6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL · M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (2024)

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (1)

| SGA/WW2/1 #T\M /

6 £ C££ i.19 3?.C.S.

: JLNo.

SUBJECT.Secretary of State.







/ Falkland Isl. Force 23/9/42.Minute from D.A.A. & Q.M.G • 9


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6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (2)

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6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (4)


133/CR/E/158Aie honourable,The colonial Secretary.

O.C. , -defences South Georgia has asked authority to purchase material for hutting purposes, direct from ‘bouth America.

Would you please state if you have any objection.

Ch^ j or,

--) • xi • xi * M • G. ,Falkland 1s. 11 orce.

tanley, V 9/42.'3.

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (5)


u R G F N T .

122/CR/Z/158.Hie honour a ole,The Colonial Secretary.

Ref. the following telegram from 0.0., ^outh Georgia Defences

rtYour F 119 total expenditure (General F.I. from 0.0.Defences 3 Georgia) to date £3529. 3. 1.In addition -I believe fur-the* of approximately £1000.- was paid to Salvesen London in 1941 or 1942 but I have no particulars.


Secret­ariat or Treasury at Stanley could verify.Leith ^arbour at original position was carried out by Salvesen free of cost.,f

Installation of guns etc

Would you please state if the £1000.- mentioned has been paid.

%§y/■ i v ilia, j or , dc v^.Ll.G. ,

Falkland Is.Force.



6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (6)

fV (V.II.C.S.

Ref: red (1) no indication is given as to the quantity of "building materials required or from which country in South America it is to be obtained.

Ref: red (2) on 8th July. 1941 * the S. of S. in a telegram filed at red (131) in M.P. S/42/39 Part I, stated that if Governor concurred it was proposed to ask the Crown Agents to pay Salvesens £1000 in respect of mounting gun and building gun crews houses at King Edward Gove. At red (135) Governor suggested that Dependencies should meet the cost and sought approval for an item to be included in the Estimates (presumably 1942), and at red (137) S. of S. approved Governor’s proposal.No further correspondence appears on the subject, and I am advised by Treasury that up to the half-year ending 30th June, 1942, no charge appears in the Grown Agents’ accounts with this Government.



6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (7)


S/h2Z2B ?t. II. MINUTE.NO.

(It is requested that, in any refer­ence to this minute, the above Number and the date may be quoted.)

24th September, 19 42.

I). • Am. & $ToFrom

The Colonial Secretary* Fallcland Islands Force,

STAJILEY*Stanley, Falkland Islands.

Reference your two minutes 122/GR/2/158 of the 23rd September.Defences South Georgia spending

South American exchange on hutting materials on the assumption that he finds himself unable to obtain it from sterling sources and that the materials are absolutely essential.

. 2. The Secretary of State informed us in July 1941 that, subject to ah agreement, he would instruct the Crown .Agents to pay Messrs Salvesen £1000.provision in the 1942 Sstimates. corresponding payment had been made by the Crown .-Agents up to June, 1942 - the date of the latest accounts received.


\ There is no objection to O.C1. • ?

We cabled our ^Agreement without delay and said that we would male©This provision was made, but no

Colonial Secretary.

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (8)




Despatched: 24th. September

25th. September

Time :19 42. 21.50.

Time :19 42.Received: 10.30.

No. 143. Grateful if Grown Agents could be requested to pay to

Chr. Salvesen Leith sum of £232 11s. 7d. in settlement account

due to South Georgia company. Amount should be brought to account

under Head II Item No. 1.


6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (9)




19 42.29th* S ep t emb e r Time: 1 5 • 30 •Despatched:

. Time :19Received . • • • •

Request you v/ill pay to Chr. Salve sen and Company, Leith sum of £2p2. 11s. 7d.

in settlement of account due to South Georgia Company. Amount should be

charged to General Account of Colony*


G. T. C.

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (10)

7■)GA?aikland Is. 4833/1

Commun^^ons to be addressed [g to The Crown Agents for the I Colonies, 4, Millbank, London, \ S.W.I, and the above refer- \ ence quoted.


LONDON, S.W.I( Inland r "Crown Sowest London." (Overseas: "Crown London."

Telephone : Abbey 7730.Telegrams

23rd .September ,1942,

aoj&XSi r, t

I have the honour to refer to our formaladvice of the 1 1th feeember, 1940, furnishing e copy of a demand on the war Office for Lewis -am and -hfle Ammunition required in connection with the coast defences of

The ammunition was shippedLouth Georgia.by the Oar Office in -pril 1941 , and its cost, viz £17•6•4d., was paid and debited to our Falkland Islands account. Je havenow received from the War Office a claim for £l6.-s .3d. in respect of a further supply of ammunition from which it would appear that the supply has been duplicated, circ*mstances, we shall be glad to receive your c 0 nf i rma t i 0 n the. t the second c 0 n s i gnmen t

In the


nThe Ooloniai becretary,

ii'ALKLrdID IoL.hDo.

jkwGBpEn. 15O 101. -/2/42.

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (11)

Decode.% TELEGRAM.



19 2^3 # Time :Despatched: 13th. January 12.30.

19 Time :Received: 0*3 • o • o • 9*0 • •

Your letter September 23rd. Duplicate supply iieither

G/Falkland Islands 4882/1. ordered by this Government nor received.

Colonial Secretary.S.T.C.

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (12)

Specification of Material supplied to Gun at Leith

Harbour December 1941 - February 1942.:

@ ?d. @ lOd.

@ 6d.@ V-

@ 30/-

0. 2.11. 0.16. 8.0. 3. o. 0. 2. 0.3. o. o.1. 0. 0. 0.15- o. o. l. 6. 0. 2. 6. 0. 2. 0. o. 3. o. 0.10. 0.0. 7. o.

18. 2. 8.9- 3. 9. 0. 2. 0.1. 0. 0.4.10. 0. 0.16. 8.4. 0. 0.

13.16. 8.0. 5. 0.0. 16. 0.1. 2. 6. 0.12. 0.0. 2. 6. 0. 2. 6.0. 3. 0.5. 0. 0. 3- 5. 9.1. 7. 4.

