvsot sux th det sm enniracted He mx! tfus wm a dH (teal cvgbt wt to excepted becaasa if tbe Govemment liked to deal they rtht to eicrt to receive the same stth regard to a debt fx tint maier al sa ifrty sere ordinary tradesmen (new he H( di tw th irk vm Mceasary ta exveM rr ary in mm iranaactiona aod tee i put some limn on these th rtsiM to Ux dcd ol jvr a teemed him that no vy mitenal a tetation vm made from what was Ute lav at craeeL Hi bt roltesg'c had referred to Um fact i deltot Je rrzun his own UMles ut vs et for ktwLtwa th matte ihcrrot net matter who th trustee in th firs: its jec aa kb credi really had be arpmrtrc't io ther own bseda tih acren sbrud ar tnide wik regard to eta IX wbh wth th commi i na piy aid to tiuatesa Ha would hlp ih Auorncy crraj to ass tbs Bid and be hoped voud tcWEXlsw motkn i4 a4 the B4 real aon I Lam tn CvtxutoC Ct auras 1 io XL aswd printed llara ft rrupsedtnga uadra an rwrfnmr prtuxjr Mr UWLTE moved with regard to the last dkOM of sahaecuoe A notch provsdeaUM no in solvency pwtMMMi atweld be prewwtsu twins ttee credibr shad have obtained hna puigUMcit in ttee acuoe for a torn at nJf 4hm aa moMiMbom tb rerv eir of the special 1 1 ide of wm or auecMi Mjiukoe to atrtte Ml th word andAn tr vv said ivo day as tb rterev stood the jadguicnt credteoe could onevte tx uticMdiaie pat tnr ue ih js lgmeoi eM th dcoanr lotwivea tbe ra act of tb reeid uv nwv mmm tn give amt tee day after lUdsmuM tefot eieud pratfcte for th juig am to wag lb niaiieHL EK AV hd I vm exactly are the effwt iriac sum tooL itwre tra orovitson mwte ih of a waa oppeirg agauK judgment WskptiteMcra'1: wd stil beuab'c t' in Mre' Hr quae w1 i 'u after a man to be aoroucasd laiireuieir afLer Hgrevwt and Mibr kwte etgtet creee after re kmv ssatk ral av ni of tbrr iwmg no peaJ It i to ham th arena' i ru but aa ocuiiary kauskri io bo rarved retavuaii The airrenrinrents ware earned and the ciauM Claim BeguUaare aa to the firet ffenenl (LMuttemr) MWrw reported and mv Tbe ATTORNKTGMBRAL (Hou Buodey) asked Mr Bray to allow th ciaom to past at prraeot and tMcraaary he eeuld be wiiltag to mrnanmil Tbe amendment moved by Hr owUr was earned Ma OWLME moved a forth ra radio red to insert after the word the tatowmg And provided also that aucbjudgamis I laora to rdr of diactoargo Nr oW LkE mk! te bad already pointed out that under 47 Uss public eiamina'aon' of the inaoivuat wm ouMceasary and might not be held tbereffr it was unieirabte to nav th weed introduced into thia Cleora He proposed to strike cut the wuvde hat Amahed hi public Tbe ansetsdmeot wm earned a aao wc several rated amendments cooaaqMat upon it Oaoae 17 Um be pewpared by debtor or tos clerk Ml BRAY moved a verbal amendment to sinks oat the wood and insert toe word "auzned and to ain out to taUowang word by come cterk or servant tn his ordinary tan ptoyurent uatem toe Court ahall under mraal Clause Sb wm pasted as printed Oaaae 5A wm verbally atneodsd and passed Clauae 57 to indurev were paMwd printed Clause 61 Payment of prefcrauuai and other debu Mr POWLEB pointed out that there wm a change tn Um law tbe Bdl being more Uuerai reewdd aervaota The ATTU1OEY GEN KRAL (Hou Bundey) Mid hoped no change would be ma te tiler had beoi many hard taac in insolvency lb ATTiA5EY teESEEAL (Hm Bond id toat this vm oar of the dames te would moral to recotnnM Should to ton BriLDlXrt BILL Nx 1 at i 11 to Act far regutaoug baiMnan rad tratv waQa in to CM of AdreaM rad ecteew imekL paltora The Moura wU aware that a Bdl ocffsewhrt Kmilariotoiatead been istrade al by which provided tost the Court abotod lammoe th firet general maeung of creditor by givia aovra day ooucw toaraa tbe (fowcraawnf Gtnut and in one toeal newspaper groat delay would ana Tbre clans bad been taken from the Kngbah Act wkere too (JateCte wm pabiished but br toe tiantta wm pubifabad only vwwkly and if toe notic wm givra any on toe Thmday it would really araorat to giving fourtem day' isouce proposed to sank oat too words toe (Jerem aaenf (JemOr and insert after too weed "raw paper" and once in to Tho Hom UULTUN Mid toe era ditficalty might arm with newwapwte' of which were published only once a week Mr PKaiiM auggraied that the notice should be pubdateed to AJaiaMe newspapra ratter than ia focal newvpapere in toe country beca reo in air out of ten the majority of creditor were in Adelanto The ATTUK5KY GE5KKAL (Hou Bonder) mid no dent Um Court would take car to ra thM the notice wra published in the most raitahto papera He agreed to Mr oviar'a amndmeuL The amradmen: was agMd to and tho clause amecMtod paerad teiixry or tniufer of er ai cteam uu hi pro perty' woaid Mk tb AitorMy xteoera) hither it wm ampiifid coo igh to meet case tnuteiueni prefoienra Tba ATWLMCY UK5ERAL (Hon Ciuiiiev) Mi thai it was not loten iad to apply to ftaudulent preference but meail in gift Mr LAH then (houghs there wa no darae the Bdl which provided tor fraudulent preference Tb A1TUR5BY UL5KRAL (Hon Band) thought there wv but would powpxie the eteate Postponed aecordingty Ulauera 145 io 154 inctaetve were pieced Ciafr 1 36 Couceaimg meuiveus edacta Mr ull LAH raggested for the couasdenttMn'of ttee Afoumy tfanerai whether a person who tl fuliy coutcsied th property of a deotur who tempered to defratai the creditor abould not be made guilty a misdemeanour and liable to UnptuoamesL instead of being Sued XIOU set wt ib claui Ibe ATTufohteY GKMiEAL (Hou Bundey) pointed uut that in adiiti to the £IW tb psnoa would I Aoed Suble th va ti of ih relate to concealed tuch wouhi gw to to benefit of tb creditor withdrawn ba ng iboiuut teuer (bat th iforercateUsb uldr irodti the Accoe imglv te had ictrodnced a Bid and attar Uu was tpuu tek to Mk Ih Hou the vntter it ar bsra lfu Invdveucy Bdl wita fare tom LU) cisusm uj Bunder WeUtoenkt oat wonder 4 Mare and 157 ver rawed Ulaua 1j6 Creditor may proceed notbvitb atamiuLg death at icae vent Mr H'WiEK thought that the Attorney Gt nen I would look at ion Hi seueeeUon te uU find toat the provniea mad ia this cia'jva aittaiiv mane A11UA5AY kkRAL (Hou Bundtv) moved that to cimia be postponed arre 4 lamas 15B to IfB ideinaave were neaaad CaaratTV LWlAorschargoi vittecnnunalUBeoc ecu pet 1 1 and ompvl al te give evidence Nr 5EK aeraA ner this wm tntroduc tag a feature latoowr lav that a deraw should ermptifod to raewrt qncaUoe although they aigU um leenurnat him It ATTVKNAY UtAtRAL (Hou 11 Bunks) said that vm a 4 snewfeamr He admirud at one that it a xhi potak but be did net rae tee freed evuld be proved unteaa tbe ctous wa a'taaed le remain Un far the pres nl lav debtor euM tor examined on oath a pnvM mm cwpcUcd to answer all gueetiOQs rot to evidence ptodted could be ueed wust Nr COGLIX thought that tbe aiaus vai i verf Immt 4 71 ibduaive vre passed printed Ciauea 71 Power to Conunitte ol IntpeOMin to deal with the property of the debtor Nr uWLhK thought tbe eer given to declare a divi tend without reference to debtor wbo might aftcrvaid prove wm likely to hav an unfair effect Th ATroPJiEY GEMERAL (Hon tt Bundey) said it would not be ibooghb be found to