£7 lbs. 20 "

6 dozen 2 pairs 2 "

WasteTowAss. Wooden Screws Iron Hinges lJ?" Galv. Hinges l8n

-do-Ass. Iron Nuts


14" n1 n6 dozen

" Washers, 3 lbs. @ 6d.it ii4 ti

Coupling lJ>JI Ass. Niples BendUnion 2^Jt

-do- 2"

1 only3 M

11111 111

1 11

34 only

5 lbs.

Corrugated Iron Sheets1088 lbs. @ 4d. II

@ 9d. @ 1/-

Iron Sheet No. 18 60 lbs.@ 4d.Galv. Iron Sheets 180 " @ 6d.

@ 4d.Port Glasses with frames @ §1 Cement @ Ad.

@ 1/-

Nails for same 11

Washers for same n21 only c 115

50 lbs. 4 only

6640 lbs.

Ass. Nails 11



5 " itGrease Glycerin PaintPaint Brushes PuttyAluminium Paint Brass Polish Iron Sheets (for target frame) Iron (for bolts)

" (for ring)

1 gallon2 "2 only 5 lbs.1 tin

@ 11/3 @ 6/- @ 6d.


11 1112 only

I3I2 kilos @ 6d. @ 4d.


si 11 it


@ 4d. @ 3<i*@ 3d.

@ 3d. @ l^d. @ Id. @ 2-^d.

120 feet 245 "150 "

85 " 300 " 900 " 180 "

1 only

65 feet 80 »

100 "28 "90 "

240 "1 only

7" x 3"6" x 2"6" x 2^'

6" x 2"6" x 1"4" x 3/4" 4" x 2" Door

n 2. 0. 0. 3. 1. 3*1.17. 6.



11 i. 3.1.17. 6.3.15. 0.1.17. 6.1.15. 0.

1. 1. 8. 1. 0. 0.1. 0.10. 0.15. 2. 1.17. 6.3. 0. 0.1.15. o.





7.1/2" x 2.3/4" 6" x 2.1/2"6" X l£"5" X 5"All Y 411

32JI X 2"Door

@ 4d. @ 3d. @ 2id. @ 6|d. @ 5^. @ 3d.






£ 90. 9. 1.

E. & 0. E.

Leith Harbour, I9/9-I942.

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (13)


The Magistrate,

South Georgia*19th* September 1942.

ToExpenses incurred shifting Gun

December 1941 - February 1942*:1G41 working hrs.Material according to specification

Use of W/C "Gun 6" and motorboat

@ 2/6 £ 130. 2* 6. 90. 9J 1*

12* 0* 0*i»


£ 232.ll. 7.

E* <§c 0. E•



6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (14)


8/42.S.G. No C.S. No..............

24th September,2q42.ToFrom


Stanley.South Georgia.

' With reference to my telegram I\To 143 of the 24th of

September,1942, I have the honour to transmit for the information

of the Financial Secretary a copy of the relevant account giving

details of the several charges.





0>\. \



■ U*" v

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (15)


For u^in CypheMBr Coding Office only.


Intercept Group.Originators Instructions: (Indication of Priority, A ID AC, NOTWT For Exercise).


NOIC Port Stanley. South Georgia.

Following for SALVESBIT Leith Fro;. SnhVESBT South Georgia 32.011IS:-

"Shined 8th July 1 ton extracted ip.eat meal via Pesca* s nment Curacao,

Intend trying to replace Lnurensen* s crew fro:: Falkland Islands if you agree. Hansen"


1620210 0 9 0



uHon. Colonial Secretary.

Forwarded for information.

‘£^ayfesster Lf5R.N.V.mTime of Receipt inCypher or Coding

Office.Book or Table to be used for Initials of Cypherer

or Coder. Date.Recyphering or Recoding.Cyphering or Coding.

(5/374.) Wt. 30557/D5886. 100m port*. 10/39. B. & S. Lid. 51-5092.

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (16)


For usi®li

Cypher or Coding Office only.


Intercept Group.[Originators Instructions: (Indication of Priority, AID AC, NOTWT For Exercise).



Secret Defence telegram 17th Llarch 1942 from O.C. South. General Falkland Is.

Owing extreme shortage labour manager Leith lias nowGeorgia to O.G. Troops

made application for members of gun crew (except LAURENSEN) who are on full time

military duty and whose wages are paid oy 3ALVSSEN to he released permanently

If request is granted and continuous watch is toto carry out work on station .

he maintained it will he necessary toreplc.ce crew fren Stanley which I consider

In such event I suggest if possible 1 serjeantmore s - tisfactory arrangement .

2 corporals and 9 other ranks Including cook, Laurensen continuing as battery

commander as formerly

Time of Receipt in Cypher or Coding

Office.Book or Table to be used for Initials of Cypherer

or Coder. Date.Recyphering or Recoding.Cyphering or Coding.

2/40. B. & s. Ltd. 51-G17C.(5/530) Wt 44492/DG364. 200.M pads.

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (17)

.ISWt. 36005, D 8704 500M PaW.,_12/41. J. 13. ft G>. Lt«t51 -1822.

• NAVAL MESSAGE. /Reused ber, 1935.S. 1320S^i*c>

3AUG. 1943 £For use in Signal

Department only

X ■

■ Codress/PlaindressOriginators Instructions : (Indication of Priority,

„ Intercept Group, etc.)No. of Groups :


CL.,, f.:/.c-F jp.iri \■ rr.. > (/• .■ j yj.\.


5F.:J :■/. o-'F.(_v... . ,.;C voi:„ 'VvO

10D-y rvh --’•Q

15fro t\ $

20: ^inta&nedhofor



Captainii / ;'<■ ■>

f - - w' - — .. 5


35 ;

Falkland Xalanas,n 40 ;

1# 45i i

50T' *?/£ Code'or Cypher DateP.O.O. w.Time of

i Receipt | DespatchOperatorSystem

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (18)



THE WAR OFFICE,Hotel Victoria, Northumberland Av.,


Ref: 15/Repts ./8792 (M.G.O.F.(R))

1943.5th June,Gentlemen,

With reference to your letter No. G/Falkland Is.4852/1 dated the 29th April, 1943 and to previous correspondence on the subject of small arms ammunition despatched to the Falkland Islands,I am directed to state that this matter has been further investigated and the position appears to be as follows.