wort badly Th clause wm paraed laaaw 73 to Tb inciuatv were paraad printed Cuna TIL Trusts or receiver to pay mown into the Bank Mr tiWLEE pointed out that the vwda "and in all CMC where the esti mated Marta exceed AAf) th same shad be paid to a arparMa account to ttee credit ut th parucutar matter would tend to toe practice of th receiver paying the imooeya othet caara to his own account He moral to strike them out Th anMOdtneui was agreed to aal the clause paaaed as amended Clauae Ertoin of account Mr uW 1 EK thought unpnaonment in of th Maroa not being made by th arauamaa vm too severe a ptirtetimeni to prorate Th ATIuUNEYiENEKAL (Hon Bundey) aaid in other cram of eootempt tb duraUon vatied and to penalty might aalety be allowed to nuiaiQ Tbe Hau waa then praaed Clauses to wtw peered ra printed Uuse 111 Requisite of deed Mr UWLEK thougit the data of notic to KpMtrar should be specified ud not mad sepo after execeuou of deed Th AToRSEY GEAEKAL (Hon Bandey) Mid sometime th deed wa executed tar up th country and (boy could not fix a tun The clauae wa Mid lauraa 113 to 121 utcluai were pemnl ai printed 1 laae 114 Te when dividend to be paid Mr OWLKB move! to insert the iris who shall appear in to ecteedute but paid only to tbe fifth hue after debtor Thia would aik thuae Ute proving not to be ehut out of a dividend Ttee AITOE3EY GA5EKAL (Hon Bundey) eieed io tb ainendmral Th anieoumeni was agreed to and the clauae paaaed amended Uu 126 inal notice to creditor Mr l' 15 EK auid any creditor rat of the juris dictum of th Court to receive notice tun month before toe winding up of toe ratal Thaim too long Tb ATfOKSEY GEfrhKAL (Hou tt Bund) said th creditor aught in kurop Mr uWLEB thooaht in Uw dav of frequent tuaiis five UioDtba wouM serve tna'ei of am and would steo move io rtuks out twelve and insert oir in the trfto line of the clauae Th aaetKlmcnia wet agreed to anl th clauae passed as amended Uiaure Tzff wra paaaed aa printed Clau' 127 Trustees accounts Mr 1UK5EK thought to compel th trustee to epen a separate Uaukiug account io toe oanM of racb uuat a kt would make th law inoperative a the suojv uiunj caae wool be very ama'I A him abouki draw at aS Ttee hour of halt past banng arrived ttee atiting a a suapefidci fr an hour in tbe toenmutee raaiaain'diiig Th AlftHfoSAY GtehteKAL (Hn BvdJsj) moved that toe clause be po'pood Carried Uteuaes 13 and IX Pisaed laune Ui Arrangement by deed betwees debtor rad acdiiurs without inaolveucy Nr uW LEK that to abend or bvldl eteo wm cbatged with to exacuuco of a process ahuulX alter receiving duck ut a Orel erner retain to tt( proceeds of such rievunra in his handa or sLrad pay the same into Court tie moved to (trike out tb words "retain th net ptucee is of atxh execoucn in bia hands or" a make it Mmipuiaory upa to oibcar to pay toe pruceeli into Coon Th ATTOBNEY GE5ERAL (Hn Bundey) saw du harm in toe aiueodmeut aou would not ol ted to Th auandmeu wm earned and th cLua an ended paaaed Uiauaes U2 to 1(3 uclnavs were aaaed printed lauae 144 Penalty traudulenUy be mug Mr uW LEK Mid that suhwecuon of this clause seemed be the only part of the Bdl wuieh provided a penally for any debtor who gave auj mdividaal creditor a fraudukrit preference has with intent to defraud hta creditors or ait cu5srninu5 bill tu Ktl waa introduced by tot TKEA'UKK hop Manuk ana read fitat umr toe accvud icadxg Lerna hxcl lot Tuesday next very uratuL In flatter to mvu tea ha tend had a fresh reprint of th Bill made containing al) th MMtMisMnm derated upon Tb Bdl bad angiamiy been divided into ffv pwrta bwt th teat part wm to have bran etruck oul Through an omtamcm at tte dreftanan tt remained to pnnwd 8IL how ever and te would hare to mnvw tom mitts that it be rtrsek out Th Btil wm now divided miy oM part 7ot being a profaMtooal man could no epawk ttee technicalities of to tote from memory and would tteentoe read a short mo(M of the arawure he had tend prepared The AA te based epoe to Loudon Bonding Ac of I86S but etaarae bare bean emitted ma applying to local requirement and ocher altered te meat tb wish of th committee at architects and buiktere of this etty Ttee alteretiena are many af them tt a taetenical ctearactar and wil not western th Bill but wdl render it more to th community Socra new dauaea hare been inserted right and myself The moat important matters opon wtecte to BUI bears tn th firet part" rarrying op party walla for th prvrenkion of fire: limiting it iDMruoo timber in wall depth at rtmmre and ctiswa strength of brecaummera and arohsa over opeumgs the oae at teoUow walla crasuuctioa of chunnev jamb and flue provi mod foe vwnalauoo: msanaof recap rabtnitung piano to the Board of Health ctan and rrepouBbilniee of bui'ding enrveyor fine and tee Tho secopd rotate to the enrvey of brnkling deetoed to be in a dangerous etote and to oecaraary proceeding competing owner to repair or remove same Th Prt i almost nureiy of a legal character ana refers to to right of budding and edjoming owner with respect to party wall Ac UtauM 6b reuug to anderpuuung aa aul an important on Ifiviatou 7 dan TV Am been altered to reodar arbitration final and eendu sve except under exceptional circ*msiaaees Ksee divmon 1 1 earn clauae) Tb fin hare alau been reduced from A3U to recoverable before two usticea of th Peace instead of ooe as toe fast Avt Tbe fourth part eoctain nnacetiaoeous rales and provMiooa bearing upon ttee ptevteui daoms part 2 and A Tboae were th prjmiMo feature of the Bid Coustdenng tbe mstuputauon the manure bad had by ail partira interested it tee thought that he eoald recommend tt to lha outk at the House and te bettered many alteraUona would not be required ma in Committee He moral th second reading of th BbL The motioc was carried ui the Bill ml a second Uroe In Ccmrorttee Tbe presort was postponed Clansra 1 to 4 uwluatve were paaaeL Clause A Division of Aet into pen The CVMMIS K'MLK of PUHUC WORKS (Hun Hawker) moved that th Um reiaung to the fifth part be struck out which was Um omisMoo uf the draftsman he bad referred to Ctauara fl 42 were paoed as printed Qanee 41 Ufruptaima to be made if builder neglects to comply wito doucs Th OuMMUi lu5EK uf PUBLIC WORK (Hou HawKerk in reply to Mr Bowrx aaiJ that thia notic would be served open traiMen by aiurveyir appointed by toe Corporation iauac 44 Pasred Clause 45 em to paid lor serrkes of eur CUMMIASIOXER of PUBLIC WORK4 (Hon Hawfcert reply to Mr Buwta i that th surveyor would be a pa orfi ec of th Uurporauon and toe fere would go to toe Corpora bun The remaindsrof tbe Bill wm agree) to with out ameudtueit The Bill waa reported and the couaidentuon at lhe lepurt made ra Onur of toe buiMere had waited upon him a depntabon wnh tho request that Um araond readto might be peetpoMd far foremens to enabta toam to took carefaly thranffte toe Bdl and Mfte ear grauoua TbM had been doo and a grM aambar of giiettnui had been rocereod sod fleered to to Arelkitort to Ctof wbo wont through all toe aaMOdmenM prepoeed wnh to 8CTtary to th Buiidsra' A ee nation Mr Harry Th AreAtteA in Chtaf had broegnt S'PPLY In CommiUee A tx rig ne 5254 decrees XlTH PsaeeL Volunteer Mmtry ore xulM 7 01 IQ aew frereas A7tf 1 Tbe TKKAL'KEK (ttvn Mann) said the only ilema which be thought it was ovcary to call aut nbou to were toa Oacreaae of al la the salary of toe Dcputy Aesisunt Adjutant General uuicd by lhe resignrtioo of Major Godwn and tbe iccreara XaUW for to permanent force Hou me tots would to aware tnat the fort at Giannll were completed and tha tn firn there were in poauUou Tbua ptecea of atU ten were very uperoe weapon and it aa aueolatety pece wary to bare om penono who bad been specie ly trained to toe nee of such gun to Irak after them Tbe House would adnut that tt would be tba height at Mly to have expeuaiv guns bke thoe left to be damaged owing to toenatality of the person in charge of them to taka rropt care id them He had a meroiwin ilnm wn Cuiooel Lfowue on to subject from which te would read th following extract artillery of tb preaeatdayi ao oom plex it nature eu varied ra Ke detail and require ao much praciicxl knowledge it use that doo buuhighly rained educated aniileiyiuen should to entrusted with its car which cimpre bend a tbonegh knowledge of the gun carmgea and their madlunery care of maguioe store and makiua dp of curtndgus Ounpl a this latter may at pear ib making at cnrtrtdgia ia only in th reguiar tarxee entrust 1 to a few picked men tail to cnrindgee used by th volunteers are made by th tegotar and Mcsruidgea increase weight and size to the rad care required making them mere Tbe Goiernute it if ttouto Australia have spent many tbouiand of pounds in pr vidiug the beta qupmen( fur their furt and at present itcre ar but 19 men in lhe province wtw really know anything about toe tffsc tire W'gfcwf and care uf these gun vis Hergeam Major HansuD (tbe Drill Inuruciue) and mysett and those ho have to auparurteod canuot pi eatbly perform al) lb detail fUDCtMGt required and ix th event uf caaualty there is do one behind take their place In to evetrt uf muuo traned gunners for the must important pemtioa at a gm are atauiuteiy necessary hut heavy aruuery meeta heavy artdjery th revolts are sharp aburt and Jeaaive ine attaaiog vernal muat sunk or cmupelied to retire or the fort will srao be duablM abut thrown away may at locakuiable importance'' need not pomt out tia we must hav the nucleus of a pcrmanetM force if waa only to hk after lhe gun CoIpuI Dunas said tt was impouubie to expect the ord'tMtv voianteer artillery bmd to perform Um dutwa required in oanaiuu with these guu 'Hie a only intaBiied to form toe uodcua uf tn tut and if ws did not tease trained men io took alter them they would out to of die slightest ase (Th Attorney ilreral could be turned agamat ot tei boo trwnd bad stated toy gtei to oned agauA ua Mr Pi Aco*ck vulJlketu ask if llii Li 1 was to to th firta irs4almu to that ia th next year a hen I bey would be atked to vote X10WWU toe arguuiwt LiMU wumd to toal unless tost atnrair wm roted (hr x5UuU would to throve sear If tbe AAttiu wm to be a find ro would not uujec' io A but wm to increased imxi year he would uppuwe )L Mt WEor Efo thought this wm a very cheap method cf rasurracc no that toe oufouy wm gatung ao wealthy Tbe had seen bow the town uf Arica had bran boasba'ded by to Chilian Aval owing to toe waul oi proper defences What be particularly wraied to vail tfiw aueoura of the Treasurer to wm the great danger that resulted from having lhe pwdr maarace uu Korto tinsce Uiw of thtm wm on the University property and tbe Iraar 1 had rec'd atieatwu te lb great danger that would ane if an expranou wa to take ec Av an I'faMratun of the risk tt ai a ran would uMnuon uia tea seen mntttwg on the ruiof toe maar ne smok rig had heard at xM lb at gunpowfar wen Hureu toot but a auy rate (her i a very large sramuty and aosMtoing ought tn to dune to put th city out at dar ger He knew there wm con siderable drtfoirity in decidtn where to store the I tui powder bm tee thought tf a magian was erected somewhere along th North Im and a special tram run to it once a week it would me toe demand of toe cm Mr UK5EK would tem to vote isinat the £Si to Ho much regetted Lhal we had rooe tn fur ti fort but be tosugte seeing tbe greet praenm our volunteer aruLenneeu bad mid that they wobd be qtute aoab taking eh trit at ttaw gun There wm ao duuut taw item would crop up until it would to a heavy bn den on tbe people If torn any prautaltty of lx gun being Med rganrt to (bought it wja1 be baiter to te thia sum to hav them spiked Mr HaKK wm astounded at the i rewurt of hi culieague Ttoir aaivstion mw depend upon ihva iwogm ther (Mould not toenafare a sm I aum tea xoUtt io hav them properly walked Ito CUMNISiluSEK ct PUBLIC WuRK5 (Hflsu (4 Hiwketi thnugtet toe hen member for Maliaro (Nr Puroet) muv knw very aivui wruemud to ran with urodero artiUerv 3 ba oArect nf having toes tw 1 gvr wm to preventbpe war from em'Kg ear aa to to a I to ato) uit Atetade At tfic present mne a woo dertul acuMWcy of range raid utaamed tart ma bad to be tpretalfy irm'd to jrk such gu ia mro i'h a eursev and lhe four! sr'Pcrymrn would therefore to ef ne Hon metntorebcuM So think th vxea of ra fi abosred frE tbe rn ll powder being re chinj xi! 1 bad mtn to work teem wbo bxd no pracialkiiowfoiLm uf them the write af rreermitran iald more than ccrertbe mdsII outlay 'htt was rcadmd for to get men from If they L1 no ma who work tbe xiius properly an entray wxdd be ataa to tani under th fire from their ahipk fakf lhe Ixs o4 twq ni utCfi tk Turf wm h5 douui Lta tboro wnpona wre properly served itag waH kep au vl 4 war bum coming near enough to atdi the Per Thins in Europe at ptomm forked very wckhafo and steortfl ifo pasttMU to defend co aKs 4 war broke oA fU" bn aaked the ioveraaMtt wW I he ttee bumbar ma they thawtei of taerHaa la la teu opsDMu they ought oioiy to tore yust oKgh men to work th gun and taau uc ald trnpioy thflM Iran on at two eaearaniM af the vluLire to wovk the guns He do al gvltot prepared to rote thia sum but te sn ipped that otar nation ware arming taemaeivee ought te do th earn lb TR AUKEK (Hra Mann) tail Ihi wm mtewdwd to petwide foe fifty mew and tM necMmry rfitam Tnou pronsieu for ih tele yar would coat £8 and aa it wm te di I hot lfiuk th whole at this bi woo fo fiuirod Thai om provMted tarefant mnmhs ra to year and probatev tto mra waul i owe enrePvd ttrniedtateiy aadlbmrty ral au4 co a Uttrv fro some um Mr uW LMR suad Mtberte be tend em vote tn woiaeStoU ih th wsuiteiMhinent at a panearwM farce bo tee rec iewtae rTl fare wteat th Ommamnast PkHic Wtks bad advaared Mow we had got lhe fort ws naevrea to maa them should lun te kne beweve whether this3 did not preev 1 a iarrer curator af rare taao wu Dtccmry omtaf fov two reLcisul tnra work tb gnu wa qvbw ready to vote foe sum that would be scfficretrt to tore tha gun properiy worked but beyond that he wm not in etraif to po ibd tt want twofvo men to wort art tw at cot bam he wm prepared to support the ra akbutote tee faded to sm how tbe Tremerer wm rang to get fifty moo wuh tto moo Sofooen for A5WN that bang a