In august, 1940, information was received from the Ministry of Food that a vessel was sailing for South Georgia and suggesting that the Local Defence Force would probably have expended, in training, the ammunition supplied with the arms which has been issued on loan and that a further supply should be sent in this vessel as sailings were infrequent. 2,000 rounds of S.A.A. were accordingly despatched in the s.s. "SOUTHERN EXPRESS" which sailed in October,1940 and duly arrived and off-loaded at its destination. A copy of the S.A. and D. Note in connection with this shipment is attached together with a copy of Longtown Issue Voucher No. 326 which refers.

Subsequently a covering requisition was received for this ammunition but this was treated as a fresh demand and a further 2 boxes (2,000 rounds) were despatched from Corsham in the s.s. "LYNTON GRANGE" which sailed in April 1941* This vessel duly arrived and off-loaded. Issue Voucher C.33771 (Repayment Voucher No. 291) refers to this shipment which was made on F.S.O. CA/52/41.

There would appear to be no doubt that two consignments of this ammunition were sent, that they duly arrived in the Colony and that they were retained there. I am, therefore, to request you to be good enough to ask the Government of the Falkland Islands to confirm (a) that they did not, in fact, take over both consignments although it has been established that both were shipped and off loaded and (b) that they received one consignment only from one of the above-mentioned ships and to say which one.

I am, Gentlemen,Your obedient servant,



6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (19)

G/Falkland Is. 4852/1

WnMvXttn*<?Communications to be addressed to The Crown Agents for the I Colonies, A, Millbank, London, \ S.W.I, and the above refer- \ ence quoted.

jargon 9 * v 4, MILLBANK,

LONDON, S.W.I.Inland : "Crown Sowkst London." Overseas: "Crown. London."Telegrams j 17th June, 1943.Telephone : Ahuky 7730


with reference to our letter of the September, 1942 and your telegraohic

reply of 13th January, 1943, I have the -honour to enclose a copy of a further letter which we have received from the Under Secretary of State, War Office, regarding the supply of Lewis Gun and Rifle ammunition under the above requisition and we shall be glad to receive your confirmation of the points raised in the final paragraph thereof.

In the event of your confirming that both consignments were received and taken over by the Falkland Islands Government, presume it will be in order for us to pay the war Office for the duolicate supply.

I have the honour to be,Sir,

Your obedient servant,


for Grownr Agent^.

The Colonial Secretary, Falkland Islands.

J2,^_ FCWOlUI. -/10/42 I£n la.


6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (20)

k V0.-/6. (Outside). (Revised—March. 1929.)



Date of Reporting.

Mode of Conveyance/ I No.I Receipt J


Voucher (Date---------------------------+ To be filled in by Receiving Officer,

Cash Voucher orl 0. 87a No. j!- J-t'/f oDate-

Issued by....r;C£:le^....£;a..^ ....at....

the following articles.A dmiralty

A.S. CLAIM•Haute X.J. 29-10-42*

Date..2!~.r£«4£.D*A.‘ * Dejjbt

ISSUE ORDERAdmiraltyAuthority .... Z'a..A5

No.........198b /I9a*.

No..l. Date

QuantityLedgerFolio Description of Stores Per Rate Amount

RS £ s. d.

rL y>r, A, ■„ C ? 1:1 r-

7 V i iv?. -,g .OffgTAg cordite PC IQS___jy' c.y.


Tt. 7 <yp Q„ V



--------------------U&*.,r 'i *5Tv A

'O —-JC



■ffhoy trope orlgtestHy----igguccl o ye A1 :t c on -fehe-

nfci o;i'3cl vouo^»3?a-4--------------

0 T.tp G i K-.O C *I_

fr &8~59— TV-V-ga9/i3.1g»3{ >-BLVX.35^



Ii3rfJ5?S-dsted- lB-ll-39—IW:t 93^T£~12-39-.

■Tp;'9^/9-4-4t)------- e-«4»ee-.

Total or Forward ... £

Issued. 193 .

Received. 193 .(Signature and Rank). (Date).

Sheets.......Sta. 23/29. Sta. 10/30. f926) Wt .108110/8574 760 pads 1/32 S.E.R. Ltd. up. 602.

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (21)

Ref*No. FO 66.R.N. Armament Depot,

Falkland Islands.lst. 1943.

The Resident Magistrate,

South Georgia.

Naval Armament 'tores on loan to South Georgia.With reference to iay letter FO 65 dated 24th July 1941

the attached form 0.44 is forwarded. It is requested that the

original may he completed and returned as soon as possible.Stores which have been expended since 31et. March 1942 should

be especially indicated.Also attached are forms 0.16 for stores expended up to

It is requested that the original and tri­plicate copies be receipted and returned to me.

The stores shown as received on 6th December 1940 as

indicated on form o 44 for the period ending 31st March 1942

were paid for by the Crown Agents for the Colonies in A.S. Claim 2043/40/41, the quantities differing as under s

31st "arch 1942.

Shown as received. Supplied.Shell 4" 43 42Boxes P 13 15 14Cases wood packing for ‘Pubes

Boxes Tube T 1

2 Nil.Nil. 1.

Officer in Charge Armament Supply.

'Pile Colonial Secretary, Falkland Islands.

Forwarded for your Information.

Officer in Charge Armament Supply.

\ l * i*r4 j '

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (22)


Hon* Colonial Secretary,From

m.p.S/42/39 II.Crown Agents for the Colonies*To

Despatched : 19 43. Time :30th SeptemberReceived : 19 Time :• • • • • • 9 •

Your le 'tor G/Palkland Islands 4852/1 of I7th June,

this Government both consignments now confirmed*

for duplicate supply.

Receipt by

Please effect payment

Colonial Secretary.

G.T.C .

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (23)



From Officer* Cornrnanding, 11 _*i .. a ; 3 n<3 :o c or*eo..L

//"> nT> _ jy -p,To "tO.C.t.B. . /./

19 • Time :Despatched : '-i- j. ,00

/19 Time :Received :

X - "I to Colonial


i-'ir0ti X ''An. X-T •- *.*>> . (l •> oX Oii<*s <■1 yi Cot: - tilr\ 1/r-fen ■ is

ot U 1 actedcr no" yon? 1

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: uitro

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (24)

Wt. 36005/D 8794. 500M P«k 12 41. J.D.&Co. Ltd. 51-1822.