a wee for man without sDyttung for tae officer Mr PAKBUfrffMidbe should oppem ttee vuw wm originally intenifarf to teav 13B mm and tond AU5M Mk now it tod fitime down to aRtail It seemed to him ff any stope at ni came mto them wet ere they woukd know where our fora wore sod keep out of ran of tbe guo and devote ttmr aitefitfau to Gunalg where there were do gun But A wm almoet impocafhte io ermoeiv of any Bniepaan cotnplicaXioo anatng which wJd lead to lhe di MKh at a fl aet to this eotony (Dissert from tbe Treasury beortj wm a very ugmtoant uung that at the um vm proposed to eetaifish a permaDren force here be should sm Iran a teieginm from Victona that it wm priomni to do away wuh tb iiuiugirttt taro tho It wm dearly foreseen that if these fort were built due tune tha matter would be brought before th Hom a ragulto tame aud mad a taaem fat their voung year aft year 11 oeemed to hun that our vocQote artillery were enpatae of being trained to work thee gun for it wm purely a matter of training aft all and with the aeeatanra of a sufficient number of raaly able mea they would toon be able to do all task wm nocaaaary Mr OUi LIN retd bo wort! support ttee motion had tho gun and they ought to bo mount I and properly maanod ft they war to be of any am at all There ware peacemakers all eom muuue and he wm one bare bM he aererthe fare believed being always on tbe defensive ani prepared to meet the to Ho thought the sooner ra them unitary men out the better The money would be veil spent it might bo the mean of protociui iwtb life and property Mr MAGALKY said it wm no dmb neeaasarv to have aoree mm who thoroughly understood how to work there gun but he taoueu (hat our ooaat hne wm eucte that tt would be found te the event4 an attack that ttee nffe would be the beet de fence He hoped the House would not follow Mr Pareone in thio matt Ws wauled ale really good weH tnunad men who would fond our own men (Hearbe) Wo had aa exooltoot artillery a fine body nt men (Hev who were ready for any emergwiry that might ana He waa inclined to agree wtut Mr Bower that a lea Dumber uf trained men would da A permanent fore wm not anauugaied brnrefiL There wm always a certam aaoouni of dans wiping too many idle men especially when they wore togetti He thought that a ee of thirty sum would be unpte and thai out own officer should be uutesed Be should be very eurry if ttu were in tended to provide tor fresh officers a well men If say team mah proeoeed a reduction in that sum be would be dwpnrei to ouppnvt him Mr PEAco*ck said that according to the Trea surer's own ata sing it would be unpoestbte lot him to speod more than A3WN and it wm un neceMary to pare lhe whole of this 4500 He wuukl not altogether th lairoiuctioo of men skiBed ia gunnery but tee tteouctet that ten twelve men would be suttiewoL Mr KAnKEoaid it only required a few mootin' to flunlify mm to w'rt aiuAery both for fie'd and tiatt purpose Having coo through tbe ordeal hinuclf could wnt fnxn experience Six mouuis' ttauung wm It wm ridi culous to euppoa tbe Treasurer and Attorney General had pul tt that io tbe event of a beetegiita party coming at a tune when there wm dm suf fioeot mm to work the gun the enemy eouki turn tt em again They would be perfectly use Ira aaairm unfaaa we we ai sea Thia beaiy ordnance wm mounted on traverang plat farm far tbe evprere purpose rd firing seaward and it would require a body at mason to go down and rt there fur au or eight week to alter 10 poeilwu at the sure to bear upie and while thw wm neiug done what would our vol no let ra be He thought thai the exgeoewa of this caae would be fairly met by having a few inteUigeot arutten officers and sorne eight or tan men MQt out from Eigind and then in a fee munlha our own artillerymen would iboeougiuy tromed in th manwement of tiros terery 4 nanc He wuud buw eret Dusot uut thta Junnf aa tbcae yuan that the dili rent kioda of ordnance had ooree mto fashion there was not a amgie itiktance on roccr i wbeie even trained men iuJ had an oppirtittuy of shoeing their prowess or rttaaeocy hi sny shape or form Thty bad never let bad a ehance of trying on any ship or faruhcAiiurt var'el wm an ui sial uf nm rrmtnuiiwii officers to trai i en dan teer ore aud be waa quite startled should then soon bare aa gnoi and etbcsnt a bvly of artillery nm as could be met with in auy part uf tae wwid The A1TDKMY GEfRJIAL (H Bundey) recamaeefided Mr Pareon to rea 1 Uioa'i week J'be irtewoeof Greater ttnaaia" and be would there ta there were greater dangers of att a Ui te euppused Nr UKNKK moved task the taebo reduced to AXfsai Mr PAUSES BUd supposed the mm would not be sent for snu! tbe Krtunatas vre curapletod and they could not be engneed before certainly three month About nine months uf lhe flnsoc al year would therefore have expired and tee wanted to know bow ttaa APiO cocll posable be resat on tbe furc Uu year He ttaraghl it was outrsgeou and accordingly moved an amend toant that tb bn reduced to ALUM The second amradmeot toot and Ml urore amendment reducing the amount to XA'OU earned Ttee item amended wm pa reed 7 ttL) CuetosD xltUGP in lucrpaae ALU74 1 tai derreaae 4212 The Nanni in moving thia Hem Mid would be seen that waa proposed to increase the aalry of (he Uomptroller of C'ustoma accuute from LfoS to AIM Thre offisr had vere onerous resporroib dull to perform He bad beeu ta to emee sinus I'd and bad luen under the aecood dam fx (bo teat fow years Ho wm an able and valuable officer snu be Wroogty leorainrowded taeiocrsas was also prop sed in increase lhe salary of th Landing rorveyro and Deputy CoUeetor from £(5 io Aik Thu wae a targe tocreaa but it deserved 1bi officer had been in Ue aervie since 14 aitabad been ua in present poM'wo I a a large number of mi and hs was Mr (hat any one who knew anything abort tbe Custom iuum 4u i tie sbilu and seal with wiueh 4tedanred bis important dutie He wm one of tbe ok eta and let offiom the fiemce Under Um heading of taUriea provisional and temporary would Ire found an item foe iiH a the salary proposed is tre paid to a new offkar who should be an sldii tonal Inspector of (haulier and Aluu foe a Gert 1 here new offirarv were rwiuired to present the improper um of opinio which were taken rrt of ton i tae lhe oeteuaiote ore of fortify mg ainr sn it iaid result la a saving to the revenue of between itwu and £9m There officials would be only used required and paid sccudnrv Mr VK5ER oljtcud to so large an increase at salary to the tfarveyoc and Deputy Collect He thou ht it wm too reneh Mr tJuUkK etru gty supported the increase lie baa knows him be a tet mo tn the ifarvte and eculd testify to hi being a my vafasM effirer tborosghiy cooveraant all the 4e aib at bis department aod having everything at hi tfrrers' end Nr IWKC vndenttood that th was nit merely an facrea at salary ixit was a charge of eftke made by Act of Parliament asl year sod that th cgfirer ireen prevented from applying fur the pus UM the bccretanes oum to hi Ixitig wanted ta tho Cnetouu Mr i ihJ) vat agxnM the Government on 'be appointment rf an cfticer wh vrbd not ko snyUcig about tbe Customs oxer tbit offirat brad last jeta Mr MAGAKET asked the pwitioa at In ipector A Dmiitericedid not involve two aawunt XHX1 foifowfer fc Tie TKEA 'ULER (Hon Main sd tbe teu foUowgig were connected rub tbe whole department Mr (XniKX thought a the country teal to spiwini luspscton of drtifancs it was grreulv unfair te the country that no duty shmld Ire pat 1 tn spirits used ler fortihing win and asked if DdcUukg wuuld but be done the matter by the 'rorre nt The TREASURER (Hon Mann) eaid it was pn Lal le oom step might ire taken ia th matter this rtsei but he could du he expected to reply on the subject without oonsulurg hie ouUMgse aa lls aid iX belong to tas depa tmenL Tnv rsaaoo tbe speua had not baeo made duLabie foe Ibis porpuee wm for the enauungeotert of uie ttAku A vre important injutaxy Mr AlUu5 taoogbt th increase of xtfti wai far: Mr COOKS hoped th Ooveruuen would lak sou: step ui the mtter be had poantod to I tee um wm then named as interuied Matin Buard A264d 2 lud maeare Ad51' fit I'rt deamre a4A Tb TEEAoL'KEK (Hon (X Mno) expiataei that ttee MariM Buonl bad had to take over a part uf duuea of the Depruoesit of Har ioure and Jettre There wm an iMtnere of At fur tbe liaUhuroe keeper al tavofa a bo tert another uffice aita reqjired to be a nautical mtn Hr Et( EKafolh te expected to see deouara teerwiugto th abottt uf tbe Harlreurt and Jellies DepartmeaL but be a ouster of crraac ta farxaed Urere would be htle savtw He tabed to a a hat oe Upwusatiufl tb Govero mtbi tert given te tte Eng treer uf Harwoues ao I Jatiics tb fit re t'cmri lhe ThKAblKteK idoo Mams) said there would tk a 'As for mm than nro'irted for by tbe Art Hit the Gretromsnt bt tt jet tetaJtralk'fl whether that stemud be glvtn to lbs Eacinver of Hr'jour i I Joura anenev uiusteiug Laving cuce to khh Jk EAUOiK aakrd ibre th Lao ''Super uttaiifrturtGas Eeacurw" a to ba leUtae a tee vi glad to see airly Uta ta ga hrt teen utitiLted aod Ue Imup LgUci vui kcititabe Te IfKASULSR (4c Wand rro gla4 Hta bo Lad uut treeo re pwiaare tte cm tnatctts Tirei were frarad impuaatte kero aLgli tbe giams were ao de'ac irv: 'mt kerosine arap bum fust cays bad been tn a and neuud in a saving Ki BJ agreed that tte karnries wouM te agree earag He tert teen a totter tbe pupx abort on oettader bring appentted at xt A iataa over the tend of cdfoera of tte and would Uk tae Treasurer to cxytaa tae caa pees: bi Tte TREASURER (Hxn Mom) eeM the (m tn tetaxm tert teee srpninted ureter tterortttort at rfanote find of the QvU tamcc A4 pevwrt officer and yefd no be la rot ted tQl i had served three moetn Tb peretfi thottght to ro ertKied to tte pnaMtioo th at tte Msm Jatd tafo sm him wm aeecrf aceortaag to the rtfnla to a tostary oouT? te proenoeeta Therefore they bad to go ottkrt in making th' aipmrtmert The sppotn mec: hiA been mrefe stut'y ao ccntaoc with tb of tte feme Mr A RSUXS wm 11 rtM 0 Lte Prradent of th anoe Board Tb TREASURER (Hoc Mren) wm maatebt nd to tb boro member far rating fire a tetnwa to There wm an taceem of AS which was well caroed tte ffroertert eto a very able office and hie dutrea teed vegy farff ty ibcreaa Mr Bo WEE thought tte tacrev not at al! wth th Pressdent'e ibctiseed Mr PIAUOCK had udread thtt igwemief and 4315 for engioeee and dnftama sod ehref ders were eraeroarot upon eetn work from tte Dcpertitatt cf Haro rar and Jsttra Me aw tbtt three wm also and a house jt Uee ral BupcralcnffcUof Work Tte TREASURER (Hou Mana) Mid that appuinUfiaoi wm rendered nrroaoiij by Uie takiogmaf tte ffreprefing epencwcs Ml UUGLIM remarked oa tte scarcity at moorage co ttee west coast MlUOuKK from an aMtanattoB of tte savings and toereaeM ta tha iopartra set did not think there bad been moth of a saving from tte aboliuoa of tte OoparUDsnt of Hartnus and Jetue Tte Treasurer in itesj srad that he teed asked for XSkui at SfOt esoam at wteat wm voted ia year and which bta roved would te flutte suAcwDt to provide buoy teeoon and mo nngi so ttee West Guam Tte boo member for Undera (Mr Oogte) knew that te ooul i net move to iacreaae the item al the presort juncture In reply to the enestion of Ml umro te could only My tha tte Un referred to wm for a man too after tbe lamp There must be some one smannfllly ta tte nvor to ree that tte tight wore in proper eedoL Wita regard to tte saving th bun member for kindm (Mr Cooke) bad referred to te would poutt oet that as tn Manne Boned te had oofy got 4IA againet aA17 the total amount of Koginem of HarUxire and Jettra A be bad before tned expiai th Engineer of Harfamr sad Jetties empluj oil two engutaere who wire each paid sittaetbing betwMD £taa and A riU a year which astanes were paid for out of txan and did not appear on tte Kttimata Taair are rices bad been fliapeneed wtth and their work wm at present being dutM by tte en of th Pubte arks Departafart could araare tte boa member that there had teen a very material saving by tbe shohDoc of this department Mr WEST EBnKlNK hoped tata having a Sana tte Gwvwnment would see their way tte 8appieaKrt ry Estimate to mate som com penetaKMi beyond his retiring aLvwance to aa officer wbo bad com out at greet expeoM to taka a high potatton and had been now obliged ta break ap tua estauushment tt tbe short oouc of three wees Ttee TREASURER (Hom Mana) re reply to Ml Nau a ait said that tte hoe mgtet wstete toao for rainu wm for tte services at a man who wa employed at th magasutas bight and day UukxMi Downes thnoght that the poettioo wm a most neretaaiy on aa they oeeld Mt be too rarefulef tba exptotave Mr MAUAKEY wm eariane to know how on watchman ooold took after two magaxioM which were wide apart from each other Mr UUbLLS tteooght there should be two watchmen Tbe item wm passed Arctutert io CtuaL A 4 173 iocteaM A'i do seas ATS Tte UUMM13fUi SR of PUBLIC WORK 4 (Hon Hawkerk in reply to Mr PaUOS said that Im year te had brought tmdae huo members notic Ux fact of the transfer at ta whole ifoboof Department to th Aretntert in Chrt'a Department which bail increased th work of tte officers ta the latter department enonnousty Although ta salary uf the Accountant sod pa matter wm doc then increaaed tt waa eu geared by acvetal tea members that te might be allowed omdo extra pay fat extra work In accord ance with taeee auggeouuns that extra pay had been allowed not exceeding vbat had rpen pro pceed He now proposed iocreem that officer salary to A2M lhe tern was paaeed Lneaf Boards at Main Roade Ccntral Dmtnct 12747 (decrease X5U) Midland Diotnci A15W Peaiasula District A CO inercAe a7D) North District aI'V? (increase AtW) Wor Mdland Dmnct Ahlu linders District A777 (UKreve itm Victoria fhetnet AL122 Aiuert Dstno 6 (increaae AW The UuMMktaloMEB of PUBLIC WORKS (Hua Hawker) explained that th increaam pn pored ta acme of th above dutneta were to ouenmended tn cooeequeoce of tte incraaae at tte work befog dree by Um officers conoorned Th itetna were paaard Enginccr in UteeL xj4JU life rncreaa 711 decrees A30 Tbe OiMMIWl'iSKR of PUBLIC WORKS (H' cl Hawker) eart that ra tar the de partments that bad