NAVAL MESSAGE.S. U. b. December, 1935.rFor use in

Signal Department


J.Originators Instructions : (Indication of Priority, Intercept Group, etc.)

Codress/Plaindress No. of Groups :

TO : FROM :>011 th. ieor T - • 8 0,0 o

* * * * ■ «

Across____ ._ 5

ro;.: y - y • — »10

15■ _

slrcc Oi: l . :jKV :c-» j OU i' vj-v/&r;l. y ■ - o ..-jortuiii': 20Hat .T v - • j UO OiJ.li.jL0 Oi

>~J.... • :v ___ r_

Hi •ivn'xjrs and 'cities oi25- yi ___.

:/ OUlG a. - rceu.to ol* ••or.-ic r.l-D: vi/ tor 50to - la t a 111

' • • '■ 3m...... 3 ... . vc ‘era*55

■, 1 a ■ ... 40



. 50System P/L Code or Cypher Time of Operator P.O.O.W. DateReceipt Despatch

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (25)

▼16. (Outside). (l?evfted—March. 1929.) * laSS ~X uA f E -9<r\Z]


' REPAYMENT VOUCHER FORM-(Outside Sheet).1-4-43



Date of Reporting

Mode of Conveyance+ Receipt

VoucherlDate_____________fTo be filled in by Receiving Officer.

[No___1IssueV0UCherlDate_l=A-!&L Cash Voucher or)

O. 87a No. J

Issued by„S£f.l.e92?...ln ..ghar,Tp AfBteasent Supply

.....Easldcnt Marti strato. South fleoygla.

at.Falkland. Islands...

to. the following articles.A dmiralty

A.S. CLAIM....1.3.Q.AI9&5/19&4.

D.A.S. Minute II 29-10-42.Date. ^.l.-..7-4S

DepotISSUE ORDERAdmiralty

Authority }••••t/O—-L-r-C v.....No.tX/ > hr $ & j h-r' No..... 1....... Date...1»*4«43


QuantityDescription of Stores Per Rate AmountS R £ s. d.

Cartvldroci Ih A, 4” EX. g,un filled

--7 lb 14os* ipfir^q #orcUho ft ft IQ-? t? 6'16

She,ll&..4ft Heavy T!,F.._____VIII_filIed Lyddite & fused No, 45


____- -4! ? -‘-n. o~.yy V T T T 1 ryi r r- ri H T17 r <i |_______

------^bea—yeafe-pe-you&e-lnte- -r^—------------ .Ca^frrt cLgaA-dalll.. vi-I- <1-?r 7 Ih llnv.___-Lutl

5 12


11*2 | /* /

-—26----------> A ! // JO

SOlbs - ii


-------- BMH





(£4-12-; J9—

rv__v 969 Oh-19-:s&__-£<:•; 2523 fluted 15-11-50 IS—X-

XV.VI955, (12=12* S9__IV-MX 910, (12-12*53.—

XXXV—53/ )-4-40.--------

— XQ-25gQ_ ..dptafl Ifl-ll-SQ



r I

Y6 S4 ZTotal xsrr tK.. £UI til

Issued. ■m .

Received.(Date).'(Signature and Rank).

Sheets.......Sta. 23/29. Sta. 10/30.

T O “.... .1025) Wt .198 llu/8574 760 pads 1/32. S.E.R. Ltd. up. 602.

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (26)

O.—87a.'(Revisdc^fpni, 1937.) FINANCIAL YEAR,Naval Armament

Supply Department Claim No.


^^Enclosure No. > -Quarter endedDO'r i19\ -*-J!


'V/l /' Uy,i4-'& S ^ DEPOT.

^ jsLdi/i/ , f 14*

'*'1'- ■'SjS.s^Ayfolf . - ; / ' i~'j- ,' ^i/

\j ‘ / I / ^ 4r !■ v / **** ^»»


iin Abstract of

1Supplies Form 0. 87.


I ** lifr .35 f/'\ 'Q'ld&i-'Ci -i/frio^f *Charges against

(Here state Vote, Department, Govern­ment, or person chargeable.)

Authority:— siS.J.sL ,1/y '// '

*>' s

Description of Service and Reference to Requisition or Indent No. TOTAL

Issues Returns Net

£ s. d.£ s. d. £ ; s. d.d. £ s. d.£ i s.Work Done : —(No Sub-Voucher's required)

V 3■ V

Supplies (ns per vouchers attached) :— Voucher No. Date.

Y& ///: z% fU i/* r’ r j

■TOTAL M yy 3 $q i % #„. :• rv L.r;!LiU<

f *Signature of Officer Supplying.Counter-Signature of heal Officer of Dept., or

representative of Dominion Government or person supplied.40212/06445 10m/2/39 Wt & Sons Ltd 463c*/<31359/672

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (27)

P/G-. 0/Falk* Is.l.

AM nications to be addressed [£ to the Crown Agents for the g°Colonies, 4, Millbank, London, S.W'I, and the above refer­ence quoted.


Inland, “Crown Sowest London.” Overseas: “Crown London."Telegrams^

Telephone: Audev 7730 31st August, 1945


I have the honour to inform you that we have received a claim from the Admiralty, the supporting vouchers to which are enclosed, for the sum of £77.3s.5d. in respect of Ammunition supplied*

We shall he glad to learn whether we may pay the claim from Falkland Islands funds.

I have the honour to he, Sir,

Your obedient servant,

for Crown Agents.

1fThe Colonial Secretary,

Falkland Islands.


6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (28)

3/1*2/39 Pt. II.


26th November, 45*


With reference to your letter P/G. o/Falk. Is, 1 of

the 31 at of August, 1945* I hove the honour to inform you that

the Admiralty claim for ,077* 3$. 5d. in respect of ammunition

supplied to South Georgia may be paid and debited in 'the

Colony’s General. Account*

I have the honour to be,Gentlemen,

Your obedient servant,

(Sgdoli-W Aldridge

for Colonial Secretary*?he Crown Agents for the Colonies

Up Millbank, ‘We attains ter, LONDON, S. Yu 1.

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (29)

Form 0*16 (Outside) (substitute)



1.4.43.Date of reporting -

\ NO. 1 Receipt| NO. Vouch ery Date.