beso recently handed over to hun "ere concerned tf bon saembtts would kk al Paper 143 re 1 number paged they would eee under the kaumale tte propaaals tue there de Krtaaettt That portion chargaabto to jrUrosanA takwaten amounted to a total of £1942 prupured with the increase te gave to ttee Engi neer Tief and tte Araiatant Eogtaeer in Chief cany on a portion of the department for AftO Uuder ti tead at luans boa utem wre would see that lhe total that had been any to be expended in the department wa £1 (L rpt ipuart to expend oo'y ATI1 unq eutJy wa a raiirgon foaiA of ALSM 11 flU an loo the teti rnstesU AL2C2 or a total saving of £2to 14 fid Hun members must rwoeauer tte enormai amount of extra work that an no being dote hi hi destatreawil reapact of jittis A There wm tte Wallar io Jetiy for inatsnee which bad to le altered and which was now ia auurra of sttraalMO Wuh regard to lb Kingston Jettv be wm g'sd to etale to tte House thai ibe departm nt wufou be able to reps it tn three weak ao that the traffic would not be interfered wita It bad taen found that the ptfee put down by tte ton Utt tur Moaari WU Brother ted teea only screwed otto tte send and woukl have to ne taken up and eerewed into tbe trad of ruck He proouaed tie Hvuae that te woulJ hare a moot careful inmti rtirm mtd into three areumoaDce In referred to tae salanee in bit department tt was stated but very Rng ago by Mr KowHoveii that tte miariet here wrre a great deal higher than tte neighbouring oUoum All took! ray that tte ealaner in Sydney for tte officer who did tne same work aa tte Engioeur uKArat and tbe Irmfsni EngineerD Chrt did ter amouniad to nearly Tte Ebgibeer io Cbirt Sydney received ali)ayear More reeposuibduy reeled on tte ahouiasro tte Emrnacr to Chtaf here than on th htenMeroio Cffirof of any the other cotooie in cooeequeoce of tte wy uup rtwt eorks raJeaye and other suite wet anw being peuceeirt wlK Taking th biab character and standing of our oflfocn said tba user sei recommen tod were only reasrma'iie ore Mr WKNT EJiSKlhK wre glad the Roa tte (krtDinicauioer tai a lent A Idled tte nht hor in that blunder of the Kngaton Jew hoa resitm knew that tt wm to Meras Welle Brottere Utt tte ecunlry owed thw waste of tnfrwy A rep recoiMive of that Mr Key Dolda hai bron beard auoat on several ueeamuo and be tel eved a memter of th firm earn out behalf if Merer Hopkins Ike A Co to eia mice tte ra for ths Port A ignota Railway He coaM yqiie rntdeestaad Ma ar Hteua Gitke and Co erlecUrc such an mol Ha wa oIaI to bear thai Mr Hnksoo was not blamealde for Ute bhmder which had been laid to hie cterga Mr PAIroiNff asked whither Merer Wells Bretten baddere attbmit supervwoa Certainly the reoionsi'Mlity matt rest encrewbere Th Howe and tte country ought to know who wm artirg for tbe Government at tte rime this tty waa erec ed fu reference to tte exira work tn tte department te wouid pfant out that it would te a very serious master ta barton tbe Lng necr in (Thef aud other officials wth wrs that they had to ait op night and day ta order get thronrh it Tbv knew where must end and amount at extra ealary euurt moen! thise rreotietuen forth injury that vould tern (beted on ttetr health Mr UDuKK ss aerording te the statement referred to by to onim tekxrer that there was a saving of Alfit ra tte Estimate bnt that amount included the aura of £75n for eittageoae wlircb be really ffid not think could te rarei Tte UUMMISSK'NEK of PUBLIC WORKS (Hon Htwkwk in reply te Mr Patsox raid that be could not state from i pereoosl knowledge exacLy what krek place at 'be time of tteerec roc of tte Kfogetoo the tepart met rnder which the rk ceme bad nly recerCy been tnuwfrmd to him Ro doubt therea acme 'tbcr acting for tte Government Mr COGLJ7 wa very glad to bear that the SecHcmaD tte GoieniiMDt thought proper tosbiisa had tx been the I Mt igs th mi uf Uie wrung that bad beeu done The item wa paaaod kaiivsye and Tramwav msnageerent dtvwMm 48 flh iDcnere Affil decreaae A27X p4eed Railway and Tramway genres! chores AlSj77 4 increae AX 130 decrease A4fr ifr Ar asked tte reaeda bi Ibis trial inc ft tae c9 1re (VfeWKiMONR rf PUBLIC WOlJt (Hoa Haalteri said he had receive I rvty ntnu'e paruca'art tbe of £15 0 from tte Amf ant Krg'neer which ho woo real tea member oCow Ite opening of th double hne and lar tficraue the no nber at trains between Adelaide and tbe Pen 11 neceae tale rae adqirioual engine da 1 and lhe exteteioo to Teawo will require ore poaomger and on goods enMDe daf'y In rtfrtira to tte trfnn at prerent working the 5orth line traffic Tte re moval of tte waaon repainoc shop to tte aurver peddock and th iucrera: wrrk in A tote to goo la yard Mcroaittte ao nd fitiucal abuoU' eosine daily There nw a grestcr demand reeerel orgttm than has rvr teen befoe o'u to tte tDcreasLg irsfficnn the Northern sad line and ooe reidrttoDai engine daily wdl be roomed to keep tbe epeda) traffic going and to do the ext' teHaniog oe esoary as tte hoe increase in length I hav shown tte: fl additieael engines will be reqaired in duly traffic to (tore hlch were needed last yeir and I am it Mir thjt we will be able to work the gretl numberd line train wtieta will emattmee to run aa th firs of totobcr tfi the ooe aldiwmal engine I havettatrt srd roar find it preeaery to put on DLer ergirt Thu forge litre ase ta the munber of errees tn traffic means adlidonal driver firnren cleaner ttievhsnic and a murer It must alo br borne to mind that this rat Lean rts proporttoucf themttatea uof art stores touch od and abup taAhlucry coal ani co*ke lut art fit ateare haiaimer tarnare ki Tte eanexed staieerent shoes that daring ite last three jean tbe erpet see of tb Locomotive parmen for wage te tea'a gcly increased each year and this yeai's mimste has tea based on ite experience Uwe gained sod ta ioreeaae at tnSf aueve altadid ta He had a table showing tte tn create ta expeaditui for lb last three yer: Um year ending Jone 1877 tte ev pendirre it 'cr thy jear ec4fo( Jua 778 tte tfeM tor Wm aHVA shew ng an tacreare uf 2 toy rv yor far tte Tear ending Jo 17a Le epetidKm dUwffi m'reasr Afijffi end for tte year eud rj ace b'ek trpeadttere DMI abcetg an reeeaM of A4 torase feooree for ite throe yem ef AE79L A table of tbeeipeoditare for tte lost thre as rotas ah wed that dur ngtte Month of Jrtv AXjW 9a Id ted bean expsadeK danng Auaatt A34 ire 11 Aad the osttmated vote for teotambre waa £L19 If Td tbtn giving an avenure sxponditar of i t19 If rd or a total tut tte twelve months of Tte total vote AXtek" Hsa tMSBhere woaM see that ite mreeasr wm ta eon nriiTiri of tte addasMal rest at wonuno the Port and tte Terowie fine Of eoure iter wm a one responding return from ttee railway Tte item wm passed Coswanotiasi dinsraa XMuv face aLM tartare A14SU Camte Tte ODMMtnSIOBKB ef PVBUC VOPK3 (Hott Hawkert wm sorry it wm bo and te regretted to say that tte more the traffi: want ever th portion between Goeiwa and ictor Hartrar tte greeter tte rrponeee tacreased Mr PARSONS thought this line wm Hks the Rivet! Bey and other railway bm te was ere if the river traffic wm not emend sea by another it would par Mr PLaUUGK said tt would te mailer fqr earned at a profit at la 91 pet bale en tte Mmgsa Part Braugbtuo and Beronga te ELMS cocgratulaiKW tf tte whole of th tnffl was enticed aesg because ttea tte line would net be Mr PAR8UX8 said tte tea member's remart oald ta pertioart if wm torn out by taci Great frorthen line £30600 4 increase ifitttf decrease AtM Id Bae duMMUtaluAKK of PUBLK7 WORKS end Qaorn Bn AXW9 mere a AA5U6 dacrsMt aXM Kingston and harrecoorts fin AUWV monsa AtrtS deowase aT17 Kiroh By and Muart Garebaer te XtKtei terra as AIM Hamtoy WaksfieML Waflvoa and Rnowtowa Lae AJb722 rocreaw aALCl liswres aX3i Tbe QjMML'MJijSIk of H'BUU WUKKd (Hoa a Hswterk eratareed that tte ttKreree of Altttt wm fur tte rwpaire to the brie which (Hra Haeker) aaid this wm ea entirety tie itoeott tte rtomatoa Tte sett at tba Imo ted proriMttly teen paid ra af tte eeoeeae bacated ttey did aet kww tew mart it would cue Tbe Berns pul down were what matsd would be required fur earrying on tte tee to Wooofc It was expeetod ths tte eeoond rettioa would ta batrtwd over io tbe oearre af two month and ttu araamt wm placed down to provide for th mpenditare ngta Uwogh to ite rad c4 Ok Tte item pasted Waterwort Waterwort generally Ran neenng divraoa 0755 UM roerres £1W fl decroaa aAJuu Tte UUMNlSteuMKR at PUBLIC WoRKd (Hoa Hawker) aud te purpneed to tnerwee the sa ary ol tbe hydraulic Eagiraar to A5ff so re so raro rt iwtftem fanes and boss attowmrae to Ate Tte House would remaster that tb HyuiauliC tegiDser wm engaged to take charge at tbe waterwark aliua bm wtwa ta House taadod that tte GoeerumeM should conduct tae sewage worts tecteeH for agreed toroperiniend them lie thought tberefos that too House shsmiii rtrngrai ba semes end tWofur he ted proposed the loaaare of A jU which wuld pise tbe Kagmer on sunder footuu to ta arid by tte Engineer of Harbour and Jetta Mr Brown bad desired tte Uns should be dan Ml PAliMiSS thought it wirt te to do away wtb Uro term uf towaaoc art vote tbe butt turn ef aLUU aa salary Tte a'MMISf'li''iEK at PUBLIC WORKS (Hoa Hawker) poutted out teat bouse often fault for eng neore employed an prbbc work art immediately that duo tbe bouse aliowence ra struck aa If it wm foond Doeaary that the Hydroete Ragineer ahoato five at tte Waterwvrka yard a bouae would te built toe bin ther art lus bouts artwaoco wuuM a uewe be daacoDUnued Mr Mid tte ta Victon no taaition wm made cd attowancaa art te thought tt wool I tro wU to rot (te whois a rerant ta a direct manner a salary Tte item on passed Eevcoas frvraea A5W3 in wees ANU: derttse £74 1 Magill Burosid art Mitcham Rreervoir AlMO tacrese i3 Prt Augusta ItoeacrcHr fcl ifirrere gfatt 4a decreas AI7L Port Pm li era loir 41 increase Kapurs Reservoir Allv loireas £11 Al A ror ieeo I eeervoir AIM: tnerma 436 Quart! Kessmer ASS tamam A3S Paeaaa Purvey art Crown Bnrvsy £ff74 15 maeea A4 411 5: df CTree AL31U Tte OiMMlffBluKKR of CROWN LAND' (Hub Pls) ford) said the increase of a2 ui for provikiraal art temporary staff tar two acconn lants wm Mceoeitared tbe ttmeased work id the department Then ao increase of £1Y) wa proposed to tbe Deputy tturveyor Geoerai wbo bad tut yeero pest bate employed at a salary of £SBb This officer wm ooe of lhe tanfeu worked men in tbe department aad discharge! tin dutwa in an rirnerlmrtr ahi mannar The increase ted been placed on to Ksuouim tart rear and had been struck out ou tho under rtaodmg itet it was to te made ttusieseiou Tbeo an recreasecf £friu wm to te gtveototwo surveyors te iojed on the truiunometriirt euney in tbe ar 5ulb He would captain that feat year a prum ee given that there gentlemen should recc ve this addiuon on of the extreoirtv arduous nature of their dotia art the great bsrd ahrpe ttey had toeoderg The Government ted to procure Milled mea to go iter art it ptccssary to prouiue this focrease to got them to gu ooL There was on tocreree uf ALfrN lur team sters fart labourer as tbe sum voted tart year wu found to be foauSeienL Mr GAiLlS thought th Ceinmienrasr ef Ou a tends ted given a very cfaar etstanauon of these incnase With regard to Uie aLIiUjc to lb ealary ut the Deputy Burveior irtnoral te tbm gte thai gvntl man thorough drernad tt Mr PEAOA seta It tba: AJW wuto ta given to certain surveyors in Uu oC ntc eaai ealary promised in 1KH objected to tortraunt in which these items wn placed ett the hrtimatc te thought the House ahoold not ta a bed tovute toe items which it would not para last year addrtira to tte In tree to taeee c4iin eaanrs wbicfbe Coainurotooer desired them to peas was a bod prwoedeai a Minister could oom down each year an i ask tte House to vol amounts which bad prcrwusly refuseA Mr WE8T EteKINB raid tte exidraarton mad the other day by the OutamiaaratMt of Crown tend wa that three gentlemen were engaged a tat is the interior that to bare recalled I hast would have been to came great fora a te batt ordered them to remain where they were art said tee would eutanit too Btattor to PariiMrou He ted drM ao and te ihougbt tb CoaamiasiMMr mi takirg tte irepraaiUility of taepmg lb eurveyon i tb country had rated ngbuy Tte CKOW5 LASDB (Hua Plavfard) erad thre officer were aa toe Utnporery td provisional list art be had told them before they left the te would give them this iDoeao and if the Hoose did dm great it te would fear imund to give it out of hn iron ackeu Mr PaK mis inwred to atifi ou tbe reason hew uf increased salary peraure By don that they would meet the difficuiiy wiueh ted hem nusrai Mr PKAIXA'K mid that amoadflMttt wrald remuve his ebfecttoa IL words were struck out art tbe item SD euded wm passed Vainauoc £414 inex desrees 42i The CuMNIteRlONER of CROWN LANDS (HimlT riayfoed) sard te proposed te redone toe arsoont of th salary to tte Inspector art Valuator of land to At ML He did tbM because ot He reatgttauoo of Mr Braoey wbo ted been repelled io leave th tarns on aocrant at ill health That ntfoman had organired tli department and had performed tbe detwo dviivig upon hire in th osoat sataafaetory maonet Mr Born who ted ijeo Quat Uerk wtuH appotated a'd te propose 1 to give him a bonus cd AUu romprasaum fro petforretng tn ratdittou to hie own work Ml tfa cni duties when that gentleman wm for twelve nsembs' tea af Ho to reduce tte aary of tte Chief Cterk from A4A to AX' In to raret bn provtsxm wm miv ro tao additional rierfi but really only wan'd be required art wm ataolstoiy beroseary that sdditfotial clmcei asrtetanee aboukl ta allowed aj to art arrear Tbe btaj vataatMoa redreed to AMA were thre peed I'oonpenaari'wi to officers ret rng from the Civil Smc or deprived of offie aod payments to the repmentstlvm of deceesid officer A100K Pareed GraiH to Mr Bartley on retirement in reeocni im ot nwchdly vaJ iabfe Krnee tn coaa cuxi wiih the Rm: Protrour Ac AlO M) The ATTORNRY GENERAL (U a Bndeyfi in moving Uus Un usd it ought ti re itself to every hon memtar Mr Bartley wm a geotfeman who rendered great servieetotte Ata: When te we vppointed beM solicitor for the ariiut nk and fur iLe ail 4 Eoutb