M ode of C on ve y an c eI s sue Voucher,) Date. 1.4.43.


ti ic foil or in g articles.to resii :: m jistratb, gout- Georgia.

Admiralty^ D.A.S.Kinute II 29.10.42. Author! ty j to F.I. FO 35 Date.


NO. 1 Da tel/4/ 43 !T0. 11943/1944.

21.7.42. ISSUE ORDER

" jant 1 ty Kat c AmountDESCRIPTIONCartridge 13.L.4n IX Gur. filled

7 lb 14oz ‘10 drms cordite 3C 103 Shells B.L. or Q.F.4M Heavy H.E*

I filled Lyddite N fuzed


V _u J.ITT T

12?:0. 45PProjectiles Practice B.L.or d

4" Heavy VIII weighted II.E.S. Tubes Ven t Pe rev s s :l on. r3 ” 11 Cartridges Drill B»L.4H71b.lloz. Luting C ommon IV


2lbs. o

The above stores have been expended. They were originally issued on loan from Crombie on the und e r.er.tioned vo\i ch e rs : -

IV 1319/14-12-39

IV V 969/12-12-39

IV VI 953/17-12-3?

IV VI 910/12-12-39

IV TV 58/9-4-40.

10 2523 dated 15.11.39.

• • * »• t

10 2579 dated 16.11.39.

10 94/9-4-40


194Re cei ve d • • • «

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (30)


R.N .Armament Depot,

Falkland Islands.

1st April, 1945.Hie Resident Magistrate,

Soiltli Georgia.


With reference to my letter NO 65 dated 24th July, 1941, the

It is requested that the originala ta ched f orm 0.44 Is f orwarderi,

nay be completed and returned as soon, as possible,

have been ex .ended since 51ot March, 1942 should be especially

Stores which


Also attached are forms 0.16 for stores expended up to 31stIt Is requested that the original and triplicate copies1942.March,

be receipted ana returned to me.

1940 a s indica tedThe stores shown as received on 6th December,

on form 0.44 for the period ending 31st March, 1042 were paid for by

the Crown Agents for ihc Colonics in a.S.Claim 2043/40/41, the

quantities differing as under

Supplied.Shown as rece 1 ve :.

Shell 4" 48 42

15Boxes P 15 14

Cases Wood Packing for Tubes 2 NIL

Boxes Tube T 1 ]TIL


Office r~ in-Charge-of, arramen t Su p ply.

The Colonial Secretary, Falkland Is1ands.

Forv/a rued for your inf ormt i on

• F) * t. LLOfficer-in-Ch&rhe-of,

A rrr.amen t Sup piy.1st April. 1943.

Copy- 1/5. 8.1.45.


6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (31)

Kef ' o U/3

H." .Ar; at Dppot, Fa 1 k 1 and Is lar. d s

x^xxxxxxxamx17-11-45Tht Accident .a istrate,

youth ’cor \ia.

L0id‘ /vC" ou:rT

7c: p many t.1 an} a for .. ur d. 2/4 4 date 9t3 Janu&3 / urd 10t: ; arch 1945, and for the copies of Foi l's 5. -4 etc attached;.

. ivn regard to your list of stores not includes In th< loan ac c oun t, I i * that they were not is a <:•;on 1 oar: fro?.: the nor-iraltyj tut tuve sent a copy o; the list to iidi.-.lral ty for cor. fir- at Ion. The two Cleaners Pi a saba ho 15 wore paid for 1,;; the F.I. 3ovt: It is not known here I.x the 40 Gases Cai triage were issued under aidrvi.rals instructions, on loan. The latter- iter: has been Induced on the loan list for the period 51-5-4’ to 51-3-45

;• orris 0.44 for- ncr iod 51-5-4 4 to 51-3-45 are forwarded. It is requested that the or i i..d r:ay be cor.-.oletcc ane returned to no. 5tores which have be. n e>* oenoed dvr in • this perioc should he especially indicated.

Issue Voucher Fores 0.16 ’ os 11 :?1 o\' in • :• t or e s c7. non red dur In 51-3-45 and 31-5-45 to 31-3/4 f 01 v. a:: c f '. It is r 0 qu este d th a t hr 1 c or I, •; i n a 1 and tr 1 olicat o c o pics a y L ■ r o eeipted and re tv r n c t o m e.

42 eai.ee 17-11-45 the. periods 31-3-42 to1 e s pec t i ve ly ar e a 1; o

0.0 • ^ •

Copy to fnc Colonial Secretary for Iocl 1 records.

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (32)

O. 44. (Revised—June, 1941.)Date 1st April 1945No........ 1


MINING STORES, LOAN ACCOUNT... /apply., I'&lkland IsxandsFrom Officer in Char pc of

Re sidon t -da pis tr ate , Louth. loop pi a *Hereunder is a list of Admiralty (Vote 9) stores held on loan from this Department, and it is requested

that you will be good enough to certify that the quantities shewn as in your possession on 31st March last are correct.


If any of the stores shewn are no longer required, will you please indicate same in your reply and arrange for them to be returned to this Department as soon as practicable.

M¥-Officer in Charge of .-rx.amen.fc...Supply.Ledger I

No. and


Remaining in hand

iIn hand on Since


suppliedDescription of Storesi 31/3/ 4531/3' 44

I• r\ ..... Ui:

Section II (A) or nane e A P b\y •.. I . Pb ; -

Gau tos sir :U-:or protru a ion i;o‘"o

Ordnanc o Dolts axis pivot roller

pevmvt&l ■ -.0- IOO.-. : tXX &' Hi k P*JB♦ lx | II

Collars actuating extractor .boxes-slide.

■- ‘ •Levero extractor- boxes .....cl ide F. • .J 0

;cn: perci Loi Ixx; p*.....I-ItX-

Fine axle extractor boxesah ;, ; ...o

Pipe Lxi .. lock? >er • 11> , V. , >■- ip ‘ : . p

: V, $u%& rilj.es aiming in Llswick a and

‘SIB1*" Bo- m: ::


L* « •



1 x


........2.......2 ... -M--- .

Pr 1T>n- ' 3 PD


(con tinue overleaf if'iiecessany:;....0...

Certified that the stores detailed hereon were in possession on 31st March last, and

* are still required for the service for which supplied.* the items ticked V will be returned on

* Strike out as necessary.