Aurtnli teraiea doing torn i ite protic ocuo to no in thecnlonv sr in lu cep'tafc be eppmntruent in lhe Real Pn rartj Ufficc te made greet pecuniary aecnfic bsrat at' cenveyancer and gave the puUic far inaicr sata'acitoci than auctthr lawyer would bar done io tte same positraa A') person ul I pcwMiJy have attsraisd move etnet'y or with res aidtuty art care to the dntes of bit otice th Mr Bartley did He had spent tte tart yrero of hi life emoecUee with tb Rael Pro rm offi art much valusbie service to ho entu try tn tha respecL tte tnrough am and taavofly te had bn otaqftj to retire This a meets vrry special eraauimtfon he had bten to sieai expense for Medical aUevlanc and had to kava an lovatid daughter and in aiditaoo to that te bad to pn a heavy premium on a policy icaunnee for a3iv1 which te had rffsrtod whrtot mfavrarabi eircumraro At present te was atertotely without Mitfietant mraoa to aeevhiiBaifnd his invalided deahwr Tbe Inrarsoca (tom peny had treated him rather btoralty and alto getter tte cveemsubcee of his cam were sorb that tlra srpiwtt ra was mad for an eiowsne tbe Gorerooi aL afwr living tbe matter eoreful cousoferaUoa 'hraxht that a fur dw hid ra mid ora Th wtl kik wn heal knowledge of Ranier had giera to tte puHie and to trta petsono wk branch land nndt tha ore ration ef the Rm' iorent Art great rof fl fence in it sdminirtra'ioo wm always ai fin prat art was arrand ne to find the email noralror 't titles thm were dis puted dnrtrg bis term of Never had ant rdfroet don nsoea aemoe to tte Rtai art on bn left wiUMnrt itMtoM hi oM am it wm to to bored ilitt th Hooa wrald agree to a epeoa' altowane iromg rd In bias Mr WEfr LRSK1NK eekrd whether Mr Hartley wovkt parti ipateta the rwtinrre allowance te well givra nrtrr krmoe A Tte ATTriRNEYJ NERAL (Hoa ft Ban fey) reptiral that te wnadd toot it weall treafMrat ter him to bro art keep bin daoghtre hewwie Mr HARE regretted that be eoald net Morewt this mix Mr Barley had praevka fj a nmter of yrar tafcro te waff aprtfcfed to the pn! meny uffieg Ho andouHed'y Crrer craanmr art had a high reMraticm seek bm could also ramemtae te had tea vary crate levy art te did a tt we tfOT fofW briatufied in rii tun Mr HARDT said that bo man tad devoted to time mor irtmaghly to the dattea af ta than tad tfr Bertey ntt reiJf wtxltt be wm fo Me'ih art stmgtk but shm te 141 taw bat teahk He bad waned harCaa rerrefr office tour bat every nieht in a hi Heat hmr) Th greet caereae wt foh tad aOMndod th adretataWMo of tte Keel Property Ac art the ecttipantivtfy fa tri takas tach bral teen mete ib th lam uasmtatuf applies one thrt tel pa through tao attest wm due to great rni se Mr Bartley's ability and eompy rthitat bad health art ttrongth He emerrtv have! onto all tte ettobmatanem ffiat tte Houm wooU gro: bin this eilovama Mr URSER add the Atterny Gnrt hafatad that Mr Bartley tad devoted rtebret yeare of bn Me to tte eervn at hi eeoMry ffv ahraif lite to know tav brag te tai besfl ta tte dvw art wfiai wm Mr Banter's as Ml fi te noM so I am Mr PKAOlM Whai: ttem hundred ftan (Lrt laughter) Mr Ukh ER eenrtdseod that ihs Hraw owAt to have soaw tafarmraoa ra ta potet whai raropveaatra Mr Barttoy voaM have arts tte AM apart from tbi proposal gro it Mr HARDT said te did not kn whs Mr Bartley's might be bm te knew he had srasted matt abty to work ta Beal iuperty AM i mou from its sdl Tte ATTGK5KY GKSEKAL (Hoa IL Bundey) sort tte aawoM Mr Bartley reseieed ander tte Act wm LI odd pound but the usteraM ra that say pr eaoL did art jneid anyttaag tike wtat wm enfftafaat fur bin to five on and pej th premiums on Ms ineorabc alttragk tte fatter mews ta almuod vat no argumste to ponrt Ha sated ttoe graat BuN grant ooro and few all Mr PIjUX K'fi awd hs wm very rrtodattt ta oppaae tte grant but would OMtrtofe do ao if ttee wm dinewa la tte pesmag tteoogfi ef taae iMronatm it had gtveo tam greet pfeoaure to bear tb vry wradrtal I sett id noy atra evevy officer tte Ord horae I wraM te a fesrtei day for ftaosfi AeetreNa wteo thou grattenwe roured brawn battered applicationraid ta mads io regard to eiwy ano ef them fu bora la addran ta te sum wbMtt tbe (ivtt tarvx Ac provided la this osa dowta effiriattt bad tam dam hg Mr Hartley in tte Inode Tiste Offira bm te tteoogM stat ssMtewao bad taco wdl paid far bts work art ttai ate roster litoral aUoseoo fine him ssta tte Cini flame Art a than biam Mr MAGAKRY art he itaregM tba a mMtar cd th kind ebouM te ihiinmitl io a full HooMM a separate nsnum sod paaaed thn urh in a burned way ohm maay tea momuere rebrata was sura they did BM espoet ti is gram wrald submued that eight Mtevue lbv would have raraiuot It would be lar bettor to rtnke oat the amuom ia tte aaeo ttim art let tte Government intrrtiK ta UM farm of a acoarau w4M ou anottaar ascaaao Mi (GullN wrald support th eran' hoteeias that Mr Bartley by bis ataa ehuaiietruMM of attain hi th Ifca ffooeerty Juruig ba tong tebure cd oft bd duoc valoabw aerviM a tho country and aboui 1 now in hi uld rtre lhe Spacial dremnstaoce fr taifo lvth A tonroi General ta allowed Una Uiaua flirf not think that any one erf hw eonatiUMou would find fault with him for voting with tte Government th mailer Ml i void it of toe great tanaortaoce ta te rushed through to th way (Hoar tear Il wrald te forming a very damsrum proodou art he felt Induded to proptreo that thio item atMrtd be potpened (Hobl boar) If it wm naled upon that a vote ho taken that nfobt he would opp the grant Wben he saw AM! tinadf vmod art oioorvod filial this aurt4 tarng wm foB on usereafang te thought it was huh time they ahoutd pause art consider well before ttey eoiDmuod themaeivw further They were ctmMaatly bordening tte Blate with these large greirts and allowance In Mr Hartle cum Im got nsriy ALA' ander tb Act art now it wm propose il to fire bits a grant rf 410W in addittan to tha urged upon tho Gowertunetrt to defer th item Tb TREASURER (Hra Mann) said te did am wiab to pm tte matter particularly that mate and uid move thai prrarres te reported PrrgreM wm reportci and the farther ronaidera tioo of the Estimates matte an Order of St Dav for Tuesday dciL ADJOURNMENT Tta House adjourned at sti minutes toll o'clock till Tuesday oU al 2 o'ctock PALR Morphslt etfoet Bridge Hili th rea fr the Treasurer Meear owIm and Hart aud tte Hoa Colton against Moesta Moody tandee RO and ttuke KXDICAX IXDIGESTIOY AND D1SPEBSIA Tbe THOV8ANDB who SUER ROM WIND and LATVLRNOB will Art epoodp rolferf by taking ow Ani idyspeptic Powders which are tally peeving the greatest beau ooot taferod to the Diijniplto achoto 1 and te ffd meh Prepared osdy by main DLSKXyfNG OHXMIBTt AMiAina Rotabliohod Eirtfeyrotaoot 1ML lee GKCNDT tUmgn aTwHE Have jus received a supply of RHEUMATIC KEMEDI Price te or post free te lor Cash with order IIOMfEOPATinC CHEMISTS 59 Kinidlc Mt Ouaxaa or OswiAa PiACm Ette COUGH WHILE YOU CAN! Take Bickford's Elixir You Cannot! 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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Views: 5716

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.