Sta. 9/39.(352) 59478 W1.58184/P.8800 12,000 3/44 T.B.JT.Ltd.K. Gp. 38

Date.........O. 44.

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (33)

Remaii^g in hancr



returnedIn hand onNo. Description of Stores »

andFolio 31/3/ 4531/3/

^.T.l ...

1:: r cto.. - \ « /

•■->. • ©* ' l;

2 £p •&

«...x..1 ijl- .•'• j i 2 \ .v>



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6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (34)



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6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (35)



l- CO: cu 2-:;c

In bteiC t. . -•.; G c- .)I VV(7 i

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6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (36)

? CiPKi^S0-^4r\Ref No B/3

R.N.Armament Depot,

Falkland IslandsThe Officer Commanding Defences and Magistrate

South Georgia. 19 th January 1945

Many thanks for your S.G. No S/2/44 dated 9th January 1945. and for the Forms 0.44 for period 31/3/42 to 31/3/43 and period 31/3/43 to 31/3/44 ' ’ *

The Forms 0.44 are solely for recording transactions ol items 11 on loan”. In this connection there is a probability that some of the items shewn as being in hand on 31/3/42 may be part of a consignment received^at South Georgia on 6/12/40, which were paid for by the Crown Agents for the Colonies,and, in consequence, should not be included in Forms 0.44.

To verify the above it would be greatly appreciated therefore if you would forward copies of Forms 0.44, showing transactions prior to the above mentioned periods.

I am contacting C.0. F.I.F. Depot regarding source of supply of items received in February and December ° 1943.

Officer in Charge of Armament Supply.

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (37)

. ... ;l10 ..0''WC • 1945., JiO£ l ■ '

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ujornth ..u amry It4b

SOU’, . 't OL -In

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (38)


O' (devise* ,-pril 1-00)

-7 ^ '. <. ' ‘ h 70:0?. > *? H'D r:i; 7 i ' . 00 O ' r7» 9

toy: Officer In Cin.rj; o' out Hhlunci I cl:*nc;s

"o . os id* rt * *.. . I s t r ..tc, _ ov tl i c o:

o 1 Pate - let pi-11 1040fi

cycvncL: 1s a list oi free: t 1: •c-part::.cnt, to ccrlii; i ut t: c v.c.; * It loo s t\.i ere:: last c con cct.

iffialty ; * otc •j}It 1c rcel-e. ted tin., t yoi: will

s in your

. tore: hole on loanbe poet ciouph.

i-icafon on 31stv>*. J".


an; oi the stoi es shewn ere r.o -i c i ..• «c eni .c


1 re :Vil .1-'. yom i ly, . an an t

practice .lc.

'..ill t.;; t o ce

- _ onV- - 9

: l Is ■ >al toe t . • •

( r f / ... hell.

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. eel' )n 7 r p ;a* Cv

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:triber> . : pie-

ir e: rotn 1 q 7 t •• ni..

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■ re soloT v

1 Ivo t >1 er.t ’ ;loe c 1 y '.

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!•• vex-a e; tractor nn;_ 7 jIs X-.,.:; p©3 ct Bslc . ; , .f;

11X• * •

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Hr.:. or ti <i; tor bore a ..Hue1** ^

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:e. cn. i.xi-r-'-

9° > J J1

a • o u o."::.r> ,tC.:t: rower .

fli ■ at holler

7-.a ore a a Hue

pivot loe he per ex,::T i

0 *■' n> J >

!:• ‘ . - T P- > - t

{ mtimm( arc etc

on co tinaction) 1 £ 2 )o.

Certified)# that the a tor us u eta li­on 31st "arch last, and are still required si" lied

hereon v.ere in r.\ .oases ion fox- the service for which


(s -cl) .I. ievict .;t: 1.1.: y

t- jor.ate at

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (39)

333..outh - -oorplc. 0. 4 ‘'1 C op t In:c. t' on :e c t o

pulklund I o 1 ics - or.

0^4 4 . O l/l — ‘1— '1

.. ir c < ret' me

1 emuIning In hand on


In dne on


description oi ^ tores


i .L (■ on h ore tc. Inin ' o 6

01 . C*, ,pr in n cutcP hr cccr

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ooscrew s c.-tch. red in in

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229- , - ■",V9?'-9

, per in -s t: 1 v*cr sear,

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J.-J - i v. ... (: .’cct 1: tube o o i enci.t o oi e t cchunisi.

. r-crehe.. hre-. ch . ch-risr. reach* s breech .* eehu: lor

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Cbturu tollshrhnunc t


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6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (40)

0.4-: ::o 1/1-4-44South <eor laFa 1.: 1and -siands

For:.; 0.4 i Continuation S* tot Fo 2

Re:;:a *.r in - in hanci on

In handL>e s c r 1 ot i on o f 2 t or c sS Inc c

31/3/43 su ol lec.Since

rc tr.v • c 31/3/4on


SIDE .iR «> etc (Conti.)Jed - >jeetiie B.L. :

■*i• r • 4H IV ears cleaner olasaea :.o 13 ?

La. ai 1ir in > 16 Mk IS indies hea cleaner, n

IIStaves on Fo 58 Staves inte: mediate . ,L.t. Fo 4M ' o 3

Sta vc f: Ir tcri e d late 4” Fo 4


2 oJL4 4

• rtarid 4 22 2

4 4-• .a •

o 2j

±av ;pc.onsOUV stave *“>. Ill

r.ITIC: etc Scction I (C) Ca.Id a .

FILLED C(d-i>;iT .,.LCw 13

• J. ■ 0 ». * J ’V. /. o O 2

. j .-- k

• o

Cartri es .. . 4'• filled 7 lb 14 or, 10 ur cordite o.C. 103 Lot 8. . C . 2330 rot i. . .C. 1230

237 2 2 6

Section I S' -LL. >, 3 s 01 ••d VS.

. L. 02 i. F» 4” bea v . Fk VIII filled lyddite


fuzed 4.' P 278 278Projcctiles practicc.

. 4” he< •. k VIII weld;tec .

- - l . or.•

. i o.

PR I" .P.S etc•ai; ii: ......

ube vent percussion .5M II 237 802

Section 711(a) FISC. S 7a...i. ■

h rtri i 11 ..... ‘V7 lb II oz 12 12

Section h :V P'i'Fe. s cases

‘ o 3 ' V I ho 3 hk II

.. or c s pr* o ;* c c t i 1 e 4 Case c oov.de*r r cc tan . r.la]•

*0" Fk IIICas c s v; o c -. pa c h 1 n ; ;• for tu b e s Case 3 \ ■ ood pac ] c iny

raC Vs. hn ? etc powder rect:

. ■

5 33 3

■ ^ P 12 104 104

20 201 15 2

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (41)

0. v: (uc ised - April COP’:'

• ■ ' • * L a If tl- h T, rrj. o’ ■ : !’.do, A i) • i:; 3 • obORKb, LOii:- ACCO*." T.

H i - Ji. - Of icer In Chur ye o

- Resident ha .Titrate,

Late lot /»pril 45.

/a i-albl^nc Islanas.i-O b on ti ;• ieor yiu.

o. 1

eieunacr i, a list of t': Is Do oar truer t,

to certify th ■ arc- last

■Irult; (Vote and it is requester

at the q U a* it It 1 C: s s1-i stor s held or- loan f you will b€

- X v

11 Oi + ’at )c food enou In you.i possession on 31stev.n

are coi : ec t.

If anyflease inficate returned to t;.is Department

o t : c o t or e r sl. e \. n same in ;• r r roof ■

-re no lor: yer required. will yoi an-., a: j un m ; ox 4 : cy. to l';C

as soon C.5 saaraAfcl* practicable. >

(3 d) . bn ella

Officer In Char ■c o. ...i■ ica.* ent :.r rryf

-e ci i oti > o; Stores Iti ban on

Since Su 5 )lie

S bee r.cir.aInin - re turret: in hand

31/5/'t:•:!/ 3/ s 2

OKI; >f a K

oOC L. I 0? I i \ ,!* )i ee, j - ten c~. Cl.

Is, -au es ctrl .ci o 3

Ore me.'remolts a>.is oivot roller sercusslo loc] j v ;••P. .Collar-a r tv a t in cr. ti ac t or bores :1b

Le vc i- e co Lractor bor cs slie•

13:. fie — r otnclor



1111i 1.-

0 1 1

0 iLoc 1: o rev r • lor V Irorx III?

IV 2Pin* - b b ac t >3 . e, 1 id

TT 0 p 2Pins Jflri 3 o u ercuj I S, ‘, Pa , Pi , PC, PD, b V and ri.ics a.i in? l"El si icb and o# t"-• over I

Pins ston lores slide ;Roller.- Pivot aoebo oorcuesioi

* I r?;r,Ixr, III, lx . I '.

r. Lb

Of t 4 4 8(14-2-43)

0 p o> f

2 2

Cel t:! t ier td. t t! c. . tores detailed hereon ware on 31 at . c*reh last, anu arc •bleb supplied.

in r-y cos session still requlr- ci for service foi

; a. I. ritv-ret, ajor

mate L;3rd Deee> ;boi It45


6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (42)

(&t>-o i/i- : balblanb Tsi--no:;- 3 out;. .'cor la Continuation sheet0. M

Sincereturnee in hard on

, esc* lotion of Stores In ?:ar"J 3 Inc e si ■ ' >1 Led

Herain In -or:


. (continued)0! * a 2'3 pi in is c.. tch r o ta in in r


Lit ecli sc rev; ao 7 3 r: i • ir: - s c a tch r t a in In ** V 7 3 tut c, 1 03 ; llde . , .

3 pi- in y 3 or i


7 0*uidc bolt loci: 1 o 1

s r. a in loci; oer cu scion 8/ , Pa, P *, PC, PD • PE

3pi in l tr *. - i• seal- loci•:eereus £ L , PA, PI , PC,

Pi) . Pi.


2 n

2 2

2 o


S 2 n ithdruwi:rboxes s 1 Me 1

1 oc 1: 111, oo

loo, peren v

•cercus. ion

linerleal... j. ctric

fri tie loc :s III

22" :


p; ii•' insea i c i ci: e e ion

or— Xo21 ocre

Ola . allCl:. Cleaners vent Drift:' vrer.ch c s breed.

ix )o : -■:pe* v• X-f •4o 2V IV

oclinr tube o 3 7 I)v: cl c. ir.:■ 1 o

2c22• 12Po 55

l o 562

Section J.I ( ) Ore nance ,.V. 17 ” to rJ : -

Or-7 r. an comi;e5771 1 /7• o: ti.rXLbhX VII, .Discs a a jus tin-* obturator

Obturators OrdnanceVII, VIII IX- Xxxx L XI/ ... . ?S, 7 laps.

oxfee obturator II l ej l Id iess ; turat w

4 • 7 ** I-IX* n *

:.7-17mu * 21- ?4474II

4nry If I-i7 j »


2oool tuj at n . -i.

Pax ies •reesobturator OrananceVII, VIII, I’-IX:

... odiee

1a'.V• J..1 a

I Xu amos. 4076 .. 2755j

c.ci'u": 1 s: s 7 IX-IX:n;. ;un;no(Pen

ofor percussion fir in ■ only C o vc t : cl in c pi ar. c !b: IX-IXr: / urns 1 •: II v let. shot 7- I (v.orn)

3pi in catch retaininy . .lever 3 r ir. s fir 7r •; pirn, per Cases rood naebin fitt ed for

; ;cchav' l arcs Section IV U; TOOLS O'b; .. C

low lir.it.L. ■ *1. . 4Tf ' 7 II

S'CCi : 07 IV (n) SID ad etc:- ana oilers tube vent iio 2

; .ru she s rain er and s non a .L. 4” puns Chador o 2

Caps soon, o - o 7 Cases cartrie o o 57


1112oI *.

4 A

a n 1 1

bii/es olu • bomfor P.C. 1 1

4 /

4 AA 4


6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (43)

% 0« 44 o 1/1 -Fa 1'. I an a 1 s 1 an d a. OXT.i 0

o on -:h Feor la •: O;t inva i 1 or* 1 -e; t . o 2A

In ha-Hi on


Since retr:ned

Fc a in in >-aescr!. rtion of Store3in 1 • • • ■ oi


etc cor.tci.Slab7;; e c t o :• s pr o j e c t i 1 u

... . 4" F : IVcleanei el^ea-a

12 5(14/2/43)ease

0 1 ■- k I Lanyards Firin 3 inn lee k e a ■:

2o 13 kk I

cleaner 4.7”4 /:

• • f'

4" r t 1 i

o2o ■Stave & eric S t a ve s in t e inn e a i - t e . L. - ) 2 2 4

(14/2/43)- II ' O 3Staves intea - te ,L.

rr *1


* fl 22o 4W •

peons . .L.V. 11 ':OUt stave ' k 111

/?rt• •o


. ■ ■ ■ .- T r — 'j V -L i -L 1 JSection I (C) C-itri FILLED CORDI'.:Car trie! ~e fille. 7 lk 14 oz 10 eras cordite ....C.Lot K C 2330 Lot FT C 2230

Section I’ S;Shelia . i

.K.fuzed -o 43P

Pro jee tiles ::-uC t Ice 4" heavy VI

etc : -C; s

: c:Io-.. 13.3”: - 4“ Ik IX run

• M

• Li •

or 7t-r f2941

21 . C ?13: - ... 4” heavy

1 VI Cl filled ayadit


or *,-

2722 IF-1-. or

-».• *1v c i ■ ■ te 2i

Section V •PFkk. FlS e 2c : - Tubes vert pc

section VII (ii)Car trie, cdr 111 . .

7 lb 11 oz Section I . Ill'' PaC a ' 3 etc

Key* ease 0 ©a recta : -3 3 k ::

.0 3 ik 117 c 3 pr o jcc tile ? 15 ( 4" > Case- s oov. f' c; j r e c ta: y' 1 ar

”0” • k IIICases rood pad:in for t*ub< 3 Cases wood padv'n


2:57M 273k : I 31 0:W S

cuseIonI, C . '.a 2.11

. 4"

• i





6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (44)


IR.N.Armament Depot,

Falkland Islands.

1st April, 1943.Tlic Resident Magistrate,

South Georgia.


With reforence to verj letter FO G5 dated 24th July, 1941, the

Tt is requested that the originala r,tu ched forra 0.44 is f orwarded.

may be completed and returned as soon, as possible.

}'avo been e>/ended since 31st March, 1942 should be especially

Stores which


Also attached are forms 0.1C for stores expended up to 31 stIt 5c requested that the original and triplicate copies1942,Fa rci i,

be receipted and returned to me.

The stores shown as received on 6th December, 1940 as Indicated

on fom 0.44 for the period ending 31st March, 1942 were, paid for by

the Crown Agents for the Colonies in .wS. Claim 2043/40/41, the

quantities differing as under :-

Shown as receivea. gun-lied.

Shell 4" 42 42*Boxes P 13 15 14

Cases Wood Packing for Tubes 2 :ttl

Boxes Tube T 1 1IT IL


0 f fice >' -in-Cha rge-of, .-k rr anen t Su p ply •

The Colonial Secretary, Falkland Islands.

Forv/a rde d i' or y our inf orm11 on

* R*ELLOff!ce r-in-Charhe-of,

Arm amen t Supply.1st April. 1943.

Copy- B/b. 8.1.45.

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (45)

Form 0.16 (Outside) (substitute)



1.4.43.Date of reporting -

\ NO. 1 Receipt| NO. Voucher; Data.

Mode of ConveyanceIssue Voucherj Date. 1.4.43.


the following articles.to HESIWfiT ... iISTRATE, BOUT: GEORGIA,

Admiralty^ D. A Authovitj j to F.I.


ADMIRALTY.S.Minute II 29.10.42.Date. 21.7.42. A • 3 • C LAI. •

NO. 1 1943/1944.

FO 65

Rate Amount*""DESCRIPTIONCartridge 13.11.4° IX Gun filled

7 lb 14oz .10 drms cordite 3C 103 Shells B.L. or Q.F.4" Heavy E.E.

I filled Lyddite k fuzed



i*. iV • ITT T v J. J.

12NO. 45PProjectiles Practice B.L.or Q.F.

4" Heavy VIII weighted H.E.S. Tubes Vent Percussion. 511 II Cartridges Drill B. L. 4,f71b. lloz . Luting Common IV



The above stores have been expended. They were originally issued on loan from Crombie on the und e rmen t i one d vou ch e rs : -

IV 1319/14-12-39

IV V 969/12-12-39

IV VI 953/17-12-30

IV VI 910/12-12-39


10 2523 dated 15.11.39.

# •

• i 9 9• •

10 2579 dated 16.11.39.

10 94/9-4-40 IV I"

194___Issued194Re ce i ve d • * ■ •


6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (46)

R.U. Armament Depot,

Stanley, F.I.

November 28th,1945.

The Honourable,The Colonial Secretary,


Attached are some of the correspondence relating to armament Stores on loan to South Georgia.

Perhaps you would like to addto your file.

0. C. A. S.


—■ s "A i0 ^

. ■

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL· M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (47)


Army Form G1023.*

RETURN OP ARTICLES, the property of the War Office, held on "LONG" loan (as defined in the Regulations for Army Ordnance Services, Parti), by TheGovernor & C. in C. Falkland Islands from the Royal Army Ordnance

under authority B M 9/4953/231. 3. 1946.

Corps at Didcot

31st March, 1946.

1st April, Since1945. Received ReturnedCat.

No* Designation

NilNil 9090Helmets Steel Mk. II2Nil2 NilCases Wood Packing

d/14.7.40.Issued on IVa/5059

C. S. 0.10 Jun 44

0. Wc. CONTROL 10 Apr 1946


(SGD) ?

for Commandant, Didcot.

I acknowledge that the numbers or quantities of articles shown in the last column of this return were in my possession on 31/3/46.

The Commandant.(Sgd.) L. W. ALDRIDGESignedCentral Ordnance Depot,

Didcot, Barks.7

6 C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. JL · M | SGA/WW2/1 #T\ 6 £ C££ i. C.S. 19 3?. No.: JL Secretary of State. SUBJECT. 19 39. SOUTH GEORGIA DEFENCES. 9th October. QUESTION OF INSTALLING SOME - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Author: Duncan Muller

Last Updated:

Views: 6568

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Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.